what time of the day or what day of the week i went to the white house, there was andrea, looking for a story. and that sums up how you get to be a great reporter. congratulations, my friend. and i hope that crazy al will have a special dinner for you, planned for this evening. i m sure he s home in the kitchen right now preparing it. cooking away. thank you so much, tom brokaw. and as i guess woody allen said, half of life is just showing up. so we ve shown up. but with this wonderful team. i can t tell you what it means to me, the colleagues and friends, teammates at nbc news, from the very top, all the way through, around the world. thank you, chris cillizza, my friend, and that does it for us, for this edition of andrea mitchell reports. my colleague, my friend, tamron hall has a look at what s next on news nation. take it away, tamron. andrea, hang on. one, two, three congratulations, andrea!
he s not even at the top. i d like to acknowledge earlier this evening there was confusion with the seating chart, for a moment someone accidentally shot governor chris christie with the republicans, that was awkward and i apologize. speaking of tables before dinner, i had a chance to mingle and told my account for al jazeera for $500 million. they ll buy anything. but it is an absolute joy to be here at the white house correspondents dinner. last year brokaw criticized this event for having too many superstars and a-list celebrities. when i said i ll be attending this year, he said, that s more like it. that shouldn t be funny to you. this is really a star-studded event. this year you ve taken it to new
gutfeld, go. i agree with him. i blame drones, too. drones like him. he is a drone. he cannot pronounce the letter l and he cannot pronounce muslim terror. he suffers from islamophobia-phobia, he is compared to be perceived as scared to be perceived as a bigot to prevent him placing blame. drones did not exist before 9/11, they were commissioned afterwards and didn t exist before 93 world trade center. i took him to task, brokaw earlier in week. i wrote this column in the new york post new york post. i am not going to beat up on brokaw. i had visions of you trolling the upper west side with a baseball bat looking for him. no, no. we want him to put on a program. he declined. i have to hand this one, because this is a serious one. this is my pinhead of the wee week. caesar chavez high school in
all right. gutfeld, go. i agree with him. i blame drones, too. drones like him. he is a drone. he cannot pronounce the letter l and he cannot pronounce muslim terror. he suffers from islamophobia-phobia, he is compared to be perceived as scared to be perceived as a bigot to prevent him placing blame. drones did not exist before 9/11, they were commissioned afterwards and didn t exist before 93 world trade center. i took him to task, brokaw earlier in week. i wrote this column in the new york post new york post. i am not going to beat up on brokaw. i had visions of you trolling the upper west side with a baseball bat looking for him. no, no. we want him to put on a program. he declined. i have to hand this one, because this is a serious one. this is my pinhead of the wee week. caesar chavez high school in
gutfeld, go. i agree with him. i blame drones, too. drones like him. he is a drone. he cannot pronounce the letter l and he cannot pronounce muslim terror. he suffers from islamophobia-phobia, he is compared to be perceived as scared to be perceived as a bigot to prevent him placing blame. drones did not exist before 9/11, they were commissioned afterwards and didn t exist before 93 world trade center. i took him to task, brokaw earlier in week. i wrote this column in the new york post new york post. i am not going to beat up on brokaw. i had visions of you trolling the upper west side with a baseball bat looking for him. no, no. we want him to put on a program. he declined. i have to hand this one, because this is a serious one. this is my pinhead of th week. caesar chavez high school in