File photo of Wellington city.
Photo: 123rf
The council is the country s largest provider of council housing, managing nearly 2000 units with over 3000 residents, but management of the housing is far more expensive than what the council makes through rent.
Meanwhile, the capital programme over the next 10 years - which would make the units comply with Healthy Homes standards - was estimated to be just shy of $450m.
In a meeting today, councillors agreed the mayor would write to the minister of housing and the minister of finance to request access to the Income Related Rent Subsidy.
The subsidy is a rent top-up for public housing tenants (in homes run by Community Housing Providers or Kāinga Ora), but is not available for council housing tenants.
Takai Here Tāngata has been announced as the name of the first housing development driven by an innovative housing partnership between Hutt City Council, Kahungunu Whānau Services, Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa, and Council-controlled organisation .