and when he is looking for companies to invest in, he is also interested in how they intend to affect the planet. the whole mission of atomico is to support founders, game changing founders using technology to go out and replace legacy businesses with new ways of doing things. and potentially build great businesses, and by doing that, building sustainable businesses that are, for example, replacing eating meat by lab produced meat, building electrical aeroplanes or indoor farming. but we also, we are encouraging founders to do that. but we realise also that we need to walk the talk, and we need to lead by example, by looking after our own house, literally. you founded skype, which is the type of technology that is now allowing people to work from home orfrom anywhere. it might be tempting to think you would be all for closing offices anyway? we created skype because of necessity,
it s a quiet day here at atomico house where spencer and i are exploring its green credentials. 0n the surface what is going on in this building can seem pretty low tech. there are windows to open if you get hot, there are lights that can be turned on because there aren t actually sensors on them. and in each room is one of these dials. the temperature is set to what it needs to be to be carbon neutral. so you only turn it down or up if you really, really need to. plus there is something interesting going on with the walls. in the meeting rooms there is a phase change material where they are exposed and that will absorb heat into the material, and then when it is not occupied it will dissipate that heat back into the room. sensors all around the building are collecting masses of data and that is all being collated into one place. to make sure that the building is really doing the job that it is meant to be. creating graphs like on energy use, temperature and c02
explain a lot about the real world us, compared to that of ten year predictions that decisions were based on. but what really makes this setup different? a really good example is light, because people s eyes work out, we can work at a huge variety of lighting levels, and therefore when a light is commissioned to a high level which uses much more energy, we don t necessarily notice it. it seems a bit brighter because our eye adjust, and actually you can turn, tune those lights down to a much lower level, where you can still do everything just as effectively, in fact it may even be more pleasant, but using significantly less energy. this building s evolution and ethos has been born out of different kind of success. yeah, and this is probably a good time to meet a man behind the building, and a whole lot more. niklas zennstrom co founded skype, and atomico is his tech focused adventure capital firm.
atomico house where spencer and i are exploring its green credentials. 0n the surface what is going on in this building can seem pretty low tech. there are windows open if you get hot, there are lights that can be turned on because they are not sensors on them. and each room has one of these dials. the temperature is set to what it needs to be to be carbon neutral. so you only turnit be carbon neutral. so you only turn it down or up if you really, really need to. thus there is something interesting going on with the walls. in the meetin: going on with the walls. in the meeting rooms going on with the walls. in the meeting rooms there - going on with the walls. in the meeting rooms there is - going on with the walls. in the meeting rooms there is a - going on with the walls. in the l meeting rooms there is a phase change material where they are exposed and that will absorb heat into the material, and then when it is not occupied it will dissipate that heat back into the room. into th
then. we powered by body heat. goodbye then- we are powered by body heat. goodbye then. we are in powered by body heat. goodbye then. we are in the powered by body heat. goodbye then. we are in the midst - powered by body heat. goodbye then. we are in the midst of - powered by body heat. goodbye then. we are in the midst of an | then. we are in the midst of an energy crisis. and office buildings are notoriously power hungry beasts. plus, in the post covid world, there is often fewer people actually using them. often fewer people actually using them- often fewer people actually using them. the great thing about smart using them. the great thing about smart buildings - using them. the great thing about smart buildings is - using them. the great thing | about smart buildings is they can have energy efficiency built in from the ground up. literally. but how about all of those existing buildings, the ones that are climate controlled but not climate minded? controlled but not clim