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That make such a difference in our childrens lives, really popular one. This is in south philadelphia. It is shutdown. Officials say 100 years old and may not be safe. Our steve keeley out at the Vare Rec Center with the latest on that, steve. Well, signs, sandbags and a cyclone fence, eight feet high, told the kids here and the moms and dads something was wrong, this told them y. Closed until further notice. Suddenly quote serious structural inch tech ready problems discovered by an outside Engineering Company hired by the Rec Department, the city said in i had news release. Really sad. So now what are our children going to do, just sit around, and just be going to the corners this thats the problem right now with all of the rec centers, okay . You know, there is no where for them to go. It is casino every really sad that were if the going to have that any more even for the children around this neighborhood. Youll start seeing new rec centers, new playgrounds, revitalized places all over the city in the next few months. But until then, what do the kids who use this place go, and where do the outside sports teams who used for bathrooms and locker rooms go . Well, karen, port a johns were told possible to keep the teams playing and keep the kids seasons intact. All right, thats one solution, possibly, hopefully theyll figure out something fast. So many kids need that, thank you, steve. 4 00 two, kids will be going back to school today at the john b kelly elementary school. We have a lot of good news on this morning, last week officials found there was molds in part of the school. They scrubbed it, cleaned it ever since last thursday, now Officials Say it is going to be a hundred mold free when the doors reopen for the kids to come back, a little later this morning. All right, this one is a tragedy. Police say, there is a delaware mother, she is admitted she killed two Young Children including one of her own just a little baby, only months old. Prosecutors say 30 year old kula palima drowned her three and a half month old son, solomon, and also drowned his five year old son alex, one of horrific circumstances. Police in wilmington re spooned dollars, there is the scene, 800 block every west ninth street. They say palima, liberian, worried about her immigration status and she had some good reason to be concerned because she thought she might be arrested. Authorities had already arrested her boyfriends only days before on immigration charges. Hes already in custody in jail. Police say that when they got there to talk with her about her concerns, they did see one of the children, the five year old, they did not feel at the time the children were in danger, but only hours later, they came back to a heart breaking scene after she called 911. She was pretty matter of fact about the ad mission that the two children were dead. Our officers discovered them in the back bathtub. Having kids myself, i mean, i cant even imagine what would bring someone to do Something Like that. A small memorial now, there, growing outside of the apartment. She in jail in lou of 2 million cash bond. There is a Chester County dentist in a lot of trouble accused of indecent assault. Prosecute verse charged him but hes still on the job right now. The name is dentist michael fosh, charged last week after two month investigation, police say he indecently assaulted and harassed 21 year old woman. Had come therefore a Job Interview and dental exam. We spoke with one women who applied for a job at his offers. She said the allegations are really upsetting. I just recently found this doctor, so and he was not referred to me by anybody, i just stumbled upon him. But it is quite shocking to me no thats in the area. Doctor was issued a summons on two charges, and released on bond. He face as preliminary hearing in the next few weeks. Lets go up above the scene, this is new castle, delaware, last evening, where there was heavy police presence, this is the 200 block of highland boulevard, about 10 00 last night. We know one person went to the hospital. We dont know anything else about their condition or what happened. 45 00, it took eight months, but prosecutors finally announce charges against 18 inmate in the deadly hostage takeover at delaware prison. Sixteen of the 18 inmates face first degree murder and assault charges. The other two kidnapping charges, prosecutors say, inmates at the Vaughn Correctional Center kidnapped four corrections officers, and held them hostage from february 1st to the second. Sergeant steven floyd died, two other officers were injured. And more trouble for another fraternity at penn state university. This is disappointing. This time it is the alpha cairo fraternity facing charges after two under age women were hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. This all happened at a party that the frat was hosting on september 28th. Both women entered the Party Without showing id. They drank so much that their blood alcohol content was nearly three times the league al limit, say police. Beta theta pi shutdown after 19 year old timothe piazza died back in february, remember