good morning, everyone. i m don lemon live in memphis, tennessee, where in just moments we re going to speak with the parents of tyre nichols. you heard there the police chief of memphis talking about what she saw on that videotape, what we re going to see a little bit later on this evening, 6:00 central time, 7:00 after 6:00 central, after 7:00 eastern time, when that video is released. the police chief saying what she saw doesn t really explain why tyre nichols was stopped in the first place and it speaks to just how horrific this videotape is, saying that it is reminiscent, if not worse than what we saw with rodney king. take a listen. can we talk about the nature of the stop? why what was the nature? why was he stopped? i m going to be honest with you about the stop itself. what was said is that there was a witnessing of what was considered reckless driving. we ve looked at cameras, we ve looked at cameras, and even if something occurred prior to this stop, we v
is back home now with his family. so speaking of that officer, i m joined now by the attorney for desmond mills jr., blake ballen. blake, thank you so much for joining us. i really appreciate it. the police chief in an interview just a short while ago said that there is no evidence to substantiate the claim of reckless driving. they haven t found any evidence in video or otherwise. right. what s your reaction to that? that proof is in the pugd. . i need to see it. i haven t seen the video we re all waiting to see. i haven t seen anything about the stop from a defense standpoint. this is the beginning stages of things and we are looking forward to seeing what what evi they have. the officers had a duty of care, it was said by the police chief that they did not follow the memphis police department s guidelines for duty of care, this he did not render care, obviously there is also the kidnapping charge as well. how do you respond to that? well, specifically focused on