Meet the beloved former college coach tasked with staging the Australian Open in a pandemic
Chuck Culpepper, The Washington Post
Feb. 6, 2021
Craig Tiley coached Illinois tennis to a title in 2003.(Illinois athletics
Do spare a kind thought for that peculiar being, the tennis tournament director. In normal times, he walks around inundated but unacknowledged. Thousands fill grandstands without comprehending his existence.
Well, in pandemic times in Australia, which treats the coronavirus seriously, he walks around inundated piled atop inundated, a cascading inundation. His public remarks lure interest far wider than accustomed. He speaks of health officials and the premier of the state of Victoria. He sleeps in brief bursts if at all, which does sound familiar in the case of Craig Tiley, the Australian Open director whose three-country CV shines with this curious distinction: