The 17th season of Bigg Boss has determined its top five contestants, consisting of Ankita Lokhande, Munawar Faruqui, Mannara Chopra, Abhishek Kumar, and Arun Mahshetty, following the recent elimination of Vicky Jain. The eviction occurred on Tuesday night when the housemates gathered in the activity area to learn about their fate in the competition. Vicky Jain was the participant shown the exit door during this crucial stage of the reality show. Bigg Boss 17 Top 5 Finalists: Ankita Lokhande, Munawar Faruqui, Mannara Chopra, Abhishek Kumar and Arun Mahshetty Battle for the Trophy!.
Mumbai: The much-talked-about contestant Vicky Jain bid farewell to Bigg Boss 17 in the latest episode. His journey came to an end during the finale week.
Mumbai: The most-awaited Bigg Boss 17 finale is just around the corner, scheduled for January 28. The anticipation is high as the makers are striving to
New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss 17' evicted contestant Ayesha Khan has denied slandering co-housemate Munawar Faruqui's image on national television after sharing