What I Learned My First Full Year As a School Crossing Guard
In the latter part of 2019, I took a chance and I applied with the Owensboro Police Department to see if I could land a job as a school crossing guard. I know you think why? and that seems so easy , well, I ll be the first to say, it s a little more challenging than I thought and I never thought I would work in a school setting again. Here s what happened in my first year and a half.
I met with the traffic officers and I was given my stop sign and neon vest (pictured above) and first I would do about a week and a half of training, both at school and I took several online exams that all OPD staff has to take. I did a couple of days of watching the officers do it, shout outs to OFC Mike Roby and OFC Aron Contratto for their help. SGT Mike Page is my supervisor and he helped throughout the whole year. Speaking of my first year, there was obviously a stop because of the COVID-19 lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. Yeah, I s