A prank 911 call led to a false report of an active shooter situation at a school on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune Monday morning.
At 8:15 a.m. base officials were alerted to a report of an active shooter situation at Tarawa Terrace Elementary School, according to a social media post from the base. The Provost Marshal Office and Jacksonville Police Department responded and confirmed at 8:35 a.m. there was no active shooter situation and that all school students and personnel are safe.
The school and adjacent child development centers were placed on lockdown, but have since reopened. The prank phone call is being investigated by the Provost Marshal Office.
Earlier this year, The Daily News asked readers to complete a survey on veterans issues. So far, there have been over 240 responses from more than 30 states.
Nearly 40% of respondents chose Disability Benefits as the single most important veterans’ issue to them. Next was Physical Health Care (28.7%) and Other (11.5%), which includes write-ins for specific issues and uncategorized responses.
Mental Health Care (7.8%) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Reform (7.8%) were among the least important categories. 4.9% wrote All the Above.
More than 80% of respondents are veterans, and less than 13% of participants currently live in Onslow County.
Many responses are from veterans or family members impacted by Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune s toxic water crisis that occurred from 1953 to 1987 when the water supply was contaminated with compounds from degreasers, fuel and industrial solvents.
Two and a half years after Hurricane Florence made landfall in North Carolina, military construction projects worth more than a billion dollars are now underway to restore the state’s Marine Corps installations.
Officials held a ceremonial groundbreaking at the 10th Marine Regiment headquarters on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune last week to officially commence a five-year effort to rebuild facilities on the East Coast’s largest Marine Corps base and its two nearby air stations.
“Over the next five years, you will see construction on an epic scale,” said U.S. Navy Capt. Miguel Dieguez, assistant chief of staff for Facilities and Environment, Marine Corps Installations East (MCIEAST) - MCB Camp Lejeune, in a news release.
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger has been to Washington, D.C., more times than he can count. He s given nine congressional testimonies, and for nearly 24 years he’s been the tip of the spear for survivors of the water contamination crisis that occurred at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1987.
Ensminger’s motivation is his late daughter Janey, his only child born, conceived or carried at Camp Lejeune.
In 1983, Janey was diagnosed with leukemia at 6 years old. By then, base officials had been notified of contaminated water by multiple lab tests dating back to 1980.
Local family says Living Water Christian School has a bullying problem
“Words can hurt more,” she says.
The former Living Water Christian School sixth-grader joined her parents and other demonstrators outside her old school Friday to bring awareness to the seriousness of bullying, something she endured too much of while enrolled at Living Water.
When the bullying recently came to a head, Adelyn’s mother says she trusted Living Water to handle it. Then, the bully told Adelyn that “she could fall in a hole and die, and no one would care,” according to the family.
Yet, her mother was not alerted by the school.