Family Dollar has agreed to a $41.675 million lawsuit in connection to a rodent-infested warehouse that shut down hundreds of stores across the south and led to recalls across multiple states.
carry pos pulsing |d the st way warehouse, pulsing blue lights it? included! 7 ’ 7 warehouse, pulsing blue lights it? included! it’ ’ 7 warehouse, pulsing blue lights 5?t included! it really ’ t warehouse, pulsing blue lights 5?t included! it really has ’ t are not included! it really has been a wild ride this year! l ésa5:§?t5 plenty of challenges there are plenty of challenges ahead for all of us, so i don t think it is wise to make any predictions at the moment. but think it is wise to make any predictioi whatever1oment. but think it is wise to make any predictioi whatever happens, ut i m sure, whatever happens, some entrepreneur somewhere will have an answer for it! and i m afraid that if it from the expo 2022. it is so good to be back. i keep on saying it, keep on being thank you for on being true. thank you for watching, see you soon. hello.