one-hour long phone call yesterday. white house officials telling nbc news that topics including syria, in addition to ukraine, iran and afghanistan. trump discussed it with reporters just yesterday. take a listen. we had a great call with president putin. we re talking about peace in syria, very important. we re talking about north korea. we had a call that lasted almost an hour and a half. we just put out a release on the call. but we re talking very strongly about putting peace to syria. we re talking very strongly about north korea and ukraine. and it calls for the meeting with assad in sochi on monday. officials say secretary of state rex tillerson was also on the call and spoke to nikki haley s assessment from last week regarding russia s relationship and involvement in syria. i mean, we ve all seen that picture where he s hugging bashar al assad, where president putin is that.
the white house. one of the main focuses of their talks was the future of syria and supporting the u.n.-led geneva process to peacefully resolve the syrian civil war. president trump spoke about the call moments ago. we had a great call with president putin. we are talking about peace in syria. very important. we are talking about north korea. we had a call that lasted almost an hour and a half. we just put out a release on the call. but we re talking very strongly about bringing peace to syria. we are talking very strongly about north korea and ukraine. i want to break this down with my old friend bobby gouache, the former editor in chief with the hindu stan times. one of the smartest guys i know on these things. let s put aside that some people believe that trump is too colonel conciliatory with vladimir putin. vladimir putin met with assad in