Arihia Latham explores future visions that look back to stories of the past. The whakataukī ‘Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua: look back and reflect so we can move forward’ is an anthem for this time in our lives. A time when we are imagining a future where we are asked to stay home and utilise what we already have. After lockdown last year I threw a party themed ‘Utopian Future’. We all needed to dream a good dream. As we were knocked back to levels 2 and 3 this week there’s some medicine from the What if the City Was a Theatre? programme and Urban Dream Brokerage, a major group show Prophetic Visions in a vacant space. Utopian dreamer Dilohana Lekamge has pulled an impressive artist crew together to share their prophetic visions: Bepen Bhana, Ayesha Green, Sione Monu, Kahurangiariki Smith, Ashleigh Taupaki, Kalisolaite ‘Uhila, Christopher Ulutupu, Aliyah Winter, Dilwin Santos and Rafael/a Luna-Pizano.