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The sound of two dreams coming true. This is the cbs evening news with jeff glor. Hightax states could still get squeezed. The plan caps the deduction for state and local income tax plus property tax at 10,000 a year, and it lowers the mortgage deduction cap from new loans worth 1 million to 750,000. Its a monumental con job. Reporter republicans say they make up for those changes but lowering the marginal tax rate at every income level and by preventing the dreaded alternative minimum tax from hitting everyone but the highest earners. Im glad it didnt get worse. Reporter but today a pair of g. O. P. Senators balked because the bill only hikes the Child Tax Credit by 100, a big backtrack from the senates previous bill. Unless they can figure out a way to add to the 1,100 figure, i wont vote for it. I think senator rubio will be there. Reporter President Trump has called the plan a christmas present, but democrats argue its mostly a gift to big business, permanently slashing the concern rat tax rate from 35 to 21 without cutting many corporate loopholes. The personal tax cuts, on the other hand, are temperature rare, and obamacares individual mandate is eliminated, which could boost the number of uninsured americans. Glor nancy cordes joins us now. Nancy, i did also want to ask you about arizona senator john mccain. There is a lot of concern on capitol hill right now. He was admitted yesterday to walter reed hospital. What do you know . Well, his office tells us that the 81yearold senator is being treated for normal side effects of his cancer treatment. As you know, mccain was diagnosed back in the summer with glioblastoma, which is a very aggressive form of brain cancer. His friends here on capitol hill are downplaying this setback. Lindsey graham of South Carolina told us today that he expects that his friend will be back in for a long time to come. But i can tell you, jeff, that there are a lot of aides and senators who are very worried about mccains health and are hoping that graham is right. Glor all right. Nancy cordes, thank you very much. The federal Communications Commission today voted to roll back obamaera regulations on the companies that provide internet service. The commission scrapped whats called Net Neutrality, which required providers to give web sites equal access to the internet. Bianna golodryga now on what this means. Think of Net Neutrality and todays vote to repeal it like the lines at airport security. Theres the main line, which is free, but typically long. Theres the t. S. A. Preline, which comes with a fee but is shorter and more convenient, and then theres the even more expensive option at some airports called clear, where there is no line and an agent walks you over to be screened right away. The fcc argues that Net Neutrality has created a chaotic internet similar to an airport line. Internet Service Providers like comcast, verizon, and at t stand to again the most by being able to charge more and potentially offer less. Those hurt could be smaller internet companies, startup, and consumers, especially those who live in rural areas with fewer internet Service Providers. Glor and bianna is with us. When does all of this start . Reporter the repeal wont go into effect for a couple months. Consumers wont feel anything right now. Some consumers have already launched lawsuits as well as the attorney general in the state of new york. Glor i think some people are asking the question, can providers just charge whatever they want . In theory they can, but there is a Business Model they want to maintain. They want to stay competitive with their rival, so dont expect to see prices go up significantly. What the fcc, however, is mandating is that if they do raise prices, they have to inform consumers. Glor bianna, thank you very much. Sure. Glor americans u. N. Ambassador accused iran today of violating security cou resolutions by arming rebels in yemen. And she showed off the remnants of a Ballistic Missile to prove it. Heres david martin. Reporter iranianbacked rebels fired into yemen, a missile that filed a mile and a half from the Riyadh International airport. The wreckage of that missile is in an aircraft hangar where it provided a back drop for a declaration by u. N. Ambassador nikki haley of a new hard line against iran. We do not often declassify this type of military equipment recovered from these attacks. We did this for a single urgent purpose because the Iranian Regime cannot be allowed to engage in its lawless behavior any longer. Reporter according to the pentagon, the missile was made in iran and shipped to yemen in violation of u. N. Security council resolutions. The guy dance system bares the initials of the iranian firm which manufactured it and the main body has nine fueling valve, a trademark of iranianmade missiles. The missiles intended target was a civilian airport in riyadh, through which tens of thousands of passengers travel every day. Reporter iran rejected the allegations as baseless, but the evidence on display was convincing. Parts of a suicide boat identical to the one used in an attack on a saudi frigate included electronics bearing the stamp of an Iranian Company and a camera whose memory included photos taken at the factory. It showed an Iranian Revolutionary guard hat in the background. Ambassador haley did not say what the u. S. Plans to do about it beyond exposing iran as what she called an arsonist fanning the fames of conflict in the middle east. Jeff . Glor david martin, thank you. Russian president Vladimir Putin held a recordbreaking fourhour and 20minute News Conference today. His annual address included 1,600 journalists vying for the chance to ask a question. Elizabeth palmer was one of them. She joins us from moscow tonight. Liz, president putin seemed to have warm words for just one man. Reporter thats right, jeff, i may surprise you to know