The shooters at the Chiefs’ parade share the same worldview as the women marching for the right to slaughter babies in the womb. They’re tapped into the wrong power source.
Dear Reader, this is not short, but I would ask you to take your precious time, which I respect, and read to the end and think deeply with me about […]
Wait. Stop. This is not a medical article. I am not weighing in on pediatric medicine. I am not joining the ongoing “pandemic arguing cycle.” But please read on. Here’s […]
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Yes. One of the most well-known concepts of our Christian faith is this, “Walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) But have you stopped lately to ponder what this really means? I recently preached a sermon on this and I’ll share some thoughts from that sermon with you here.
Let’s start with the second part, “Not by sight.” Why do we Christians not walk by sight? Just for the sake of a simple outline, I’ll use each letter in “S-I-G-H-T” to bring out some important concepts.
Why do we not walk by sight?