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Indoor Growing for Everyone | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Microgreens are also very easy to grow indoors. You can get variety seed packets of microgreens anywhere they sell seeds or on line. You can reuse a plastic salad container or seed flat to use as a pot. Just add potting soil, sprinkle the seeds down as instructed on the seed packet, tamp down gently, lightly cover with more soil, water, place in a sunny window and you will have microgreens in 14-21 days. Photo by Pixabay/coloboque Wheat grass is another great edible. I put it on salads. You can also juice it. Wheat grass is a great alkalizer. Today’s diet is so acidic. Basically anything we eat besides leafy greens and some other vegetables are acidic. Your body’s blood pH must stay between 7.35 to 7.45; anything above 7.0 is alkaline. Wheat grass helps balance your pH. Wheat grass is also a purifier of the blood. There are wheat grass growing kits too. Or you can use an old salad tub that you fill with potting soil and grow them right in the salad tub or seedling flat.


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