Making screen history
March 09, 2021 21:14 IST
Liani goes back in time to find out how Alam Ara, the first Indian film with sound that was released on March 14, 1931, was made.
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Liani goes back in time to find out how Alam Ara, the first Indian film with sound that was released on March 14, 1931, was made.
With my travelling severely curtailed, I tried the time machine. I turned a few knobs and wham! I was in March 1931 at a studio in Grand Road, Bombay, that overlooked the railway tracks.
“What’s happening?” I asked a mouse that suddenly appeared by my side. He tittered, “This is a film shooting. These rooms are not soundproofed; so these guys have to wait till the trains stop running.”
Movies as we know them now are a result of a constant change in technology and creativity over decades. From the very inception of a moving image to today’s special effects that can transport you to any fantasy world, Indian cinema has come a long way. In this week s #BigStory we explore and revisit some of the important chapters of Indian cinema that are like bookmarks in the history of film making. We also speak to experts from the industry - actors, directors, special effect technicians to get their perspective on the journey of cinema through this transition.