It took off 12 million posts over a 24hour period. It is called hashtag me too in the wake of the disgraced hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal. People are weighing in saying you know what . Me, too. Well bring our panel in to talk about it and brack down. Good to you, bill. Lauren and andre richardson. Let me start with you. My first take on this. I had two takes. Within it seems everybody is stepping up to be a victim right now. Two, there is almost a level Playing Field that you got people who have been harassed verbally versus people who have been raped. Whatwhat do you think . Well, i think the entire point of a Movement Like this is to show someone look you who bleebs that maybe this is overblown and to say, look these are your friends, these are your family members. Were telling you this has happened us to. Dont think anyone is making a claim that every assault and incident of harassment is equal or has the same results. I was assaulted while in court in front of a judge buy a posing council many times. I will tell you what i learn interested that situation was that people who are predators find a time that you are voiceless, that you are vulnerable. What happened . It was opposing council who would fondle my hair during oral arguments in trial. I will tell you, i am able to be farley objective about it. At the time, he was far more confused than i was feeling victim. But really, at in the of the day, if someone touches you in a sexual manner, in the case, the by was weird hair pervert. That is sex assault. Do i have ptsd, no . Is it the same as being raped . Absolutely not. It is it disturbing . Absolutely. Now there i agree. Let me ask you, is everyone a victim these days . No. I dont know who the judge and jury is for that. I do agri with this idea. First of all, well not pass lass threw fix this. We dont need be doing that. We need tull are cultural change here. That starts with awareness. I think that having friend, neighbors, sister, brossers whoever they may be sharing personal experiences i dont know if we have to judge who is right or who is wrong. The sharing of the experience is important. What do you think about this . Were talking about it. So many huge issues throughout. My concern is you hear things like the co lum by ya, like Rolling Stone mag globe, so many fake stories out there that i wonder if awareness is part of the problem. Well, first off, the movement was actually started ten years ago by toronto burke this is for upperprivileged young black woman created to give them a voice where they did not have one of them the second thing i would say. Why it did just take off now. When you are talking about black women. All of the sudden, alisa know lan know tweets it out and it is huge. This is what meaned. Racists . I whoop say it is racist. I would say it pis simply whitewashed like the kneel by Colin Kaepernick. Note it is about unity. When it is about racial inequality and we knee. He said that. Bill is this because hollywood is unbelievably embarrassed and disgracedded that this has been going on . Maybe many more year. Not because anything about hollywood. This is because people are sick and tired of being victimized. Women are sick and tired of not being believe sod were hoping with huge numbers, that we can make the point, hey, this is a lot more common. Maybe it is about individuals . Why dont you tell the guy to leave you alone . That is victim blaming i am not going down. Bill i am asking you. Do you think more people out there if they turn around and say, what are you doing . I have thecate to turn around and push them away. Slap them. You know maybe i should have punched the guy. I said hey, what are you doing it . Didnt work. Why didnt somebody else . We all have a responsibility here here. This goes back to awareness. There is a common thing. If you see something, way something. It would be way better if you give more power to victim. Jo thanks, guys. The final debate tonight tweep the two canadas vying to replace Chris Christie on november 7th. The election less than three weeks away. Bill murphy and kim guadagno was there. Diana, what did you see . Bill, three weeks out from election day in new jersey and a final debate between the republican kim gah dag know and bill murphy. Take this moment when guadagno pressed murphy. Well, the Pension Plans have been underfunded by 23 billion. That is not the only reason, but the principle reason why we have been downgraded 11 straight times. The state must own up to its obligations. I want everybody in the room to close their eyes. Tell me what you see. [yelling] you see something because we have no plan whatsoever. No plan whatsoever to physically fund that pension pension. The two met at William Paterson University Wednesday night. Murphy wearing sneakers. The topic in of new Jersey Transit came up with guadagno described as the most important issue of the election and went as far to say all current employees of new Jersey Transit should resign. I will ask every Single Person we are allowed to ask by law to resign and reapply to the jobs. Will make those people hand out the cell phone numbers look dow when i rehire them. N. J. Transit has been gutted. Fares up 36 . And capital pud budget has been sucked into the