Emergency Response to Accidents Involving Livestock
Emergency Response to Accident Involving Livestock virtual training
The Emergency Response to Accident Involving Livestock (ERAIL) program is focused on providing resources and training for people that potentially could be involved in responding to an accident where animals are involved. This virtual training provides participants with the information needed to effectively and efficiently respond to these types of accidents. Following this training, participants will have a better understanding of the types of situations that can occur with accidents involving animals, animal handling and behavior, incident command and accident response, along with the types of tools and equipment needed during an accident response. Additional hands-on training opportunities are also offered and participants in the D2L course are encouraged to partake in these activities.
What are Michigan’s Community Water System Infrastructure Needs?
April 29, 2021
Millions of dollars of federal funds for local governments will begin arriving next month and investing in the upkeep of our drinking water systems is encouraged.
Investment in water system infrastructure was highlighted in the American Rescue Plan pandemic relief legislation as something that local governments should consider using their federal money that soon will be arriving in their bank accounts for. And if the American Jobs Plan and the infrastructure legislation that Congress is considering is passed, there will be additional federal money available to accelerate much needed water infrastructure projects. However, what these needed water investments are is not publicly known.
Oak Wilt Awareness Month in Michigan
Monique Sakalidis, Michigan State University, Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences and Department of Forestry, and Ruth Dorando Marcy, MSU Extension -
April 27, 2021
This campaign raises awareness about oak wilt prevention guidelines: avoid wounding trees between April 15-July 15, seal accidental wounds, do not move firewood, and take prompt action to control outbreaks.
By proclamation of the governor, May has been designated as Oak Wilt Awareness Month in Michigan to bring statewide attention to the value of oaks to Michigan’s environment, recreation and wood products industries, and the need to raise awareness about prevention and management of oak wilt, a disease killing red oaks across the state every year.
Understanding the role of carbon in agriculture – Part 2
Kurt Thelen, Michigan State University, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences -
April 27, 2021
Photo by Kurt Thelen, MSU.
In Part 1 of this series on carbon in agriculture, we discussed how growing crops such as corn assimilate tremendous amounts of carbon (C) through the process of photosynthesis. We also discussed how C flows between the plant/soil continuum and the atmosphere as part of a natural cycle. This article will discuss how a farmer can latch on to some of the C flowing through the plant/soil continuum and hopefully retain a fraction of it in the soil. It is not easily accomplished, but is it really as difficult as catching lightening in a bottle?