Parents say man shows up with swastika flags outside Punta Gorda elementary school
Published: July 20, 2021 6:14 PM EDT
Updated: July 21, 2021 5:15 AM EDT
Parents are calling us in outrage over what is happening outside their children’s elementary school. They want a man who bears upsetting flags to stay away from their kids.
Parents of students who attend Sallie Jones Elementary School in Punta Gorda filed a report with police about a man they say has swastika flags and visits outside the school with them, while shouting at parents dropping their kids off.
“I’ve just never seen anything so inappropriate in my whole life,” parent Adam Ackerman said.
On March 10, 2021, International Value Advisers, or IVA, quietly submitted a shocking document to the SEC. There was no accompanying press release or letter to shareholders just a terse announcement that the firm planned to liquidate its two mutual funds in short order. To prepare, both strategies would immediately start selling all the holdings in their portfolios, so that they’d only own cash and cash-like instruments until the liquidation date which was only a month away. No reason was given.
That wasn’t all. The document stated that after the funds were liquidated, IVA itself would close down.
A day or two later, most of the firm’s personnel, including all but one of its seven analysts, had disappeared from the IVA website. No further information was provided.