legacy. obama s legacy. the obama the vulnerable. you have to look at obamacare it is not over, guys. you are talking about it like it is over. it is still out there. they will have to make it work because people still need it. you know what it is? if you look at obamacare like a movie released like lone ranger when you look and you have all of the ingredients and you have army hammer and beautiful story and you put it together there was something missing. how about an indian playing an indian part? you are absolutely right. you are absolutely right. there was no script in obamacare. i was trying to make a point, guy with a weird collar. he is getting nil from brazil. that latin american country is refusing to grant asylum to edward snowden despite his public plee. he wrote a letter talking
happening. and then when they are looking around in the jungle it was they made it at a college somewhere. how is this show not on at a p.m.? at 8 p.m. come on. everybody remembers the theme, but they don t remember the segmented music parts. made by i think the i can t remember the guy who did that. we have to take a break. the last story coming up is a doozie.
words might impact politics. let me play another thing that he said about this. and to hear the pope regurgitating this stuff i was profoundly disappointing. the idolity of money urging politicians to attack the inequality and strive to provide work, health care and education to all citizens. what has been happening the last five years? exactly what this 3457b claims to want. i just read a great book by a guy named john mackey who founded whole foods called conscious capitalism. he says the same thing as the pope. he says we all have to eat to live. but that doesn t mean we live just to eat. we all think we have a higher purpose and that in business, business can t exist without profit but does that mean that
same thing with, well, a number of republicans have done it that way. on the democratic side joe biden, a guy named joe biden jumped into the race early back in was it, 93 and then got out quickly. getting in early, jim, is not necessarily a guaranty of success. no. look, every democrat thought that teddy kennedy would get the nomination, probably in 76. and then in 80 and 84. because he was such a huge name, chappaquiddick notwithstanding. mark shields, veteran democratic pundit likes to joke he was first guy to plan the inauguration for president muskie in 1973. of course he was the democrat who lost to george mcgovern in the primary. there are 30 twist and turns to come. the jon, the fact you re praising iowa s farmland tells me that, gleam in your eye. muskie had not shed a tear he
who beat up their older siblings? i think it will resonate in the heartland. with some casting i think you will have a winner. what about crab napper. they like to sleep underwater. there will be a union issue. the whole gill lobby will be up in arms. if you can get past that. crustaceans are hot. little people, big cats? midgets in a jaguar sanctuary. i like that. it is like the hunger games and they can t run fast. a guy pitched a show about midgets who were also clairvoyant and you can t make it up. it was called small mediums at large. and they almost bought it on the title. just on the name alone. i have nothing as good as that. i do have something moist wipe