that case, fell down the basement steps during night of heavy drinking and he died. 4 06 is the time right now. Developing, Pennsylvania House lawmakers considering the latest plan to close the states budget gap. State representatives are trying to find a way to generate enough money to fund the 32 billion budget, they passed back in june. Last nights proposal is built around borrowing up to one and a half billion dollars against the 1998 tobacco settlement. The plan also includes sales tax on certain online transactions. Meantime, the Faculty Union has reached tentative deal with pennsylvanias 14 state owned university. It is a new contract that will run through june of 2019. The current one expires next june. Details of the agreement have not yet been released. President trumps nominee for the nations drug czar has withdrawn from consideration and hes got local ties. Because hes congressman from pennsylvania. His name is tom marino. Hes now dropping out following an explosive report on 60 minute that a law he helped write weakened the dea authorities to go after big drug companies, destroying opioids in the middle of our opioid crisis. Marina wanted to avoid the appearance after conflict of interest. And federal judge in hawaii has block most of the president s latest travel ban just hours after it was set to take effect. The judges ruling applies to the six muslim majority countries on the list. It doesnt affect restrictions against north korea or venezuela. The state had argued that the updated ban is a continuation of president trumps promise to exclude muslims from this country. The white house has called the ruling dangerously flawed, the Justice Department says, it will appeal. Vice president mike pence now speaking out about new jersey senator bob menendez bribery trial. He was on radio show yesterday. He said it would be wrong for the democratic senator from new jersey to stay in office if convicted. But, says it, would be a decision for members of the senate, testimony in menendez trial continued yesterday. Prosecutors say he accepted free travel and gift and Campaign Donations from a wealthy friends, in exchange for political influence. Menendez has maintained he did nothing wrong. Heres something great happening. This is a principal from our area in bucks county, giving an update to kids because he is spending the night on the roof of the school. He slept there, thanks to a bet with student, Lauren Johnson is at newtown middle with the latest on this one, good morning, lauren. Reporter hey, karen, good morning to you. So before he crashed last night, principal tim long told our Shawnette Wilson that the sleeping temperatures were good. It was crisp. It was cool. And it was comfortable. Where, there he is this morning,s awake, we have to send a microphone up, there is a little rig on the side of the building so we can talk to him this morning about his night on the roof of Newtown Middle School where he camped out for kids of his elementary school. How did this come about . Harvey who hit close to home for two Staff Members, attendance secretary, who once lived in texas. Schools decided they would adopt Wolf Elementary School for an entire year to help them bounce back from the destruction of being slammed by mother nature. The goal was to raise 8,000 for the schools pto so they could assist the schools needs. When the fundraiser was 900 shy, he made a promise to student and staff. Said okay, well, what if i campout on the roof if we make our goal . I said okay. That wasnt my idea, but okay, thats great. So here we are. And so yesterday principal long went up on the roof about 2 30 in the afternoon. He plans to stay up there and until about 8 00 this morning, ones student decide to come to school today. Of course theyll be here. So his addition over there in the corner you can see little tent up on the top of the roof. There is some lights. He also had like a little bag that has the mascot of the school out in texas. So yes it, doesnt end today, though. Principal long says even after the money has run out, the students are going to be pen pals to the kids out in texas, theyre also going to help them with holiday gifts, and theyll do some skype calling to make sure the student rent still in good spirit. Karen, what a night for this principal, again, we will sends this microphone up, in about the next 15, 20 minute, so when you talk to us at 4 30, well hear directly from the principal about sleeping out in this chilly wetter. That story makes me so happy, lauren, thank you. So much fun and so much good work happening there, thanks. How about this . The sixers beginning new season tonight. So many fans, all of us hoping this is the beginning after new era of sixer basketball. It could be. Ben simmons, markle folds, both only making their nba debut tonight, and joel embiid will be on the floor in a regular season game for the First Time Since january. You put that up with the rest of the team, we have got jj reddick, contributing players like sarik and covington. Looks like it will be pretty good. So our sixers are playing the wizards in d. C. Tonight at 7 00. We will show you something, things getting little