gender identity. one mom says now is the time for parents to take action and she joins us coming up. but, first, gas prices are soaring out of control with some pumps in california now over 9 bucks a gallon. a live report from los angeles. we re glad we are not there glad to be in being. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today.
food up 6.3%. apparel up almost 6%. energy up, brian, you said, almost 30%? beef is up 22%. bacon almost 19%. pork chops 12.5. eggs 11.1. baby food almost up 8%. and parents obviously need that to feed their baby. the oil prices, gas prices, plus we have a labor shortage. we have supply chain crisis. we have a border crisis. we saw what happened in afghanistan. we have the grocery store shelves. i don t have to tell republicans, democrats, or independents that we all go to the grocery store and we see that the empty shelves and we see the prices are going up. 9 bucks for a gallon of milk? that s ridiculous. when you look at his approval rating now, it s 33%. 53% disapprove of him and 1% don t have an opinion. but this is what is interesting. look at it among independence. this is according to quinnipiac. 57% disprove. only 25% approve. that is bad.
afghanistan, he just refuses to talk about it. ainsley: or go down there. brian: or say my policy is working. now policy. ainsley: tim scott was talking about the supply chain crisis. steve: he was. ainsley: you want to solve that issue? go over there, go to the ports, fix the problems. civility down with the people. don t say this is going to last another year. go fix the problem. steve: sure, because there is a terrible supply chain issue. yesterday at a little press event where he asked five reporters on a list and once again fox news not on the list. he was asked about look at the supply chain issue. how soon are things going to get better? well, you know what? it doesn t sound like is he real hopeful. thisser here is the president yesterday in rome. as they are able to negotiate higher wages and move from one job to another. that s one of the reasons why. a lot of people don t want to continue to do the job they did before making 7, 8, 9 bucks an hour. what you are seeing here i
do the job they did before making 7, 8, 9 bucks an hour. a lot of the truck drivers are not unionized. working like hell and not paid a whole lot and you see the desire of people to change professions and do more and take care of the families. worker pay has gone up and we have employed 6 million people since i got elected. employment is up. the economy is in spite of this still growing. you have a significant number of i think close to 60 major economists acknowledging that what will happen is see continued economic growth under our proposals. a total of 14 i think it was 14 economists in economics
change. why didn t they begin months ago? this has been an issue that s been growing and growing and on the public s mind and as a result i think it s one of the reasons why the president s approval among independents dropped pretty dramatically. if you go to the grocery store and it costs you nearly 9 bucks to buy the bacon that cost you 4 bucks not too long ago, americans will feel this and will turn around and blame somebody and he s in charge. chris: what about the argument that there seems to be focus on it now, i know task forces were set up months ago but from the podium, the president and the press spokeswoman, started focusing on it now, what about the argument, it s too little too late? well, look, the reality is, the biden administration inherited a pretty tough economic situation when they came in as as a result of covid. and from day one had they have made that a top priority. they focused on the relief plan