The verge of energy independence, whats going to happen to saudi arabia and what sort of impact are they going to have on the rest of the arab world . Saudi arabia has made it clear that in general with the exception of syria they are against what is going on in the arab world. They dont see this as a historical transformational process. They see this as an arab inferno, a revolutionary process that is going to really ruin the arab world, etc. And they see the world, i think, in terms of two prisms, if you will; a sunnishiite prism and a status quo change prism. And these are not always, you know, converging. And so in most of the arab world, they see it in terms of status quo versus change, and they have attempted to do so, to slow down the process if not reverse it altogether through basically financial means. Theyve done so in their own country, theyve done so in the gulf, theyre doing so with egypt where basically, now, theyve poured billions with of dollars not towards necessarily