wild inside after 7 11. Coming up next on good day, police say they were forced, these are two women, theyre at the 711, to body slam one of them and they ended up getting locked into the convenience store. There they are. Let me out. You let me out. No, they didnt let them out. See what happens. Also wow, did you see this . A bad break. Duane raids reaction right there says it all. Wow. A celtics player badly injured in last nights season opener. We will explain all of that when we come right back. Hey, bob kelly . Good morning, 4 1 4 11, hump day, still a lot of construction out there. Lets say good morning to the ben franklin parkway. Looking good downtown philly. Suebe is back and has your forecast when we come right back. While others just cook, at college inn we craft a deeper, richer broth because every detail matters. We carefully select our allnatural chicken and farm grown vegetables, purposefully blend the most flavorful herbs and spices, and finish with a long, slow simmer. The savory taste of College Inn Broth is the detail that helps you make any dish, and every meal delicious. College inn, delicious is in the details. Welcome back, about to click over to 4 15 on our wednesday morning halfway through this week, sue, ive hazing news today, it is National Chocolate cupcake day. Yeah well well wait for the delivery. Ill treat. That sound wonderful. It is a chilly start this morning at some point, a treat wouldnt be a bad idea. Frost effect in for cumberland, atlantic and ocean counties, in the 9 00 a. M. , chance of temperatures down there in the 30s. So lets check some temperatures. Look at this. 39 degrees in allentown, 49 here in the city. It is 42 up in trenton. Fortyfive in mount pocono. Fortytwo in hazleton. But down here in the cooler counties looks like 39 degrees in millville. So there could be some scattered frost around the area, around here, in southern new jersey, but really, anywhere, 53 degrees cape may, 46 rehoboth, allen dale, delaware, as well. Wear a coat today, wear a fleece, wear a jack, something to keep you warm if you are waiting for the bus, wonderful weather pattern in place though. Looking at the future cast, believe it or not, time is clicking by up here, but nothing is changing here on the map. Which means, clear skies, no clouds, and plenty of sunshine. Average high temperatures down to 66 degrees. And we are getting to the point where were getting below average in many places, and 61 was our high yesterday. But look at this nice stretch of weather ahead. Seventyone today. Seventytwo tomorrow and friday. Mid 70s, over the weekend, we have our altzheimers walk in wilmington, delaware saturdayment looks excellent for that. Maybe, and not even too chilly to start. So, thats fantastic. Now, the eagles have the monday night game. Could be shower or two. Remember, were going to give you that forecast, here on tv and on the radio, 101. 1 more fm. Even, even from the sick bed, we make sure we get that forecast, bob kelly. Get back over there with your tissues, out of cupcakes this morning so i went for the krimpets, so ill celebrate National Krimpet Day here this morning, think fast, boom. Good morning, roosevelt boulevard southbound, disable right near wissahickon, finally just got officer on the scene there. So just be careful rolling out of the driveway this morning. Good morning south jersey, the 42 freeway, coming in toward philly. Not bad at all. Also still working right here, the southbound side of 295, the construction crews are out here, right near the 42 freeway. This one is always dangerous, Walking Around on the roadway with the cones down. So just be careful as you head out the front door this morning. Mass transit looking good. Karen, back over to you. Bob, thanks so much. Firefighters taking advantage of some of the rain and the lighter winds, theyve been having out in northern california, but they do have another challenge in their battle against these historic wilds fires. Crews are trying to put out a new fire that is burning on the Steep Mountain us terrain in the santa cruz area. And it is really difficult for them to fight because the best Access Points are dirt roads that were erroded during last winters mudslides. Worsening air quality is forcing the schools there in nap a to postpone reopening until next week. So theyve been off for little bit. And now 41 people, the death toll there, such a tragedy, killed and more than 6,000 homes destroyed by those fires. There could soon and deal to extends a baum a care health exchanges, could be big break, comes following last weeks week for the president to ends subsidies and premiums. Bipartisan agreement, allows lower income americans to buy coverage through obamacare markets for two more years. In exchange, the states will have greater flexability when it comes to the coverage requirements. And a terrifying scene at a Delaware County bus stop a car jumps the curb, and plows into two people. It all happened yesterday afternoon, right there, along busy lansdowne avenue, where the car wounds up in a tree. Police say the driver described as an older woman, lost control of that car, right in front of the hospital, mercy