it was president donald trump. President putin spoke almost nonstop with his usual kind of swaggering confidence, and he actually had praise for President Trump. He said that he should be credited for significant achieve. , and he pointed to the looming Financial Markets that hed restored the confidence of investors. As for those allegations of russian meddling in the american election, those were, said president putin, to be blamed on people who oppose donald trump and are trying to undermine his legitimacy, which, as you know, is an argument we have heard in the past from President Trump himself. Glor elizabeth, besides President Trump, president putin didnt have a whole lot of good things to say about the u. S. , did he . He had about the u. S. He blamed a lot of whats wrong in the world at the moment on the united states, specifically rising tensions, and he put the blame for the standoff on the north Korean Peninsula squarely at the door of the united states, saying it really was caused by failed diplomacy america in the past. And, and this has more than a whiff of cold war paranoia about it, he said that the russian widespread doping at the sochi Winter Olympics was americas fault. The main whistleblower in that story did take refuge in america. President putin pointed out darkly that he was now under the protection of the f. B. I. And hinted that f. B. I. May have given him substances, meaning drugs, to manipulate what he said in public. Glor quite a News Conference. Elizabeth palmer in moscow tonight. Liz, thank you so much. And the white house did say late this afternoon that putin and President Trump spoke by phone today. They talked about the over north Koreas Nuclear program. Republican congressman Blake Farenthold of texas said today he will not seek reelection, but he is resisting calls to step down now over Sexual Misconduct allegations. He denies recent accusations, but in 2014, he used 84,000 in taxpayer money to settle a Sexual Harassment suit. And cbs news has confirmed new York City Police have opened a preliminary investigation into russell simmons. A number of women have accused the music mogul of Sexual Misconduct. In recent weeks weve heard largely from women about the me too movement. Tonight alex wagner talks to men who are also speaking up. You watch these stories unfold. Every day there is a new story. Where are you guys as this all unfolds . Judd . It is certainly a tidal wave thats happening. But i look at it like, isnt it amazing that so many people have felt the need to be silent for so long. How terrible must th a result of the internet and as a result of just a confluence of events, people feel safe speaking up. Men are kind of grouped together from a very young age. There becomes a vernacular that is negative toward women, and there becomes an expectation of other men to place ideology on conquering women. Reporter and that brings to the fore the question of masculinity and how young men are indoctrine indicated at an early age. When i was five years old, you know, i talk about this in my book because its like, how can i help other kids get over this, because so many kids that are abused, they end up becoming abusers themselves or alcoholics, especially if they dont get help. Reporter one reason we wanted to have men talk about this because rea i dont think men are the solution. I think mans role becomes a lot about listening, listening to women, not just white women, women of color, transwomen, all women across. I think too often men, especially when theyre around women, what theyre really concerned of is being humiliated in from the of women, and that where a lot of this starts. And so trying to teach them that, you know, a girl in your class is strong and smart and thats okay, that shouldnt humiliate you, you dont have to be better than everybody. Reporter all the men we spoke to were passionate about the subject and the work ahead. As Tom Colicchio put it, this is a struggle that is not going to end in one generation. Jeff . Glor so interesting. Thank you, alex. Now a look at system of the other stories were following in tonights evening news feed. A firefighter from san diego was killed today battling the fourth largest wildfire in californias modern history. The thomas fire is barbara counties. It started 11 days ago and its burned nearly 400 square miles and destroyed,000 homes and other buildings 1,000 homes and other buildings. The fire has cost so far 20 million. Disney and 20th century fox struck a megamedia deal. Disney is buying foxs movie and from duction studios for 54 million. Rupert murdoch will hold on to the fox news channel. The white house says President Trump phoned murdoch to congratulate him on that deal. The n. T. S. B. Blamed a drone operator for this countrys first midair collision with manned aircraft. It happened over new york in september. The drone hit an Army Black Hawk helicopter at a time when drone flights were banned. The chopper did land safely, the drone was destroyed. And there is much more ahead on tonights cbs evening news. I was seven when he was killed. I always wonder, what would he be like now. Do you feel the pain is receding at all . Its still very raw. Glor there may be another solar system just like ours. [cheering and applause] and whats all the excitement about . Stay tuned. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. 