This hour, this, oh, youve seen nothing yet. Well take things off the ground. Cuban bar act. Coming up in just a moment. I wonder if thomas will go up, too . Oh, lord. You know over cuba libra few years ago, cuban bar act. laughing . Got thrown off. Thank you both. People are sending in more Christmas Trees . Yes. Did you read the notes here from this woman who watches the show . Carol, we have the best viewers, thank you, car carstarphan old. Happy holidays, dear mike, stick them in your freezer and enjoy. Ps watch you and the gang every day, carol. These are little smaller than the other ones . Are they . I like these minis. You need mini ones. Well, dow. Well but thank you, carol, very sweet of you. Somebody also sent me a picture from walmart. Rows and rows of these things. The least favorite choice, mike, thats why there are row s and rows still left. Im blaming you two. Im sure you will. Sure you will. So, karen, earlier talking about there is we decided to start a new tradition, here, on good day. You ready for this . Yes. Explain what this stuffed turkey is about. Have the stuffed turkey, i believe called turkey on the table . We have to give the turkey some feathers. Tradition, you have paper feathers here. So what you do. Every day on thanksgiving you write on the feathers what youre thankful for. Stick it back on the turkey , getting closer the turkly have lovely feathers. Then time to eat, you have the beautiful spread out. Everyone takes out the feathers, read, so you can see what everyone has been reading they suggest i write down thankful for karen. I just touched your so sorry. Oh. Well, thank you. Little somethingsomething. Just grateful for that. Interesting. Oh, my god. Mike, mike, mike, mike hump day. That i should be grateful for you, alex, and you, karen, because you put up with my shenanagans, and or antics. Oh, thats nice. Not supposed to tell us what youre writing down. So that would be an example of what i might write down. All the way through next wednesday, then read them, because were all working thanksgiving morning for you. But we will get a nice meal i think this is wonderful tradition, thats what it is about. Thinking about the things youre thankful for. And plus cute way to do it. So lets get our pens out. Need a pen . Sure. Beautiful centerpiece, too, you need something, is this going to make cornucopia. Real cute idea. Really . Do you remember the knit things, put over top of the toilet paper roll . Are you guys just saying . Reminded me. Im thankful now for nostalgia , how about that . The problem is people will see it. Al next. All right. Dont look, mike. Okay. Stick it in my gobbler. I love that sounds. By the way. Do you know what oh, i had a man by the name of john say my six year old saw the turkey , one of those two big red balls coming out of its mouth . And so i look it up. And ive lost the paper. I have a chicken all up in my poultry. It is a waddle. I never new that. Yes. What did you think it was . I dont know. Hire, i will help you out. We need to name the turkey probably. Turkey gobbler, gobbler, ya, well get it together. Also, thank you everyone for all of the love yesterday. And because some people waking up this morning confused. You know, my hair, it was a wig, whether we said that, but if you can get my fit nerve here it is, i got it. Yes, yes. So, it gave me something to think becomes karen, i know you really like the whole well, i like it both ways. I just thought so much fun. Thank you. So ill think about it. Well see. So cute. Yes yes. And cold right now. I dont know i want the back of my neck exposed. I dont even know why you are thinking about it. That is sexy. Well, thank you, mike. And thats the beauty of wigs. You get to try out new styles. So who knows, maybe little later after thinking about it and seeing if i could really because it is one thing, people oh, you can do this, no, this is my hair dress here did this, you ladies know how it is, whenever your hairdresser does your hair it, looks fabulous, then you come home, go to bed, you wake up the next day and you cant get it to look how it looked yesterday. It is different when youre trying to make it work. So trying to figure out if there is something i can actually just like putting on a hat . Im thinking if i were to actually do it. Oh, to really do it . Really do it. Oh,. Just made me think of this for a second. What do you with your hair, i came home yesterday. Two wads of hair, one in the sing one on the floor i called the little kid callen, he cut part of his hair then i see he ruined his banks. Then telling my husband later at dinner, like, telling the story how i found this hair, all the sudden my middle kid gets up, runs off the table, he also cut his hair because he couldnt get it right. So a situation where you cant get your hair right. And going to school. And he literally cut it off. Bald . I dont want the frustration, especially short hair, you cant put in ponytails, cant get it together. Like i said, we will