operating side. People are in there and dont know who are talking about. The latest fox news poll shows he leads by 14 points over guadagno. Area i spoke to notal of the university who told me why, that can impact the race. The way is people talk about them the next day. So i think that even if they did not, people might say, oh, i should give kim guadagno another look. Oh, you know what . Well, now, the doe about it on thursday will be a taker. Many will also be talking about former president Barack Obamas visit to newark where he will join bill murphy. He joined a long list of democrats who came out to support murphy. Joe biden, al gore, already made the i prance. He am diana black reporting for chasing news. Bill thank you, diana. All right. Let me bring in the special debate night panel. Matt rooney, attorney and republican is here with us. Welcome, matt. Bill caruso. Appreciate you sticking around and having you here. I think each side will say they won this debate. Here is what i got out of the deflate there is no question from murphys own words that murphy is going to raise taxes to solve fiscal problems in the state and wants to cut taxes and stem late growth p. What did you say . Murphy is going to raise taxes but going to raise taxes in a fair plan. I didnt hear a plan coming out of kim guadagno. Matt . Murphy has mansed to go for two onehour doe lates without taking a stand. He cannot take a stand on whether or not bob menendez should resign. He cannot take a stand on whether we should convict Illegal Immigrants t. When are we going to find out what he believes . January when is already inning a rated . Bill let me ask this you. I dont think murphy looks strong tonight. I think he needed to look a lot better. Kim land serious pumps. I disagree. He think murphy did a better job than he did the last debate. He left some openings in the last debate and came back and cleared them up. I disdy aye degree matt math. This is not issue of Illegal Immigrants. He actually articulated a plan that Law Enforcement facts and Cooperation Among immigrant come machine tapes law end forcement to fight crime. Dont you think he looked really weak when the whole menendez thing came up. He is convected, out of office. Kim didnt he is hesitate. I would not appoint Chris Christie where as murphy wanted to get on a rant. Not a philadelphia love call rant. He has give in the guy the benefit of the doubt. Well see. Thanks, guys. Coming up next, dan zarrow will have the speck take due lar weather forecast. Meteorologist i am meteorologist dan zarrow. I still dont have top of talk about. High pressure remains in control of the atmosphere. Sunshine, mild temperatures, dry weather. Help break down what you n n bill welcome back to chasing news. I am bill spadea. We have a lot more show for you especially the weather spectacular forecast coming up. Well check win dan zarrow in a little bit. But first, controversy erupts after the president of the United States calls a mother of a green beret who lost his life ins over the country in africa. A member of Congress Said she was there when the president called and said something to the effect of that young man knew what he soon up for. Well, of course, this was somewhat out of context. Well brick down, but i want to get to the details. Fox has the story. Reporter the remains of Army Sergeant la david c. Johnson arriving at Miami International airport on us to day. The family was there to greet the coffin after getting a call from President Trump which democratic congresswoman said was riddled with insults ansar chasm. He never said the word hero. Side the wife, well, i guess he knew what he was getting into. The president made the call after being criticized for not contagging family members of johnson and three other soldiers killed in niger more than two weeks ago. But he denied mack insensitive comments to johnson widow. Didnt say it at all. She knows it. She is now not saying it. I did not say what she said. I would like her to make the stam again. Prominent republicans are come though president s defense saying he submitted the sporting military family. His compassion and his care is so obvious when which is the families. Reporter meanwhile this the families looking for answers about the incidents that his death. He was killed buy isis linked militants in the ambush during the antiterror operation. But still unclear whether the four soldiers were separated from the rest of the groups and why they were traveling in unarmored vehicle. They do have concerns. They have questions. They want answers. Congresswoman is pushing for an investigation that the ambush but there is no word from the pep done on when or if that will happen. In washington. Fox news. Thanks. All right. Lets bring the a plus panel to reck this down. We have lawyers on the set. Bill caruso is back and democratic strategists good to have you here. Fod you have back, laura. Thank four belling here. You are lawyer with law news. Com and andre richardson, the democratic strategists and start with you. The congresswoman is out there and she is angry certainly not a pro trump member of congress begin with. What is the initial thought lets say the president has stated. Well, he did he need saying a lot of things that we found