different photographers working. stephanie got a job in government, environmental planning department. they raised their three young children. awesome children. the best. how about a smile? and life for the bruner family was it was fantastic. we traveled. we vacationed. but it was in her spare moments and hours that stephanie was truly transformed, a ball room dancer. dancing was probably to her what photography is to me. my guest star, bill. it was her passion, said her old friend, bill. he knows flamenco. stephanie loved to dance. dancing was her life. she was alive when she danced. hardly surprising stephanie and jennifer were close, too. we started a ball room dancing at my studio. she had me doing back flips with but it was dance that led off the whole cascade of trouble.
and i didn t feel any pain. i had no idea what was what had happened. and then i sat up, and i try he said we ve got to get out of here or something like that. and i sat up and tried to move and i said oh, my gosh, my foot, there s something wrong with my foot and he lifted up my leg and we just lost it. i don t want this to be the end. i m only 32. i don t want this to be the end. so whether it s, you know, running the marathon or walking the marathon or crawling the marathon and being the last one across, i m okay with that. i didn t say i d win it. but i am defiant, and i want i want to come out stronger. so great to see her smile and see her laugh. haslet-davis has never run a marathon before. but she says at one point in her life, she wasn t a ball room dancer either. can t wait to see her in this marathon soon. to find out how you can help those affected by the boston bombings go to our impact your world page online at
adam has been making fun of me. you are not a runner. i am not a runner at all. i wasn t a ball room dancer at one point in my life either so i m going to do it. yeah. i hope to be on the finish line watching you. you should run with me. we will conquer dance lessons. little by little. you get me dancing and running. if i get me running i will be amazed. are you angry? yeah. i m angry. i m not angry 100% of the time but i am angry. i think when someone tries to stop you from doing something or something happens in your life where it s not exactly what you expected you have to conquer that and you have to find the better side of it.