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Reporter greg gibson will never forget where he was five years ago. Its where he was every december 14th for the last 25 years. Were in the graveyard putting up a tree over our sons grave. Reporter galen gibson was a sweet 18yearold killed in a shooting at Simons Rock College in massachusetts on december 14, 199 2. Were walking people from the brave the yard and my daughter looks at her phone and she says, you wont believe what just happened. I think theres somebody shooting in here. Reporter 200 miles away, the horror at sandy hook was becoming the Deadliest School shooting in u. S. History. He was on his way to being a remarkable person. Reporter mark beardens son danielas he was a gregarious, affectionate, happy little soul. Reporter for 20 years gibson had lived the hell barden was just everything. Outside of our tragedy here in newtown, greg was first person i had an opportunity to speak to who had suffered a similar tragedy. Reporter they soon realized another connection. Both sons shared a birthday, as well. September 27th. What continues to anger me is people seem to be more interested in the coincidences, these awful coincidences, than in how did these things happen. Reporter both men have channeled their grief and rage into preventing them from happening again. Gibson pressures lawmakers with the group every town for gun safety. I think we as a people have a right to reclaim that Second Amendment on our terms. Its nothing to do with taking your guns away. What we can change is how we behave, ho reporter mark bearden gave up on congress, focusing instead on sandy hook promise, training 2. 5 Million Students in 4,000 schools to prevent other shootings. Before somebody does Something Like this, they give off signs. They give off warnings signs. If we can train people the recognize those signs and then take a next step, we can prevent this from happening. Reporter on this december 14th, these two fathers dont want tears. They want action. This was a kid that picked the worms up off the sidewalk because he wanted to spare them from the sun. So i have made a conscious effort to carry that forward and the share that with the world. Works for me. Definitely. Reporter that, they say, is the best way to honor their sons and more than 3 others killed 300 others killed in School Shootings since december 14, 1992, jim axelrod, newtown. Glor well be right back. Type 2 diabetes more than doubles your chance of dying from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or a stroke. That cant be true, can it . Actually, it is true. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. In fact, cardiovascular disease is the 1 cause of death for adults with type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. But there is good news. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. 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But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Glor our solar system may have a twin. A sun with at least eight planets orbiting just like ours. Searching for distant planets used to be like finding a need until a haystack, but this New Discovery was made by a google Artificial Intelligence program. It is trained to recognize subtle clues from nasas kepler space telescope that eluded areason to masters. The First American woman in space will be honored next year with a postage stamp. Shuttle astronaut sally ride is featured in the Postal Services 2018 collection along with former beatle john lennon, entertainer and civil rights activist lena horne, and childrens tv pioneer fred rogers. They are calling it a code moo in philadelphia. A cow escaped from a live nativity scene and an i95 ramp before being roped and returned. Hours later it got out again. It was finally tracked down in a parking garage. The cow named stormy is now back in the manger. It is unclear for how long. Up next, two brothers with a special reason to celebrate. Alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Richard oh ernie was that too hard for yo . Richard no. Is this too hard for you . Ernie woo were playing catch now richard ugh ernie sorry, sorry, sorry 3 toddlers wont stop him. And neither will lower back pain. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Hes a nascar champion whos shes a worldclass swimmer whos stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. Lf. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Heres how xarelto works. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least six bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective. Targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your bodys natural bloodclotting function. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If youve had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Youve got to learn all you can. To help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know. We just had the leave the building because there was an aftershock. This is the third young white shark that weve seen brought on this lift just today. Behind me is the scene of another mass shooting. Worshipers in their smalltown church. The surf has really picked up behind us. Eightfoot waves. What do you do . Evacuate. Glor we understood tonight in Breaux Bridge, louisna 16yearold ayrton little was surrounded by classmates and the camera was recording the moment he learned he was accepted to harvard. [cheering and applause] celebrations like there apparently run in the little family. [cheering and applause] that was older brother alecs explosion of joy last week when he got into stanford. The brainy bros of Breaux Bridge proud new members of the class of 22. And the videos have been viewed about seven million times. That is the cbs evening news tonight. Im jeff glor in new york. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org so lets be clear. Americans will still be able to access the websites they want to visit. They will still be able to enjoy the services they want to enjoy. There will still be cops on the beach guarding a free and open internet. Tonight on off script the fcc reveals Net Neutrality rules. Do you know what a wawa is . I have no clue man. Yet youre buying the food. We find out what all the fuss is about. And the fight over baby jesus between two preschoolers that goes viral. Welcome to off script. Im bruce johnson. Today the federal Communications Commission voted

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