marriage been affected by your economic situation, 57% say, yes, their marriage has been affected by what s going on in the economy. and let s keep going here, have you lost sleep because of your anger about the economic situation? 56% say they have lost sleep. when you saw these numbers, were you surprised? i was. i expected there would be some degree of uncertainty dislocation. but this level of arguable familial and personal instability took me aback, so i was very surprised. martha: are you surprised, rich? no. with all respect to doug, i don t think you need to be doug schoen to analyze these numbers. we tend to look at these economic numbers as dry statistical matters, but every uptick in the unemployment rate is a human tragedy. it s not just an economic problem, it s a psychological problem, it s a family problem, it s a spiritual problem. and at the same time you have the economy weak, everyone thinks our major established institutions with the possible exception of the mi
of e. coli, sprouts from an organic farm are not the cause, so they re starting over. and the murder trial of a convicted sex offender getting underway in clearland. anthony sowell is charged with killing women and hiding the bodies in his backyard. and a huge advance that could revolutionize the way doctors treat skin cancer. it involves targeted drug therapy based on the patient s own genetic information, and it is showing very promising results. so put on your sunscreen and read that good news. we ll talk about that later as well. so from pram to to president obama to the economy to the weather. new polls show that americans are angry about so many things right now. it s not a good situation. 81% say that they believe that the economy is not delivering the jobs that we need,81%.
hunker down and protect what you ve got mentality, and that s what we re seeing. stuart, thank you so much. with the latest on what the white house is doing to improve the economy. we re seeing some very disturbing, really, poll numbers that have come out. doug schoen put these together, he s going to be here in a minute. but they show that americans are angry about the state of the economy. a huge number say that they are nervous now, they weren t before, but they re nervous about their retirement. some of them are talking about the fact that their relationships have been hurt in all of this as well. very serious things to look at around the united states with regard to this. just ahead we re going to talk about how all of this leads to a troubling warning from one of the country s top democrats today. so send us your thoughts. you can send me a tweet at martha maccallum as well. already getting interesting about how that s affecting your life with regard to the economy. let s talk
and bin laden s death, $1.3 trillion. and the guy s living in the suburbs of islamabad next to the pakistani west point. we know after this wave breaks, we re going to be back on the debt ceiling. what are we doing? so, this was an expensive execution operation, but i think we re asking exactly the right question. the question is, now, so the goal from day one, from 9/11, was we are now, we the americans are going to hunt down and kill osama bin laden. you ve done that. when does the peace dividend start? when does america say, okay, mission accomplished and now it s time to start spending that money somewhere else. and you know what, there are lots of places at home where i think america can spend the money. did the iraq and afghan operations were they relevant? contribute at all? i think that s a great question. historians should answer it. there s an even easier question we should be asking which is,
spices of einternatiol law. you share t criticihich is talk first, idely tell th trut and then do what you have to do. you re not having this? of course you should talk first. but bottom line, this is absolutely the right thing for the united states to be doing. it was risky and difficult for the president to make the decision. and this is a moment there should be bipartisan support. the right loves democracy, right? you love democracy around the world. your president, his big mission was democracy in the middle east. the middle east is standing up saying, yeah, we want knock si. shouldn t all the right in america say, yes, we believe in these libyans? and the same for the left. this is a much smarter intervention than iraq was. this is carping about the timing of the obama presidency we re not carping. tim, please. the guy is starting a war. it s not carping. he is sending soldiers my