t. not everything he did was perfect, but they had issues in china and all kinds of things they did wrong, but i think that company is going to go down as one of our most important. and amazon, jeff bezos is amazing. that s another conversation. kara, thank you so much for coming in. it s always great talking to recode s kara swisher. we thank her so much. and this sunday, make sure you check kara s discussion with salesforce s ceo. revolution: salesforce changing the world. it premieres this sunday at ten o clock p.m. eastern only on msnbc. that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. stephanie? thanks so much, joe. good morning, everyone. i m stephanie ruhle and i am starting with moving fast, breaking things, and new shocking revelations from the new york times about just how badly facebook bungled the response to russian meddling. not only did they fail to act while mark zuckerberg was on a public apology tour.