work this out and see, but i appreciate it. I enjoy being a man. I guess you do. Dont have to go through all of this stuff. And be called sexy even when not possibly the sexiest man in the world. Blake shelton lane the sexiest man in the world, by people magazine, 41 years old. First Country Music star to receiver this title. So in a interview, he said, ive been ugly my whole life. If i can be sexy for one year, im taking it. So blake is coat coach of course on the voice. Sex jokes man alive, about three, four years ago, adam levin, his cohort there on the voice, he got it in 2013 sexiest man alive. So, blake took to twitter to show his gratitude. Start off by saying thank you, people. Dont hate me because im beautiful. And i think when you see this, because he is an Un Convention at choice, first like awe. But see how funniest it, makes you just love him and thats why you like him even more. I just made a drink. Sexy drink. Im beautiful. So whats basically saying now everything he does is beautiful. I have the hiccups, and sounds so sexy, dont hate me because im beautiful. You know he said that to his wife. Not his wife. His girlfriend, right, gwen stefani, that she talked him into it. He said no ill get a lot of flack because im not that good looking. The portland trailblazer, hey, i heard my dude Blake Shelton won sexiest man alive. Way to go to all of the seven s out there. We appreciate it. He calling him seven out of ten . Then sarah she tweeted out she said they spelled idrisel ba wrong. Not what i was expecting but at least real, funny, sweet from now on, sexy. Okay. Thats how i feel about it. Ya, really, i dont know, i dont want to say hes not sexy because everyone has their on versions every sexy, im sure gwen stefani thinks hes very sexy, yes, if you have great personality, thats even better. You know what i mean . Thats what makes you sexy. It is more than just whats going on here, or here, and all of that. What if you had really attractive guy who was all of those things . Yes . That would be fantastic, right . Bradley keep, i mean, traditional leading men. Typically, george clooney, all of the normal, all of the traditional leading men. Good sense of humor. So funny, great looking, you love them, love everything about it, and they have great bodies, great faces all of that. Thats why blake is sort after surprise. But all of that, because hes so funny and likable. And he also has very good Public Relations people and probably has an albumn coming out off cd. You bet. I can guarantee he has cd coming out. You think so . Thats how this comes out. Always pr people. Like with the hollywood stars . Yes, yes he actually pay for that, right . So where is your star . You have one . Oh, stop. Career or children . This will get you fired up. You know that jean simmons guy from the make up . Famous for being able to stick his tongue across the room . Hes promoting new book. So he tells the New York Post about the book, did interview with the New York Post, sorry, what he says, sorry you cant have it both ways, do you have commit to either career or family, for women. For women. He went onto add that when it comes to women, using their sexuality is still the quickest route to power, and jobs, you imagine him saying this with all thats going on in hollywood . Glean has two grown up kids with his exwife. She was a playboy model. Shannon tweed, remember, she was so popular back in the day , shannon tweed. I want to hear from you, too. All right . He says you can get things a lot faster if you use your sexuality. Im very grateful that hes born and lives in that time. People all product of when were from, madmen era, wants us in the kitchen being can cooking up stuff. On what level is he accurate about that . Used to give up and sacrifice some things, but the new thing not just having it all, but knowing how to juggle it all, knowing sometimes you have to pull back from one area, and then try to put more in. But ken would be able to speak more to that. She is a kid, family. What it takes to be a woman today. Oh, you just got to walk around, shake that to get ahead. Then for all of us, worked hard at all of the markets and the days, not easy to i to balance kids and working. Not easy but different priorities going through the years, what is on the front burner. This takes me wonder. Somehow how it looks to men . Trying to get the jobs, mover up the ladder, but just using our sexuality because maybe we happen tore wearing address. I think talking about two Different Things here. A career, and having it all as opposed to using your sexuality in life . While steriotype, you women. He said use your sexuality it get ahead in life. Such a thing, men always talking about sexual life, women, 12, 14, like, you know, always judging people by their appearances and their looks. Italia falling, i dont want them to get a job or get ahead in life. By dressing a certain way. But is there a colonel of truth . Whats this . Contributor on fox. She wrote the book