fitzgerald there in darby. She told police she was afraid she was going to hit another car. She over corrected, and swung hard to the right. Kept on rolling over a bus stop, and two people. She went over that bump, right into the bus stop, and ran them over. Ran over them. The car went boom, boom, boom, then she ran into the tree. A source says the 62 year old woman pushed a 82 year old man out of the way. She is the one that took the whole brunt of that hit. Police were testing the drivers blood, but they think this was simply an unfortunate accident. It is a ten years in prison for a man convicted of killing a 14 Year Old Girl with his car. A judge sentenced 40 year old nicholas for deadly accident in summer of 2014. So the girl was crossing the center line, he cross the the center line of route 40, hamilton township. Crashed onto oncoming traffic and killed this little girl. Authority say he had prescription drugs in his system, drugs did he not have a prescription for. And there is 22 year old man who pleaded guilty in the murder every drag racing crash that killed two people and unborn baby in montgomery county. Prosecutors say shown santiago owe was behind the wheel racing another driver when he lost control on route 422 in West Pottsgrove back in february. His passengers, 23 year old anthony rodriguez, and 20 year old Marissa Kelly died. Kelly, who was pregnant, also lost her baby. And there is a seven 11, scene of wild brawl, it happened in the middle of the night, you know recalling sometimes it can get little rough in some of the Convenience Stores around. So this one happened frankford section couple of weeks ago, but the new video from the scene thats got people talking. There are the two suspect in the case, these two women were there, allegedly involved in a shoplifting incident, the night before. So when they walked in, the security said, now we dont want you here, they didnt lever, so they lock them inside the store until police got there. While that set the women off. You can see her right, there throwing stuff all over the place, they were kick the door, slamming people, and employees grabbed some pepper spray. At 1. 1 of the offenders picks up bottles of lighter fluid, and starts sprague it all over the store. And with a lighter threatened to burn down the store if they didnt let them out of ther. Thats what the women reportedly starting whipping items you can see from the store shelves across the store, one of them accused at lunging them at the officers at the scene, and then one of the women ends up getting sort of body slammed right there. Thats all being investigated, as well. Yep, everyone saying wow whats happening. Eventually taken into custody. They face whole list of charges. All right, 4 21, consumer warning, there is a local shoprite issuing an important recall. Why officials at one store pulling dozens of packages of meat from the shelves. But first lets talk sports. Heres kristen. Will we see any closure soon to the anthem protest in the nfl . Hear why one eagles player says theyre not close to resolutions just yet. Ahead in sports. This is fox 29 sports in one minute. Good morning, im kristen rodgers, the sixers open up later tonight but joel embiid is still on a minute restriction, something he is not too happy about. I wish i was playing, i think im ready, i think im ready for more than i dont know whatever number they have. I wish i was playing ball. But we are going to see how that goes. Flyerspanthers last night. Flyers up threenothing, Nolan Patrick leads it right between his legs for dale weiss. Flyers take this game fiveone. The nfl and players met in new york yesterday, to discuss social change around the league, eagles defensive back Malcolm Jenkins was, there but it doesnt look like anything is changing, just yet. Im not sure were close to resolution, but conversations with ongoing. It went from, you know, just phonecalls, to obviously the first time meeting. So i dont think we could come up with a whole plan and solution in two hours, and were looking forward to the opportunity to really put a good plan together. Thats sports in a minute. Im kristen rodgers. All right, here is Something Else that happened, the nba season getting off to a brutal start. Were going to cleveland f youre squeemish, look away now, thats your spoiler, thats where it happened. Well show this is boston hayward breaking his ankle in who are i have being action, i mean, that was oh, awful. So, i mean, he is one the leagues rising stars, new acquisition, really going to make the celtics legitimate threat. Now this. In the end, cleveland, won the game, 10299. Coming up at 4 30, weve had shutdown at one of the rec centers, so now kids, parents, are left in the lurch. What do you do . It had so many great programs. Ahead the reason it was abruptly forced to shut down. And weve got live reports and an explanation, hey, bob kelly . Hey, good morning, karen, 4 26. Live look at the schuylkill expressway, getting ready to pick the signs up and put them off to the side, as we ends up construction this morning. We are going to go outside and say hello and good morning, ocean city, new jersey, flags are