out. And no reason to represent. There was context of this that is missing. President not only said he didnt say it. One would have to believe that competition was supported. Yeah. I would willingic to hear the recording. Would like to har the context. I think it would not be surprising at fall trump said something totally bad in that kind of environment but talk about contexan a little bit of sort of common sense toking if fourth why he would say a thing. But it would not shock me at all to learn it was from another trump comment. Well, easy way to spn it if you are antitrump. On the other side, the left, the defactors of trump have been there two weeks saying that thoughts and prayers are not enough. Maybe somebody who died in service to the country there is not a level of come pen summation is there. I wish it wasnt there. I mean, sore through this mess. We dont know. There is probably some fire here where we see smoke and the president stopping it. The poor family now. You have to deal well this. They have to deal with the loss of a loved one. All right. Let me ask you this. Maybe it is not true. I think it is. It is there any single thing that donald trump coop say that you be not attack him noon no. No. I want him to see. He want to do what is best another country. If he wants to have this conversation. Hates to be more than cosmetic. He had the opportunity here to say, either i made a mistake or here is what said. Well, isnt this typical politics that the democratic congresswoman who trashes the president anyway taking advantage of a situation over the body of a dead grown beret into i dont think calling the president out for saying something stupid is tanging advantage. Think what it is it is calling him to carpet to be account for what he says. I tell you as much as i hate trump physician he said something spart i could give him credit much as longs continues to things that are stupid. Do you hear the context . I will. Think thats the fair thing to do. Lets bring pin dan zarrow with an absolutely fantastic forecast. I am meteorologist dan zarrow your local weather forecast. I love temperatures in the 70s. Probably my favorite and looks like we got about five more days with temps mostly in the 70s before the next chance of rain and an eventual cooldown. Lets get to the forecast here s. For tonight. Not going to be as cold as the past pew nights if we see frost it is in isolated location. Most of us will see lows bottom out in the lower to mid 40sment for tomorrow, a is no dy again. Mostly sunny skies. High temperatures back to the lower 70s and friday looks very, very familiar. With mostly sunny skies and highs in the lower 70s. Only chance for the weekend will be the voduction of some clouds and some humidity comes back into the atmosphere some moisture. No big deal. Sill system mild. Dry. Saturday may be cooler around 70 degrees and then we may bum top the lower to mid 0s for sunday. The next weather maker rifes maybe monday night and more likely during the day tuesday. This one looks to bring us an extended period of rain. Tuesday may be a bit of a washout here. Maybe with several inches of rain and which is great news because we need it. The cold front that delivers that rain will then bring some cooler air so if you have been looking for more dip call fall temperatures where w a dally morning frost and highs in the 50s then, you are going to like the last week of october. Wellp keep you posted as that comes closer. I am meteorologist dan zarrow. Bill President Donald Trump freeze flag on the nfl as the owners not together in new york city and according to commissioner Roger Goodell. They will not be asking the players to stand for the anthem. Foxs own Rick Leventhal has the full story. Reporter owners with all 32nfl teams are here in new york for the fall meeting and anthem oh protests are among the issues up for discussion. Commissioner Roger Goodell arrived here this morning with nfyd commissioner who briefed the owners. How it affects cripple and why the officers sign up in the first police. I am told he did not talk about the anthem protest and even though many in Law Enforcement kneeling and sitting by players that is disrespectful for the flag. A group of players met with a grouf owners yesterday the commissioner who said the league did not ask for a commitment to stand. We did not ask for that. No. We spent the day talking about the issues that our players have been trying to bring attention to. About issues in our community to mack our come in the better. I think we all agree, there is nothing more important than trying to get back into our communities to mack our come fins better. That was the entire thing. A small number of owners do expect players to stand for the anthem including cowboys owner who benched players if they didnt. Certainly teams are aware that many fans dont look the protest and booing players during the anthem and tv rating are down 8 again this season. 