about prep py . Looking good. Oh, my gosh. Pretty i forget the name of it. Yep, she believes, that you do have to casino every get some things together in order to move ahead. Which, you know . Pretty powerful. Thank you, megan. Thats absolutely not right but, honestly dont you use feminine no. Oh. No. In the end, i think it under mines your credibility, makes everyone think youre a bimbo. I admit mitt i admire they dont do that. People that played that game, think youre bimbo, and Everybody Knows who you are, whether it is the board rumor the news rumor the hospital or , you know, police academy, where ever you are, you dont respect when people do that. Actually it makes other women mad, because youre like anybody can do that, and it just devalues the rest of us, devaluing everybody. Oh, you know . And what drives me nuts, ive been in it. V situations where that is valued, the sexy whatever reporter, person or whatever. Gets valued and celebrated over the other professionals in the news room who really know their stuff. You know what i mean . In hollywood, everywhere else, people whether theyre gay or straight or large or small being body shamed. Theyre being and people shouldnt be, no matter who you are, be body shamed. So i think the goal you want to be the best you can be, the pretty powerful is about you just want to polish yourself up and present yourself in a positive way. Whatever that is. Forever who ever you are. Because then i think about the traffic anchor in dallas, and how she like to look nice, she has her own style, then people judge her, or they think she is trying to come off a certain way, so it is so but might be playing both ways. When i look at some of her pictures on social media. We keep talking about this but never dot story. It is driving me nuts. Megan, can you bring up a picture, dimitri us, is that her name . Traffic report nerve dallas, has been all over social media big, big, big story, and somehow i tripped over it. So real quickly, get into the other side of the argument you cant have it all. If you are have a mom and have a bunch of kids, you cant have a career, thats never brought up with a man. It is never. The father of those kids. You know, thats, there is truth to that. Used to be well, what are people getting so upset about . Someone wrote in someone wrote in and they said they didnt like the fact that they say she is wearing dresses that are too small for her size. And they feel like it is too much for that station. So she clapped right back, didnt she, al next. Yes, she did. She did a video and responded, if you dont like it, then, you know, then look somewhere else. This is who i am. Just people piece are different doesnt mean you can talk to them differently or treat them differently. So people have come out to support her. I agree. Well, i think, yes. On that, so heres to having it all. Used to be certainly in this business you couldnt do it all. There was all of the women that were ahead of us, who didnt they got married later and didnt have kids, connie young, barbara waters, diane sawyer, barbara ended up adopting, you couldnt, you couldnt be taken seriously, couldnt take the time out of the work force, i believe thats all changed because all of the women we work with today, crazy people, but i think you can ball it all. Yes. And i think this is a game changer whats going on in hollywood right now and in politics. And it is our fault. It is the guys fault f we didnt all go and promote women who look a certain way, then whim wouldnt feel like they have to look and act certain way. Quit celebrating looks. This is the inside. All right, my soap box is getting splitter i. Lets get back to universeoul. See if you can top your act from the last hour. What is the cuban bar act . Thomas . Oh, we can top it. I feel like i got a spot on my jacket, do i i . Ring master jacket . It doesnt fit me here. Ill give it to my man, lucky, the official ring master here at universeoul. We are talking about the cuban bar act. Tell us a little bit about the cuban bar act. Now, these guys age from range from age of 19 to 29 years old. Now, mario, the guy slipping through, you know,s won numerous gold metals in trampoline, of course you can see why, but one of the top performers in cuba, and you know, this is the great thing about the universeoul circus, we get the best of the best ment not only grateful performers, Everybody Loves them, perform to the great sound of, represent their country of cuba, simply amazing, man. What can we expect . You know, we got little bit of everything for everybody. We have the bone breakers, also this team called the African Dream team. Do acrobat i can stunt simply amazing, also we have these extreme motorcycle dudes that slide through the air, on motorcycles, one second you sit in there, you know, enjoying yourself, next thing you know there is a motorcycle going overhead. You dont know how or where they came f but all you know youre scream ago and having great fun. Youve been doing