Latest Breaking News On - Allison keating - Page 2 :

Ask Allison: My daughter was sexually assaulted, but says she wants to forget it. Should I drop it?

Question: My 17-year-old daughter told me that she was sexually assaulted by a friend of a friend on a night out. She is adamant that she does not want us (her parents) involved in any way and that she is absolutely not going to pursue a complaint.


Ask Allison: My husband never sees things from my point of view and always argues the other side – it really hurts

Question: My husband has a terrible habit of arguing the counterpoint to anything I say. For example, I will tell a story relating to a shop assistant being rude to me and he will instantly give reasons as to why the shop assistant may have been right, or some other excuse that invalidates my point of view. It is constant, and it happens for minor and major things.


Ask Allison: My husband always takes the other person's side – does he hate me?

Question: My husband has a terrible habit of arguing the counterpoint to anything I say. For example, I will tell a story relating to a shop assistant being rude to me and he will instantly give reasons as to why the shop assistant may have been right, or some other excuse that invalidates my point of view. It is constant, and it happens for minor and major things.


Ask Allison: My husband always takes the other person's side – does he hate me?

Question: My husband has a terrible habit of arguing the counterpoint to anything I say. For example, I will tell a story relating to a shop assistant being rude to me and he will instantly give reasons as to why the shop assistant may have been right, or some other excuse that invalidates my point of view. It is constant, and it happens for minor and major things.


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