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On February 14, 2018, I hid inside my classroom for three hours attempting to keep 15 students safe while a gunman terrorized my school. By the time the SWAT team released us, it would become one of the deadliest school shootings in American history. The day in which 17 lives were taken needlessly, senselessly, and horrifically.
Nearly three years later, I can still see Building 12 (also known as the Freshman Building, where the gunman entered) from my same classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. I see it every time I open the door. There are others on campus who can avoid it, walking a different way or because their classroom is in a different part of campus. I don’t have that luxury.
0 and the same is true of assault weapons. he had both shotguns and assault weapons. he chose the assault weapon, because he knew he could fire and kill more people, more rapidly, more lethally. and that s why we are supporting a bill and i m going to be very proud to spearhead the amendment that deals with high-capacity magazines and bans any that have more than ten rounds. not because they will necessarily end all of the killings in this country. 3,300 people have died since newtown. but at least they will save some lives. and if we save lives, we have accomplished something. and joy, we all know we can t end this phenomenon, but this limit on magazines, to limit what s going to happen when these kinds of crazy people go on their rampages. absolutely. we can t obviously stop all car accidents. but that doesn t mean we don t regulate automobiles, we don t put restrictions on their use. they met face-to-face. their voices and their faces were really so powerful and so eloquent. col
0 it s pretty hard to dislodge these people. they re strongly in the base of the right wing party that doesn t want to hear about it. i ve talked to some aides who are close to some republicans who voted no on this and they said they know how bad it looks. not necessarily something they want to do, but they say the reality has become the united states senate, the way this works now is that a vote like this is simply a vote for gun control. it doesn t matter. you can t right. the constituency groups that you have to court to win your renomination, there is no more used to be able to this used to be procedural, we didn t pay attention. all this stuff gets boy is that tough. this is what s wrong. you want to know what s wrong in the united states senate? what s wrong in the united states senate, the idea a cloture vote, i m sorry i m using the term. i know what you know. this idea to close debate or open debate is somehow judged as a vote for or against that s a