Life after disaster: Chronicle’s oldest negatives show a return to normality in 1906 [San Francisco Chronicle]
Jan. 5 In The Chronicle’s archive we have four boxes of glass negatives that neither I nor anyone else at the paper knows much about. We don’t know who took the photos, perhaps an early staff member, but do know they are very old. Early in 2020, I figured it was time to find out what the images in this unique collection contained.
Each box has about a dozen 4- by 5-inch glass negatives in pretty good shape, with only two or three broken. They have fared better than our Golden Gate Bridge construction and opening day negatives, which have warped or cracked over the years.
Chess legend George Koltanowski: An archive deep dive of record-breaking chess champion and Chronicle columnist
When Kolty played blindfolded and against Bogart
Chess master George Koltanowski had a chess puzzle in The Chronicle for many years. Here he plays several opponents blindfolded in December 1948.Duke Downey / The Chronicle 1948Show MoreShow Less
George Koltanowksi, The Chronicle’s chess columnist, amazes the chess world and general public with his blindfold chess skills in 1951.The Chronicle 1951Show MoreShow Less
Chronicle chess columnist George Koltanowski played 95 inmates at San Quentin State Prison in February 1957.Art Frisch / The Chronicle 1957Show MoreShow Less
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Who is the Lotta of Lotta s Fountain? She was once one of America s biggest stars
Gary Kamiya
A 38-Geary bus rolls past Lotta’s Fountain on the 114th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco on April 18, 2020.Paul Chinn / The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
A plaque is seen on Lotta’s Fountain on Market Street in San Francisco on April 16, 2018.Michael Short / Special to The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
A daguerreotype of Lola Montez, taken in 1851. Montez took a young Lotta Crabtree under her wing and taught her song and dance routines.Southworth & HawesShow MoreShow Less