blowing, sue has the forecast, well grab a coffee, meet you back here in two and a half. Rec sent her to be shutdown, it is closed now, and kids and parents are scrambling now, what happened that made them close that down and so suddenly. After five years of being held captive by the taliban, what a pennsylvania woman was returned to the hospital, just happened, we know her story, what her husband is saying now about all of that. And heres good news story of the morning, here he is, hey, buddy, principal spending the night on the roof of his school. How cool would it to be have him as your principal. The 8,000 reasons why hes not coming down until a little later this morning. Good day everybody, on this wednesday. Love this guy. It is october 18th already. Thank you so much for joining us. Weve got the gang, hey, bob, hey, sue. Wealth come back. Yeah. So nice to have you back. You look great. Even if you dont always feel 100 . Cosmetics are a wonderful thing. And there are plenty of them for sure. So weve got chilly start this morning, so much so, we have frost advisory in effect for parts of south jersey. We will look at that in a few minute, allinall it is a ice day ahead. Beautiful at up day, it starts out crisp, chilly, then with all of the sunshine it, will ends up really nice. Thirtys, 40s out there this morning with bus stop buddy. We put some gloves on him, to indicate that it is a little cool to be spending some time at the bus stop this morning. 49 degrees, in the city. And we will check some other temperatures, weve got 39 in allentown, only 40 in lancaster, 42 in wildwood. And were headed to high of about 71 degrees, later on, sunny, cool, we will take it, and well gave you a couple of more in the seven day forecast coming up. Bob kelly . We will take it, 4 31, good wednesday morning, even though they have all of the lanes open thereon 95, still doing some work out here, northbound 95 it, right here girard avenue, they moved everybody over to the new stretch of the roadway, theyre working on the schuylkill, underneath 30th street station, westbound, still only one lane coming out every south philly. And hello to the gang out in the suburbs. 422 eastbound still work crew, right here, near trooper road. Mass transit, though looking good. Karen, back over to you. Bob, thanks so much. 4 32 is the time. Beloved rec center in south philly so many people have been using for generations now closed it and indefinately. Officials say the 100 year old facility maybe a danger to the community. Lets get out there right now and see whats going on. Steve keeley, i manage, not much going on, steve . Well, this buildin occupies an entire big city block. So a huge both physically, as you see as we pan left and right, and responsibly, and reliably, for this whole south philly neighborhood. It has been a Gathering Spot for generations for both children, and adult programs, and a sudden shutdown friday after an outside structural Engineering Company hired by the Rec Department said it is showing it age with severe structural problems that have compromised the big buildings integrity. It is actually good place for kids to go and have fun, they even help with you your homework. There has been a lot of good things in that community center. So it is, you know, unfortunate, that this has happened. We just dont have an unlimited amount of revenue that we can allocate toward, you know, toward things like this, toward needs like this, and, unfortunately, over time, that adds up, and situations like this happen. Well outside playgrounds and sports fields behind the big buildings are staying open. Karen, the sitly try it relocate the inside programs, to parks and recommendation buildings, still not known yet, though, how everyone is going to get to all of those places, especially, the kids. Very god question. All right, steve, thank you. It is 4 33 right now. The judge handling Jerry Sandusky appeal will be soon announcing today if the charges will be thrown out or if hell get a new trial. The judge says hell announce his decision at noon today. Seventythree year old sandusky serving a 30 to 60 year state prison sentence, after being convicted back in 2012 of abusing ten children, sandusky is arguing he didnt get adequate representation by his lawyers during the trial and prosecutors didnt turn over information about victims changing stories. That pennsylvania woman who was just rescued last week with her family, three sons, her three children and pakistani troops there that did the rescue, now she is in the hospital just admitted. She was held by a group that is a spin off of the taliban from years. Her name is caitlin coleman, there she; well, she was returned to a hospital in canada on monday. Her husband is canadian. They went back to that country. Her husband joshua emailed the Associated Press yesterday, but did not specify her condition. She still has a lot of family that lives in our area. The boils were held captive by the taliban from fifth years after being abduct in the afghanistan. The couple and their three children came back to toronto last friday. And you may want to check your refrigerator. There are officials at a new Jersey Grocery store saying there is something in your meat possibly that shouldnt be. Heres what you need to know. Shoprite of glassboro says theyre recalling their grounds meat and their meatloaf mix. They say there could be small pieces of plastic and metal in it. The meat has a sell by date of october 16. The Grocery Store says if you have one, return it to them, in order to get a full refund. 