The Student Government Association offers grants every semester to provide students, organizations and departments with funds to travel, hold educational events on campus or for other departmental needs. The deadline to apply for grants this semester is April 14.
Travel grant applications must be submitted at least seven weeks prior to travel. Organizational and departmental applications must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event or project date. Those interested in applying for a grant must first schedule an informational meeting with SGA’s graduate assistant Julie Perise to learn about the process.
“Depending on the grant that they would like to apply for, we go over the rules and the procedures involved with that grant so that they will be informed as they submit their materials that they need to apply. I give them the information that they need to have so that they can do that properly,” Perise said.
In honor of the 51st Black History Month, students and faculty at the university are invited to participate in an artistic exhibit of African American Culture.
The exhibition will be held on Feb. 24 in Student Union rooms 2202, 2203, 2204, 2207 and 2208.
According to Brendan Daigle, SGA coordinator, “Attendees can expect to see visual and performing art created by African Americans and/or with African American culture as the subject matter. There will also be a speaker presenting on the topic.”
Multicultural and International Student Affairs Programming Specialist Kourtni Harris came up with the idea to host the exhibit. She described why she decided to make it a reality.