this for 17 years watch about universeo ul gets you moving . First of all, we stay, you know, we stay relevant whats going on in society and the community today. So that keeps us relevant. Not only that, weaver great music. It is a family show for everybody to enjoy. When you come out to the universeoul circus, it is the one place you can become a family and guy agree on everything, regardless what you dont agree at home, but youll agree youre having a good time here cult cultural experience now, Fairmount Park ill try one flip, ill post it on my twitter or Facebook Page from the hospital. Ill try to get that jacket fitted. Oh . Okay. Waiting for that, thanks, toppings. One of my favorite things to do, well all go. I love their dancing, it is cents fun. I figure that bar was flat. It is round. Like a log. Did you see that . It is probably only about three, 4 inches wide. Not even possible what they do. It didnt happen. That will was all fake. Just kidding. It was real. All right, this is the best part of the day for me. Because jen doesnt like turkeys and surrounded by 200,000 of them. No way. I pledge allegiance to the turkey of the United States of america. It is the real president ial turkey. Going to the white house. Come on back. Never ending pasta bowl is almost over, at olive garden. Starting at 9. 99. Endless combinations of pastas, sauces and toppings. Including classic alfredo and new creamy mushroom sauce. Hurry in for never ending pasta bowl, at olive garden. Jen has been at the turkey farm all morning, now she has moved inside. I feel a lot bert. Now, these are the actual turkeys going to the white house. Correct. These are two turkeys selected for the president of the United States, we will be packing up today and going out to the white house. Okay, is there a special armed fleet that takes them in a truck down there . Not really. Not organic, just real good turkeys like every other citizens of the United States can get . Thats correct. Same turkey that everybody et cetera get here, either at our store or at the local grosser. All right. So i said to you, who else famous gets your turkeys . Rock stars, who you will not name . Movie stars. King of jordan. Thats amazing. This was two years ago. Yes. Specially asked for our birds. Can i go to the grocery store, anyone of them, what am i looking for when i see them, like, right there . Youre looking for a turkey with our name on it. Oh, my goodness. Seriously . What am i looking for in can i tell if it is good when it is in the bag . You know what . It is hard to tell. Our turkeys, are bread specially for the consumer, short legged turkeys, so we have a higher yield of meat per pound of any other turkeys , any other commercial baked turkey in the industry. Should i go frozen or fresh i would go fresh. Can i go organic or go regular. Both great. I eat a regular one, but the organic turkeys are great. Youre not answer that question. Okay, but i love you. Listen, thank you, can i come back some day. Come back any time. Ill see your turkeys again , because now were friends. 850,000 turkeys were hatched last year. Wow. Bye, mr. Trump. And and ivanka and everyone, have a good turkey. Theyre a president ial turkey. Thank you, jen. Who knew that comes from our area, pretty cool. Okay, 9 27. So fire destroyed their beloved restaurant, remember, we covered this all morning long. On good day when it happened couple of weeks ago. Next, we have bridget foy, and her father, theyre going to join us liver to share their stories, so many people so upset. Like an institution on south street. For the Community Coming together, to explain how you can help support them, and all of the employees of that restaurant, tonight. Lets have a party. So im calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. We can do that. Great. I live in a postwar, prewar, midcentury home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. Well sir, peco can visit your home and show you how to save up to 20 a year. Hmmmm. You dont have to be an expert. Because now peco will visit your home and help you save. Peco. The future is on. Fire started in the basement. More than 100 Fire Fighters battled it, and it took several hours just to bring it under control. You will remember we had this live at show as it was happening and in the end, well , it is second and south where this is going on, it is gone. So, john foy opened it, up as east philly cafe nearly 40 years ago. Yeah. All memories in that spot. Yes. And two jobs inside the neighboring place, doggie style, pet store there died in the blaze when it broke out. Sad situation, but this morning we are focusing honorary building. Yes. Hi there. Hi mike. Good to see you again. Good to see you guys. I had completely forgotten that back in the day it was called east philly. East philly cafe there was a north philly, West Philadelphia but there was no east philly and area of town was beginning to get hopping and come to life. They were looking for a name for neighborhood