A developer has announced their intentions to refurbish the former Ormonde Cinema in Arklow and construct 99 homes, a crèche and a new public amphitheatre at a long-disused site in the heart of the seaside town.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has confirmed to Arklow Municipal District staff that they have received an offer from the owners of a property in Arklow to house international protection applicants.
The Arklow Municipal District has announced that works to install public lighting around the running track at Seaview Avenue in Arklow will commence this Monday, January 22.
While an exact date for this year’s Local Elections has yet to be confirmed, plenty of candidates from County Wicklow have already announced their intentions to run, while some sitting councillors have still yet to make their minds up.
Councillors have vented their frustration at the continued overcrowding of Wicklow trains after receiving a ‘wishy-washy’ response devoid of resolution from the National Transport Authority.