Rice Bowl makes family table an ‘altar’ of service, says founder
In this undated photo, Msgr. Robert Coll, creator of the Rice Bowl Lenten initiative, speaks with youth during a Catholic Relief Services mission to African nations. Msgr. Coll started Rice Bowl in 1975 as a means of countering hunger while deepening campaign participants’ faith. (Photo courtesy of Al and Camille St. Pierre)
By Gina Christian • Posted February 16, 2021
A nationwide Lenten tradition traces its roots to the Philadelphia area – and to a priest who wanted to make the family dining room table an “altar” of sacrifice and service.
Now in its 46th year, Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Rice Bowl initiative combines prayer, fasting and almsgiving to help those in need both in the U.S. and abroad. During Lent participants donate to the campaign by contributing money they save through fasting or preparing meatless meals like those eaten in impoverished nations.