stars are wildly paid well. upwards of 2 million a year for the best ones. tons of money for that stuff. on my book tour, you probably saw the same, either right before me or right after me, the stores were preparing for the big youtube star. what does he do? he talks. then he is in a book. he has a deal. it s because of youtube. i meant him being the loser. he is a loser. does he get money for this? he would get ads. sg the latest balloon boy. another inflated story. why do you think clock boy was a fraud? it was a hoax. he was trying to look like he was iรง don t know that he was setting up an environment as a victim. you don t think this was a kid who had a science experiment no. it was an experiment. i also think it was a legitimate his father claimed to be the president-elect of afghanistan.