they all said, in the words of one, this was gross. this wason disgusting by the president. another said it she like the president going in and saying, hey, that kid, he failed his buds class, the dive challenge in buds class. i m going to give him a s.e.a.l. pin anyway because his dad is well connected or his defense lawyer has reached out to me or they pressed some political button, and i m going to go m and determine the professional standards for the s.e.a.l. community. it really undermines the military. it really esundermines the profession of arms, and i think you re going to hear a lot more about this,ng brian. as we were reminds as recently as last night s broadcast,la chain of command h existed for so long for a reason. our chanthanks for starting off broadcast onks this tuesday nig. coming up as we continue, how muche foreign business is rudy giuliani doing? we added up the countries. there are a lot of them. and later, minutes before they press publish, we get an