Granite Falls Advocate Tribune
The Clarkfield city council moved quickly through a brisk agenda on Tuesday, January 19. In general Council business, committee designations were made for the governing body as well as President and Vice President designations.
The meatiest agenda topic was out of the Clarkfield EDA. The Economic Development Authority directed by Webb gave a summary report. The Administration Fund (#240) ended the year in the positive. The EDA also continues to receive an annual, consistent income from their land lease agreement with Wes Huseby. Expenses were all anticipated, with the exception of a $200 fee that the EDA Board paid to the city attorney for services provided in relation to the sale of the Clarkfield Café to Natasha Lynne.Total 2020 Revenue for the EDA was $5,083.75 with a Total $3,569.96 in expenses for 2020.