49ers ceo says players like Colin Kaepernick are core ragous for doing something they knew would draw backlash. Our countries more important than a slight Economic Impact. I think if people can come together and we can Work Together in this front, you are fog bypass any economic downturn that you can have. The message to on the ners and the lowings to the players seems to be, we are ready to orc with you. In new york, Rick Leventhal. Thank you, rick. All right. Lets bring our panel back in on this. Andre, let the start with you. I heard Something Interesting in that report. You heard that one comment. Slight Economic Impact. I wonder if it is a big Economic Impact if they hold the same principal. I that i, you know, there is Economic Impact. There is a social injustice impact that happened on a much larger scalend a i i the nfl players looked. They are look like unarmed black men and two and a half time more likely to get shot by police than the white counterparts. I mean, it didnt really happen until after kaeperinick. He had a handful of players doing it. Was not until donald trump got in and scolded them. That all of the sudden you had hundreds doing it. Would you a gri. I wouldnt agree. Colin kaepernick started to tick a knee in 2016 over year ago to bring attention to this issue now the nfl has to talk about it. That is where it is coming from. What do you think about this you know, look at collin cab pernick and the guy is washed up and the career is over and looks lake cry for attention and it worked. It is good work that got. Attention and also got attention to the cause that he believes in that and many people believe in which is a the important call. The true lack of patriotism comes from anyone demanding standing for the anthem or saluting or anything like that when it becomes meaning you cannot say it is real. The 40 million man saying were not going to force you to do it but the viewership is down. Have not watched the nfl all season since it started. You vote your feet. Dont like it. I dont look the politics on the sunday football. Le with, i am a new york giants fans. I like foot approximately for other reasons. You know the think the problem with this retest and whatever it was got delated we were not sure what we were protesting any more. This were people angry on within side. People were angry people were boeing forced to stand system set up it a failed leader in roger good deal. You got issues of abuse and domestic violence. Everything. Rampant through the nfl. This brt it to a head. Forget. There is shall a lot of shores going on. Heres the positive coming out of it. They have deedee sided lets focus on what it is or set up. They are going to start focus on issues and that is what they talked about today and getting back and fixing the problems you talked about. That was original message here and sounds look they got it there. And well see where it leads. All right. Stand or kneel . We stand in our house. Now from. All right. A lot more chasing news coming up. Well be right back. Welcome back to chase news. I am bill spadea here is a look at more headlines we are chasing for you tonight. A massive water main break dumping water at a home in Staten Island there were no injuries. New Jersey State Police superintendent rick fuentes is retiring after 39 years with the state police. Governor Chris Christie announcing wednesday 14 years will be replaced by lieutenant colonel. I want to thank rick for suffer state with honor and through the strong leadership through the many challenges we face. That is a look at the headlines were that is chasing today. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson has created a bit of a firestorm on social media and in the media with her attack on President Donald Trump after the president called the family of a green per b ray who was killed in the line of duty. Man fell four his country. He died for our freedom. He is a hero. No questions about it. The problem is, the congresswoman wants to mack issue about what she says the she heard the president say doing through the machines widow that he must have known what he signed up for. Now of course we have not heard the entire transcript we dont know the entire context of what was said and i well say this, a week ago, people were angry about the word thoughts and prayers what should a president say when he calls a widow of a fallen soldier i will say this i doubt very much that the president of the United States intended to insult the widow of this fallen hero. I think it is disgraceful that this congresswoman is politicizing words in the wake of a dead soldier. I think it is outrageous. Lets back off and dial back with press conferences and the soundbites and the tweets and lets not politicize our fallen. All right. That is all i got for you tonight. I hope you enjoyed the show tonight. Thank you for bringing live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11 00. Man wanted for shooting six people across two states is captured after hours on the run Police Brought him into custody in newark, delaware. Tonight we talked to the people right there as he was arrested. Thanks for joining us. Im iain page. Scary situation unfolding all day and night right now fox 29 bringing you Team Coverage from newark to wilmington, delaware. Oconnell live in wilmington with more. Chris . Iain, an accuse the mass shooter is behind bars tonight. In a cell here at the Wilmington Police station. Radee prince accused of murdering three coworkers and shooting three others. Radee prince i

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