and east philly was just never take. It never caught on, and then, you had a child. Yes. We had a little girl. And the little girl was cute and. There she is. Yes, is that her. Is it her at a bar. Sitting at a bar stool. Well, she actually stopped on the the bar on the way home from Pennsylvania Hospital before she went home so she was a customer before she ever made it there. Only hours old she was in the restaurant. Bridget. Hi. Then you named it after her we did. We change the name in 84 to bridgette foys. We see you, you greet everyone, you know people by name. It is such a family atmosphere it is probably why so many people love it and feel so connected to it. Yes. How has it been over the past couple of weeks. Well, you go through the shock, phase but then what has been just amazing we were looking for a word for overwhelming because it is just, the support of the people in the neighborhood, you know, it has just been, just mind boggling. Well, go back to the day of that fire, you know, i know you dont live very far away. Did you go right away. I ran right away, i live three blocks from the restaurant, i got a text from the neighbor around 1 15, 1 20 i ran down there. I got within, a block and a half and i saw hook and ladders and smashing windows in the third floor and i just knew it was gone. You watched basically 40 years of memories, people and your hard work, literally go up in flames. Yes, yes, i did. Emotional. Very emotional. Very, very emotional and hard, very difficult time. A lot of memories like alex said. Bridget when did you get there. I didnt get there until about 8 00 a. M. I slept through all of the text and calls. But i think it might have been better, i didnt to have see all that. But you were overwhelmed with those. Yes, definitely. A lot of pictures and stuff , gone. Yeah, yeah. Were you able to retrieve any of the items from the store. A few things, one area of the building that we can get to that had older stuff, so we are able to get some of those memories up but not quite yet because building is still sealed off. I was telling you, i admit they had street block off but i went over there because i could not believe it just to see, it is like a gaping hole. Yeah. In that area where it was. Yes. You have some things thaw can still keep. Well, we want to get that gaping hole filled as quickly as possible. You will rebuild. We will rebuild, yes. What do you have to do knock it all the way down and save some of the walls. Were in the sure whether the building is salvageable we are still waiting for engineer report so we have to knock it down, we will knock it down and rebuild and if we can save part of it, we will. Give me a memory over there , anybody engaged. Engaged, met their husband, wife, first date, phillies world series, dancing on top of the bar, st. Patricks day, you know, the mummers on new years day. Oh, mummers of course. Yes. Spring fling. That is right. Easter sunday, it is big. Easter, and weekend with their families. Everybody likes to go on the patio. This is spring fling. Yes. So good. Yes. And i loved seeing the Community Coming out, everybody with the rabbit ears and you guys have the perfect view because it is right where it ends. So back in my drinking days did you ever kick me out . Not that i can remember. No. That is so sweet of you, bridget. Lets talk about tonight. Rebuilding, the Community Coming together to help you out is what going on tonight. The Philadelphia Restaurant community amazing, amazing, amazing they have 30 restaurant that is will be under head house shambles this evening. We will have, opened bar, beer , wine, cocktails, live music. It will be a party. It will be fun. All they were sad were kind of excited to have some fun tonight. Lets celebrate the support and the fact that so many people are caring and they want to help. Yes. Can we still get tickets. The ticket are 50 you can buy them on the south street. Com web site, or on through facebook, and when you get there, and the funds from tonight will go to the american red cross, and an mal organization as well as sometimes for our staff. We cannot have all 30 restaurant but we have two, our neighbor next door, fork is here, thaddeus, good to see you. Good to see you and chris. Yes. Here you go. From milk boy, another one of our favorite places, milk boy. So, some goodies. What did you bring in. Well, we brought, spiced parsnips soup. Parsnips soup just great for this time of the year and good christmas flavors are in there as well, and then some bread from our sister restaurant high street on market. This is good right here. Thank you. You will be giving this out tonight. High street will be there as well supporting john and bridget. Yes. Now on to the next thing. My name is chris from milk boys we have dumplings twoway one with chicken and one with smoked port bell owe mushroom. Is that oyster sauce. P. O. Nsue sauce. What else will be offer tonight. Both. Real quickly how did you explain this to your kid about the