republican party establishment being dissatisfied with all of the republican candidates. and that s manifested in part by the republican establishments tv network falling ostentatiously in and out of love with each successive bubble candidacy. fox news channel loved the idea of a donald trump candidacy this year. you could not get him off that network. then that was over. fox news channel loved the idea of rick perry entering the race. then that was over. fox news channel loved the idea of herman cain surging to the top. you could not get herman cain off the fox news channel. then he managed to end that in a messy fashion. maybe even more so because it should be said that fox news has never really seemed to like newt gingrich all that much. and they really seem to hate the current iowa front runner, ron paul. ron paul is not going to be elected president. he s not. he has a very strong core of fanatical believers, but they do not represent the mainstream of america.
and that s manifested in part by the republican establishments tv network falling ostentatiously in and out of love with each successive bubble candidacy. fox news channel loved the idea of a donald trump candidacy this year. you could not get him off that network. then that was over. fox news channel loved the idea of rick perry entering the race. then that was over. fox news channel loved the idea of herman cain surging to the top. you could not get herman cain off the fox news channel. then he managed to end that in a messy fashion. maybe even more so because it should be said that fox news has never really seemed to like newt gingrich all that much. and they really seem to hate the current iowa front runner, ron paul. ron paul is not going to be elected president. he s not.
the republican candidates. and that s manifested in part by the republican establishments tv network falling ostentatiously in and out of love with each successive bubble candidacy. fox news channel loved the idea of a donald trump candidacy this year. you could not get him off that network. then that was over. fox news channel loved the idea of rick perry entering the race. then that was over. fox news channel loved the idea of herman cain surging to the top. you could not get herman cain off the fox news channel. then he managed to end that in a messy fashion. maybe even more so because it should be said that fox news has never really seemed to like newt gingrich all that much. and they really seem to hate the current iowa front runner, ron paul. ron paul is not going to be