16. července 2021 | 06:00
Ačkoliv se v průběhu let ve vesmírných výpravách objevují i ženy astronautky, v popředí stáli často spíše jejich kolegové opačného pohlaví. Vše se ale může změnit díky testování nové teorie týkající se první lidské výpravy na Mars. Ta totiž přišla s názorem, že pro odlet a pobyt na rudé planetě by se možná nejlépe hodil čistě ženský tým.
HI-SEAS, výzkumný a simulační komplex pro lety do vesmíru umístěný na havajské hoře Mauna Loa, nedávno tuto teorii testoval v rámci měsíční simulované mise na Mars, která byla složená z šesti různorodých žen. V čele této simulace stála
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A low-budget sci-fi movie from 1968 begins with this ominous broadcast from alien invaders headed for Earth: “Mars needs women!”
The best and brightest scientists from Planet Earth are currently working on making that trip in the other direction. In the process, they re testing a theory that women could be the most efficient option for colonizing the Red Planet.
HI-SEAS, the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation complex, recently concluded a one-month all-female mission simulation to examine how such a crew would handle life where only Mars Rovers have gone before. Located about 8,200 feet above sea level on the Big Island’s Mauna Loa mountain range, the HI-SEAS habitat is a 1,200-square-feet dome perched on the land’s Martian-like geology of rocks and lava. It has already served as the site of multiple long-term (four months to a year) simulated missions for NASA and a variety of private research groups.
Duhawk Digest | Beth Mund (’96) Talks Life on “Mars” Posted
Beth Mund (’96) shares her experience as an analog astronaut and what it was like to spend one month in a volcano in Hawaii while simulating a Mars mission. She also reflects on her experience at Loras and how it played a critical role in preparing her for her career focused on space. She also hints at breaking news as a new experience looms on the horizon…
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