abortion is not nor was not ever a constitutional right. it s up to the states and the people to decide what protections to give the prebornk leftists who now make up the squad want abortion any time anywhere, including babiesn. who are already born. i but that s not going to happen. yeah.ec the other aspect oft it today is i was watching he was engaging in fear tactics, scare tactics, saying no other enumerated rights, same sex a marriage and contraception are now at risk. no., if you read the alitoni opinion and i doubton you ll read it if he read it, he didn t comprehend it, which is not a surprise. alito specifically said these other rights are not at risk. they are different rights that they find their protections elsewhere in the constitution. so this was just, you know,
0 about ite line that s for us tonight. sorry, biden joked our friend j jarocin for sean tonight. have the best night with the ones you love.te w i ll see you monday. at. welcome everyone to this special edition of hannity . i m right here i show tonight.em top democrats and their friendsc in the liberal media all butid begging president biden to do something, anything on a variety of key issues in response today, the white house signed a rather useless executive order on abortion rights that does little to nothingab, just another political stunt from a white house that is trulyen incompete. in every way. what else would you expect fromo a president who struggles with basic task s like, you know, walking and talking even with the assistance of a teleprompter? watch this. itit is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the menge who do so end of quote, repeated line women are notar without electo