4 35. There is a bucks county principal spending the night on the schools roof. Hes camping out for a cause right now. Our Lauren Johnson is whim at the Newtown Middle School. So we will be hearing from him sooner than later, i imagine. Good morning, lauren. Hey, karen, good morning, so, yes, tim long normally wakes up about 4 40. We have him up little early last night for dinner he had barbeque, cheese steaks, went to bed a little after 10 00. Well, hes up breitbart and early, or i should say dark and early this morning. Tim, good morning to you. Good morning, to as well. Soap, youre doing this because of Hurricane Harvey. You had two Staff Members here at your school that ar connected to texas. Why did you decide to do this . Well, everybody in the school wanted to do something special, do something that was meaningful, for all of the victims. And you get some things happening at once. We decided to target one area, to see immediate impact. So you adopt add school there . Adopt add school, outside of houston, called Wolf Elementary School. And we committed to them for the full year, trying to help them in anyway we can. You decided 8,000, that number just come to you, or did you know that they need that amount of money. I figure we had 800 kids in the building. If everybody could bring in 10, small investment from each person, but at least a big impact hopefully in a community that needs it. Then you were 900 shy, and you said hey ill get this last 900, and you put yourself on the roof. Yes. We were little shy. A lot of teachers sport, we had some local businesses support, we were able to get to that 8,000, worked out well. Listen, i think we would have got end to 8,000 total without me commit to go there is but i thought this adds a little more excitement to the whole process, you know, spending a night on the roof is nothing like getting displaced out of your home for however long theyre displaced. Last question for you, how was it for you there last night . It was a good night, chilly, crisp cleary think i heard on the radio, tv, so i think crisp and clear is the words for the night. Tim long, up on the top of the middle school here in bucks county, were going to check back in with him around 5 00. But karen, a good cause, a man doing some good things out here. Absolutely, thank goodness, we need this on this wednesday. Thats awesome story, lauren, thank you. Coming up on good day philadelphia students who say theyre afraid to go to school. Parent are saying their kids are being targeted. And then attacked. Now, theyre desperate in orders to get some help. More on that. But first, here are some pictures. Kids really hurt. Sue, give us some good news. Good news, weve got great autumn weather pattern it, will last for at least a couple of days. But what about the weekends . It is never too early to check that. And we will, coming up. You dont want anything stopping you from doing what you love. For extra immune support, theres airborne plus betaimmune boosterâ„¢. The only one made with vitamins and minerals, plus an ingredient proven to boost your natural defenses. Airborne. Welcome back in your money news, 460 people on this 500 people in bethlehem, unfortunately, are going to be out after job, because wells fargo is closing down, it is call center there. Spokesperson for the company says the building is slate today close in just 60 days. They say this is a result of customers asking for more severservice options like on line banking, and because of that, there has been decrease in direct calls. There is a new mobile app that hopes to keep Real Estate Agents safe while theyre at work. Crimes against agents are rising as they take more and more calls from clients they finds the listings on line at any of the other site. So this app is called forewarn, it allows agents to enter potential clients phone number before they meet them. Theyll get instant background check, it says the app can provide information about 80 of the callers, sounds like it might and good app for lot of people. All right, remember this video . Just sparked so much outrage about flying and what could happen and the consequences, there was a doctor, he was bumped out after seat. He didnt want to go. So they pulled him out and put him in the hospital, drag off that United Airlines plane. So what happened to those officers . Were going to let you know, the fallout of that when we come right back. At hellmanns, we care about sourcing 100 of our oils responsibly. And we care about incredible taste. Because at hellmanns, were on the side of food. Good morning, welling come back, as we take a live look right now, reading, see a lot of cars out there. I know a lot of you are up right now. Rosario, thank you for checking in, blind park, thank you so much of you