up on you when you try to deal with things. it is difficult to say. on standing things. it is difficult to say. on standing charges, excuse me, there has been standing charges, excuse me, there has been a standing charges, excuse me, there has been a long debate in the energy industry has been a long debate in the energy industry about why you have standing charges industry about why you have standing charges. essentially, it is to cover the cost charges. essentially, it is to cover the cost of charges. essentially, it is to cover the cost of your connection. so it is the the cost of your connection. so it is the cost the cost of your connection. so it is the cost of pipes to your home and the is the cost of pipes to your home and the charges british gas have to pay the and the charges british gas have to pay the owner of the pipes to move the gas pay the owner of the pipes to move the gas to pay the owner of the pipes to move the gas to your home. so, if you don