1). Mishawaka Police Department
2). Washington High School
3). New Prairie United School Corporation
4). Notre Dame Naval ROTC
5). Elks Lodge Number 235
6). Center for Philosophy of Religion University of Notre Dame
7). East Bank Day Care
8). Courts US Bankruptcy
9). Schools Public
10). Parochial Schools
11). South Bend Public Schools
12). Public Schools Primary Centers
13). Schools Public
14). Genevieve Long School Trust
15). Environmental Change Initiative (University of Notre Dame)
16). University of Notre Dame Writing Center
17). Notre Dame ASCE
18). Indiana University South Bend Communication Studies
19). John Glenn High School Counseling Department
20). Public Schools
21). Penn Harris Madison School Corporation
22). Worker House
23). Parochial Schools
24). Law School
25). The Indiana University South Bend Arts Ernestine M Raclin School
26). Mishawaka City School District, Administrative Offices Superintendent
27). Community College of Indiana
28). Parochial Schools
29). County City Building
30). Acme Atms & Games
31). Penn Harris Madison School Corporation
32). Universal Achievements
33). United States Bankruptcy Court
34). Us Bankruptcy Court Judge
35). MABAS 201 Indiana District 2 US&R/Technical Rescue
36). Triad of saint joseph county
37). South Bend Republican City Committee
38). North Liberty Main Street Merchants Association
39). Stjoseph Generating Facility
40). Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department
41). Lincoln Township Fire Department
42). BOSCH Proving Grounds
43). Town of New Carlisle At I/N Tek Water Treatment Plant
44). New Carlisle Fire Department
45). New Carlisle Town Hall
46). Warren Township
47). Judd Little Riding Hall Culver Academies
48). Walkerton Polk Lincoln Ambulance Service
49). Warren Township Fire Department
50). License Branch Bmv
51). State of Indiana Natural Resources Department
52). Glass Hugs
53). Greene Township
54). German Township Trustee
55). Dominello & Assc Crtve Marketing
56). Saint Joseph County Place Trail Marsh
57). Gender Relations Center (GRC) at Notre Dame
58). Clay Station 1
59). Indiana Army National Guard, Hq 2 151st Inf Battalion
60). Indiana Society of Professional Investigators INspi
61). Lincoln township fire department walkerton in united states
62). State of indiana natural resources department walkerton in united states
63). Town of new carlisle at tek water treatment plant new carlisle in united states
64). Lakeviile police department lakeville in united states
65). Sjcpl north liberty north liberty in united states
66). Liberty township trustee north liberty in united states
67). Voting at centre township fire station south bend in united states
68). Town of walkerton walkerton in united states
69). Walkerton nutrition site walkerton in united states
70). St joseph county 4h fair south bend in united states
71). Saint Joseph County Housing Authotity, W Center St
72). Senator Joe Donnelly, W Colfax Ave
73). South Bend City Waterworks, N Michigan St
74). South bend va outpatient clinic u.s. department of veterans affairs, w western ave
75). St Joseph County Archives, S Lafayette Blvd
76). St Joseph County Public Lbrry, N Michigan St
77). St Joseph County Highway Department Granger East, Cleveland Rd
78). Town Of Walkerton, Michigan St
79). United States Bankruptcy Court, S Michigan St
80). United States Government Grdng, Technology Dr
81). United States Government, W McKinley Ave Ste A
82). US Agricultural Dept, Technology Dr
83). US Air Force Recruiting, S Michigan St Ste
84). US Army Health Care Recruiting, S Michigan St
85). US Army Reserve, Boland Dr
86). US Army Reserve, E Rose St
87). US Court Security, S Main St
88). US District Court Clerk's Office, S Main St
89). US Food & Drug Administration, Viridian Dr Ste
90). Work One, Marietta St
91). Work Release Center, S Michigan St
92). St Joseph County Prosecutor
93). Sheriff Investigative Division
94). BMV
95). South Bend PD
96). New Creation Academy
97). Southwest Central Fire Territory District 4
98). Department of Veterans Affairs, Miami St
99). Dept of Navy, W Mckinley Ave Ste A
100). Elkhart County Subdivisions, Ash Rd
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