/PRNewswire/ The "Vinyl Flooring Market in Saudi Arabia" report by Technavio presents a comprehensive study and presentation of demand drivers, market.
StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of Armstrong Flooring (NYSE:AFI – Get Rating) in a report issued on Thursday. The brokerage set a “hold” rating on the construction company’s stock. Armstrong Flooring stock opened at $1.46 on Thursday. Armstrong Flooring has a 52 week low of $1.30 and a 52 week high of $6.74. The stock […]
Armstrong Flooring, Inc. (NYSE:AFI – Get Rating) crossed below its 50 day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of $1.66 and traded as low as $1.53. Armstrong Flooring shares last traded at $1.54, with a volume of 139,831 shares. Separately, StockNews.com upgraded shares of Armstrong Flooring […]