fire. I took the older one, by there first and kind of explains but everyone had been so supportive and i mean immediately after we were at pad i whacks and we had our regulars and stuff at neighboring bar and right after that there was a big halloween party. They have not really missed a beat. Thirty restaurants coming out for you two. They were so grateful, yes. Thanks, mike. Thank you, alex. Thank you. Thanks, guys. Thanks, thaddeus, thank you chef. 9 38. Diana ross is thanking a angel after she lost something at marshals. Now what she lost may surprise you because i guarantee you when you think of diana ross when you think of her glam just life i dont think you would think she is wearing this. But we will this holiday season, my good friend gave to me. 7 powerball tickets, 6 match 6 chances, 5 cash 5s 4 cash4lifes, 3 pick 3s, 2 mega millions. Happy holidays, rita thanks, joe what a great gift Pennsylvania Lottery tickets make great gifts. Like the new merry millions. Happy holidays and best wishes from the lottery. Ahh. The new guy. Whoa, he looks he looks exactly like me. No. Separated at birth much . We should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. Jamie, you seriously think you look like him . Uh, im pretty good with comparisons. Like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if were not the lowest. Even if were not the lowest. Whoa wow. I mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. Look at us. Ladies and gentlemen we pay tribute to miss dion warwick right over there. Applause. Dion warwick, is honored with Marion Anderson award at Kimmel Center last night. She is a five time grammy winner first africanamerican singer to perform at the metropolitan opera. I saw clyde davis was there last night. Yes, he was, amazing she looks amazing. That gown was so beautiful and shes still beautiful and looks amazing. What a wonderful honor. One of my favorite nights. You have thanksgiving. You have people coming over. You have got vegetarians coming over. Maybe a vegan in the house yee. So, side dishes to please your vegan and vegetarian friends. Umhmm. Who is on the other end of those hands. Lets see, who is it. It is kelly, kellys back, wearing kelly green. Hey, its me, your dry skin. Im craving something were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and keep us protected. Weve got to have each others backs and fronts. Cerave. What your skin craves. And fronts. Its just my eczema again,t. But its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. The same voice for every impersonation but we will let it get this time. It sounds like sammy davis junior to me. Who is singing this by the way. That is willie nelson. Oh, my gosh. Blue skies, will we see blue skies today. Heres sammy. No, that is johnny mathis. Anyway, lets get to sue in 15 seconds we have 43 degrees right now in philadelphia and just a few cloud here and there, future cast has, a little bit of shower activity in the overnight hours otherwise 57 tomorrow, 49 on friday, a little bit colder, some rain saturday afternoon is possible and then another shot of cold air sunday and machine of next week. Newman university in Delaware County last night it was celebrity hiq, celebrating the 70th year of that academic quiz competition, that is still going strong in Delaware County. We played against a bunch of socalled celebrities, including that with man whoever she is, we played again the brightest minds in Delaware County high school, and, well, we didnt do too well because they beat us but we had a lot of fun with casey boy from wmmr, john frazier from the phillies, tom burgone , michael chitwood, and had a great time last night and yeah, we lost. They lost to a bunch of high school kid. You got a question right, and that is what matters. Just one. There were 58 questions. Yes. So somebody will show up at your house for thanksgiving dinner and they will be vegetarian. Sue, will want to Pay Attention to this her husband is vegetarian. Is he vegetarian or vegan. Vegetarian. Either way you have to give them something to eat. You have to load up on the side. We have kelly jones. I believe kelly these are side we can all enjoy. Everybody can enjoy them and all be made, with just Something Like stuffing choose a gluten free bread and nut free as well, there is some nuts in the breading on the to fu. Are you registered die tition. I am, yes. From the philadelphia area. I reside in bucks county. What is first here. Here is your lentil stuffing, and, you have your own container here. Just prepared like any other stuffing, sage is a popular ingredient that has a lot of flavor. Yes. Sometimes can add that flavor to the sauces added to it, and yesterdays segment they did some sausage and their stuffing. Yes, i admit we did have meat yesterday. So these are little tarrens cut out of the big pan in front of us. Yes. Not bad. Not only not bad. It is good. That is good. It is good, right, thank you. On stuffing i like to put gravy what would i put in place