UPPSC Recruitment 2021: Bumper job vacancies for Medical Officer Posts, check details here - UPPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2021: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is inviting applications for 3620 Medical Officer Posts.
Updated Apr 13, 2021 | 08:27 IST
UPPSC PCS Result 2020 has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. The merit list can be downloaded from the link shared below or uppsc.up.nic.in. A total of 467 candidates selected. UPPSC PCS Result 2020 declared on uppsc.up.nic.in   |  Photo Credit: Representative Image
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, UPPSC PCS Result 2020, was announced yesterday on April 12, 2021. Candidates can check the final results of Combined State or Upper Subordinate Services Examination 2020 from the official site, uppsc.up.nic.in. A total of 476 successful candidates have been selected as per the UPPSC PCS Result 2020.
UPPSC ACF RFO 2019: Interview schedule released, check steps to download here
UPPSC ACF RFO 2019: Interview schedule released, check steps to download here
UPPSC ACF RFO 2019 interview scheduled has been released at uppsc.up.nic.in.
UPPSC ACF RFO 2019 interview schedule released at uppsc.up.nic.in.
UPPSC ACF RFO 2019 interview scheduled released.
Candidates who have qualified for the interview round can download their interview letter from the official site, uppsc.up.nic.in.
UPPSC ACF RFO 2019 interview is scheduled to be conducted from March 8 to 10, 2021.
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the interview scheduled of UPPSC ACF RFO 2019 at the official website of UPPSC, i.e., uppsc.up.nic.in.
UPPSC PCS Result 2019 has been declared. Candidates can check the result through the official site of UPPSC on uppsc.up.nic.in. The direct link to check result given below.
Updated Feb 18, 2021 | 10:00 IST
UPPSC PCS Result 2019 has been declared. Vishal Saraswat of Mathura has topped the examination this year followed by Yugantar Tripathi & Poonam Gautam. Check merit list & toppers name here. UPPSC PCS Result 2019: Vishal Saraswat of Mathura tops  |  Photo Credit: Representative Image
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has declared UPPSC PCS Result 2019. Candidates who have appeared for the interview round can check the Combined State/ Upper Subordinate Services Examination-2019 result on the official site of UPPSC on uppsc.up.nic.in. Vishal Saraswat of Mathura has topped the examination this year.
Yugantar Tripathi of Naini Prayagraji has secured the second spot in the examination followed by Poonam Gautam of Shivaji Puram of Indira Nagar, Lucknow in the third position. Kunal Gaurav of Muzaffarpur secured the fourth position and Priyanka Kumari of Kanshiram Nagar stood fifth in the examination.