for getting up, 4 44 is the time. Im surprised by the number of people that are up on this wednesday, bob. Anybody feels free to drop us by some coffee or some chocolate cupcakes, i was going to whip some up, chocolate cupcakes with me easy bake oven there yesterday. But just ran out of time. Chocolate cupcake day on this wednesday morning, everybody, schuylkill expressway, looking live, down to one lane here, the one lane pattern coming out of 202, just watch for that stop sign, when youre trying to get on the schuylkill from 202, looking good on the benny, no problems at all, headed into downtown philly. But theyre still working here along 295, southbound, right in the area of the black horse pike. Shes back. Shes got the forecast, sue is coming up in 15 seconds. I was just negotiating 17 seconds with bob. Here we are. Right . Weve got a look at the frost advisory thats in effect, until 9 00 this morning for cumberland, atlantic, half of burlington and ocean counties. These are the areas where were most likely to see temperatures, that will be pretty close to freezing, although, up to the north of us, we have a few 30s, as well, like allentown, with 39 degrees. We look at mount pocono, 45. Fortytwo in hazleton, pottstown, 38. Thirtyseven in doylestown. Millville, 39. Fiftytwo in cape may. But 48 in ocean city. Just depends on where you are, allendale, delaware, down there in sussex county, with 39 degrees, but it is 46 this morning, in rehoboth beach. So, there is nothing to show you on radar. And just to show you, there is nothing to show you, here is a look at the future cast. You have got to look at the dathan time up here. We go through the rest of the day today, tonight, see hardly anything happening. You dont see clouds moving in. You dont see precipitation. And that bodes well for our weather future. 66 degrees is our average hi, we were below average yesterday, chilly high of 61. Today, looking at 71 for a high temperature. And were in the lower sevens on thursday, friday, beautiful, breitbart sunshine, and then, as we get into the weekends, also looking good for the altzheimers walk in wilmington, delaware, saturday morning it looks good, about 50 degrees to get started then 74 for high later on in the day, another high in the mid 70s on sunday, and next chance of showers, unfortunately, could be just in time for the eagles game on monday night at lincoln financial field. And i want to say thanks to mike masco for doing such a great job, too, last kim every days in the morning. Yep, as we know, karen it, a marathon. It is a marathon, and did he a great job. But just not quite as good as you, sue, dont worry, i was wonderful. Im grateful. Happy to have you back. Im grateful. 4 47. Taking a look at top stories right now, teenager in delaware, facing charges for really brutal beating and attempted robbery. It all started in a parking lot in bear, on saturday evening. Thats when police say the 17 year old boy drove up to a 18 year old, and asked if he wanted to buy some marijuana. When the young man got into the car willingly, police say the driver then all the sudden demanded his wallet, at gunpoint, was robbing him. The 18 year old fought back, but the teen beat him up. And now, that suspect is facing a long list of charges. The victim in this case is going to recover. There are some parents in philadelphia, theyre scared to send their kids to school. They go to the building 21 high school, it is in west oaklane, and parent say the teens are randomly being targeted and attacked. One of the student, look what happened to him. Seventeen year alomar lynn francois, his injuries are so bad, hes going to have to have surge troy repair his jaw. There is another student who says he was kicked repeatedly and drag off the bus, and par rent understandably really upset. We should be able to send our kids to school, not worrying about whether when school lets out, whether youre going to get a fen call because your child got jumped or worse yet killed by a group of people who dont even know him. Philadelphia School District police are working with the city police to try to put an end to those attack, which cannot come soon enough for all of the people that are there. 4 49. Two women in new jersey have admitted their role in stealing more than 24 million from a Program Designed to help our veterans. One of the women was associate dean at caldwell universitys office of external partnerships. Prosecutors say they tricked veterans, into un rolling into courses that they thought were credited but were actually fake. Each of these women faces up to 20 years in prison, when a judge sentences cents them in january. There are more than dozen people charged in a massive drug ring, prosecutors in trenton, new jersey, say that guy, 34 year old Fernando Diaz riviera is the man behind the whole operation. Hes in custody in puerto rico already. Police say hes one of the biggest heroin and cocaine suppliers in camden and north philadelphia selling 20 to 30 kilograms of drugs a month. Investigators say they seized drugs with the street value of about 2 million other dollars, and they think all of those other people there were involved. Two