of gravy. That is tough, you will not have a grave that i comes from the turkey but if you are able to use a flower, broth, vegan butter, is there a vision of gravy thaw can make and they probably sell some more health food stores. Lets go to the next casserole dish. Green bean casserole that uses cashews as the cream, and it is cashew cream and another version you can make that uses white beans instead. So, someone is not nut free at your thanksgiving dinner use bean version otherwise. Owe wise, anything else. Yes. Those are baked onions on top instead of fried. Umhmm. That is darn good too. That is good. Im winning you over. Are you married. Yes, i am what is this. This is black rice, also known as forbidden rice and it add a fun pop of color. Why sit forbid glenn i think everyone should eat it, but it is very rich in protein , fiber, antioxidants as compared to other forms of rice that were used to. You know what makes that good, cranberry. Pomegranate. They both have that same tart flavor. There is a mapel, vinaigrette on it. Is that pine apple. No, it is acorn squash. Very good. The palm great. They are so good. Nice little pop. That is my favorite. What is last. This one right here is just a roasted route vegetable plus brook i and breaded tofu, adding a little bit more protein there to the thanksgiving table. You eat with your eyes and this is very colorful. That is the thing you get so many different natural colors and each color give you different antioxidants which is awesome. I will tell you this, it got better as we went long for that is good. That means ending with the tofu is the best. Normally tofu im afraid of dont be afraid. Dont be afraid of the tofu tofu, dont be afraid of the tofu. Lovely. Makes no sense. Thanks, killie thanks for having me. It was fun. Sue, paying attention. Coming over to taste. Sue taste test in the break you ever been on our show before. Yes, i have, it has been a little while you are really good. Can you guys guess what diana ross was missing that someone found. I bet you wont guess that. Her career. She is still performing. Come on, she lost something in marshals and what she lost may surprise you. Diamond ring. For 100 years, heritage and innovation have made gillette the 1 shave in america. Now get gillette quality at lower prices every day. Brought to you by 1200 workers in boston were proud of giving you our best. Gillette. The best a man can get. Can i just say congratulations to one of our favorite people, eve. Umhmm. Philadelphias own eve. She is now has a hosting gig. Look at how pretty she looks there on the right shes one of the new host on the talk she took iisha tylers place, she wants to go into more of a movie career, great choice. Umhmm. I love this because shes married, she was touring around with Gwenn Stefani and shes married to a billion air but ill work every day. She mar that i had billion air and they moved to, where did she move. I think shes living overseas but shes back now because this is a daily thing. Shes living in l. A. Now. Good to see philly doing well. Doesnt she look fantastic in that picture. Talk about the glow up, she was always glowing. Oh, yeah. We have some breaking celebrity news. Diana ross lost, heres the thing, she lost something. Big headlines here. Diana ross apparently shops at marshalls, which is a great story love shopping at marshals. Can you imagine diana ross. Shes a diva. Doesnt she have people to shop for her. Not anymore. You look across, oh, my gosh diana ross going through the racks. Yes. She lost something there, this is item number two on the shock your list, she wears a fannie pack and she who it at marshals. Diana ross shops at marshals and she lost her fannie pack there. Im stun. This is in los angeles. Somebody found it and got it back to her. She rarely tweets and she said thank you to the angel i lost my fannie pack in marshals. She admitted it all. Someone turned tonight what a blessing. What was in it. It was me can i meet you. So, it must have been so valuable that you admit thaw wear a fannie pack. Plus too page six which air s on our tv station she had her pass forward in there, that information was very obvious, whoever turn it in they knew they were turning in diana rosss fannie pack. Maybe a Louie Vuitton one and she just got back from asia, landed in l. A. Because she lives in new york, i think , i think. I just hope it was a jan sport and she was in a used towels department or something i just found out, okay, Kim Kardashian text me and she said shes having a girl. She text you, did she. Yes. There is one lie in that statement and, well, you know what it is, but shes having a girl. You know what i say to that . Whoopty doo. Okay. 50 50 chance, right, turkey you should be grateful for announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Now, heres wendy wendy come on. Im here for this. [cheers and applause] thank you for tuning in today. And say hello to my cohost

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