Here, we will be looking into some of the best surge protectors available in the market today. It will protect your elctronic devices from voltage spikes.
short-term decisions that have long-term ramifications and that s kind of how i operate. i m not a big one looking at three-year, five-year financial plans. i think you want to be very focused on the present to succeeding in business. do you find yourself constantly on the move? here now are five tech gadgets that will keep your travel lightweight and efficient courtesy of organize all your tangled wires, gadgets and miscellaneous charges while protecting your tablet. two, brookstone virtual keyboard retails for a little under $200. it will project a keyboard on to flat surface and uses a blue tooth to connect to your tablet or smartphone. the belkin mini surge protector dual usb charger.
to charge something, you daisy chain them altogether. put them in. put them in your little pocket cell. and it s the same thing. you have to put it in the right direction of course. that helps. turn it on. there you go. you re powering. a good shelf life? just a little while to charge the whole thing up and you can charge two smartphones on this one charge. that s a huge people are fighting over the one outlet or one cord. quick price? $79 with the cable. so fighting over outlets. you get to the hotel. nothing worse than a lack of outlets in a hotel room. this should save you a lot of stress. throw this in your bag. it s a belkin mini surge protector. it gives you two extra usb so you don t have to have those converters. everyone can charge their devices. don t forget to pack it when you leave. that makes a hotel room so much more accommodating. perfect, perfect. another thing about a hotel. not every hotel is fully wifi
micro, mini usb and apple port. so everything you need. so you basically turn on your bag by pressing a button in the front and you can plug in the iphone. plug in the iphone and you are charging. you can be walking through the airport charging your iphone. your clothes in there, knickknacks and the whole time it s charged up. what s great about this bag, it s a sling. you can put it on one shoulder, the other shoulder. switch it from side to side. everybody likes to lean a different way. pretty good shelf life on that battery? absolutely. easy to charge. $139. comes in messenger style, backpack style. very cool. this is the same kind of concept. not as fashionable. the secret sauce here is this magic cable. apple connector, micro usb, mini usb. you choose whichever one you need.