officers who violently dragged a passenger off a United Airlines flight, well, theyve been fired. Thats the fall out. yelling heard . I mean there is was video that rattled all of us, all started when the doctor, david dow, refused to give up his seat for airline crew member. Hes now settled with united financially, the officers firing comes six month after this whole incident, the carrier vows never to allow police to remove a passenger like that ever again. After Taunting Police on line, there was a guy, many of you shared this up on facebook, as well, want in the michigan. He did what he said he was going to do, turned himself in. Police say they had warren out for michael for probation violation, related to dui. There he is walking himself in. He said he would only turn himself in on one condition, if the departments Facebook Post ended up being shared more than a thousand times, not only would he turn himself in but volunteer to pick up trash, you can see the donut right there, bring nag dozen donuts, guess what, that post earned more than 4,000 shares. So, he was true to his promise. This one is what were they thinking police . Costume company under fire after that. Whats wrong with it . Well, it is an ann frank outfit for little girls. And it was tweet eude on halloween costumes. Com. The site described frank as a world war ii hero and an inspiration, saying, quote, we can always learn from the struggles every history. The site has since removed the costume, apologizing saying, not only did they sell stuff for halloween, but also for school project, and for plays, as well, but a lot of people very offended. 4 51. Coming up on good day, on the run . Is it a lot of bull . Bull on the run in brooklyn. How the bovine escape run, besse, get away. This one, though, it does have a happy ending. Not all Fish Oil Supplements provide the same omega3 power. Megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. So one softgel has more omega3 power than three standard fish oil pills. Megared advanced triple absorption. Well company back, one of the all time classic songs. Our Thomas Drayton is of this day, taking a couple days off. Im happy to share it with you right now, so thank you for waking up and joining us. Getting red foyer halloween, maybe you have your kids costumes, well, a lot of our kids have some allergies, how do you finds out if the the candy being handed out is safe for your child . You know, just look for the teal colored pumpkins. Houses participating in the teal pumpkin project, they promise to provide nonfood oral err gentlemenfriendly treats on halloween. So, teal is the color for food allergy awareness. It is now in it fourth year. So you just paint your pumpkins, let people know you have the stuff that wont let anybody with any allergies have any problems. So, that is really helpful to so many families. You certainly know them in your lives if it is not you directly. 4 55. Not something you see every day. A cow on the loose, than is up in new york city. So, there was quite a crowd, obviously people come on over there, well, where is this going . Looks like playing fields over there, the soccer fields in brooklyns prospect park. It can be a very busy area. Dozens of officers waited for animal control to get there. They sedated the cow. It is a cow for goodness sake, so the great escape has great ending. A lot of times with coast on the loose, botchery, end of the line, so the good news is this cow, theyre saying, will get to live out the rest of its days peacefully at sky land Animal Sanctuary and rescue up there in one of the townships in new jersey. So that does have a happy ending. Taco bell will once again be handing out free tacos during the world series, if a player steels a base. Any player steels a base during game one or two, you get a free dorito lobing owe taco on wednesday november 1st, from 2 00 to 6 00. On game three or later, you get free taco on tuesday the seventh, election day, from 2 00 to 6 00. But you need to check and make sure the taco bell near you is participating in the championship give away. Hope so. We love free stuff. All right, 4 56. Covering a lot of big store thinks morning. Here is one of the best of the day, lauren has got it, hey, lauren. Hey, karen, 800 students at Newtown Middle School, 10 a piece, we need 8,000 to raise for Hurricane Harvey victims out in houston. Tim long said lets do it. Ill get on the roof. Well tell you more about his challenge for the students coming up of the first steve keeley . Reporter well, usually when anyone or anything turns 100 years old, there is a big celebration. But here in south philly, aggravation, instead of celebration. You wont believe what happens neck. Up all night local principal, camping out, for a good cause. All right, guys, it is 10 30. Tired. Good day philadelphia, 5 00. It was pretty good right now. We will show him to you in just an employment. Thats really inspirational, educator there doing that. Good morning, gang, good morning to both of this morning. Principal falling asleep under the desk today, you know hes got his head down. Did you dover that,

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