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Cane do it . Is it possible . Well see vick in the bron k. The yankees advance in the playoffs. Plus, of course, all your weather and headlines. I am bill spadea, this is chasing news [screaming] [gunfire] bill haskin las vegas. Details are being sorted out. Law enforcement doing their job getting bottom to the bottom of what happened ap why it happened. Caroline shively has full report. Reporter President Trump here in less vegas today meeting with First Responders as well as survivors. 540 people who prnjured. President tremendous bravely, the police department, incredible. The people themselves, incredible. People leaving ambulances to have somebody else go because they thought they were hurt even worse so. Reporter President Trump visiting a las vegas hospital as fbi agents remain busy. The gunman in sundays deadly mass shooting. President trump. The mass murder that took Police Sunday night fills americas heart with grief. America is truly a nation in mourning. Reporter investigators now looking into anyone who had contact with paddock, a highstakes gam ler, retired accountant, amgens questioning paddocks girlfriend, Marilou Danley who returned to the u. S. Late tuesday. She is being called cooperative, but also a person of interest and has contacted a lawyer. A gentle soul. Reporter investigators are still working on potential motive. The fbi director saying today paddock did not leave any obvious thumbprints as survivors continue sharing their stories in cludding a Tennessee Woman whose husband died protecting her. He wrapped his arms around me from behind. We started running. And that is when i felt him get shot in the back. Reporter government says say paddock recently transferred 100,000 overseas and in recent weeks there were reports he was gam ling more than 10 the a day. In las vegas, caroline shively, fox news. Bill thank you, caroline. I want to dues you to a survivor of the massacre. Thank you for joining me on chasing news i understand, were you at the concert with your pregnant girlfriend. Tell bea happenedment how did you survive . What happened . It was crazy night, you know, all of the sudden, we heard this and i say a popping noise. Like new years eve. What was that . I said it is fireworks, i think. It is fireworks. Nobody paid attention to it. Nobody minded to it. All of the sudden, you hear a second round of shots, boom, boom, boom. Then we felt vibration, flying over our heads, and it stopped again. I said we got to get out of here. Lets go. Lets go. Bill can i ask you. You said you felt a little bit of guilt. People say that. Survivors guilt. It sounded like you did everything you could. Where is that rain coming from . It comes from background of roll listen tier firemen. Is with on the rescue squad and not likely to not go and help, you know . I said i just left, you know . I just went. I grabbed my girlfriend and ran. I was talking to my mother, my mother said, you know, did you what you had to do. You have a child on the way. You protected your future wife and your child, you know . You did what cue do. You from by yourself, circumstances would have been different, you snow. Bill listen to your mother because there is no doubt a hero. You didnt panic. You got the one person out of there to safety that you had to. Thank god you are ok. Thanks for joining me tonight. Thanks. Bill ok. We want to turn to another andle of this story. How about the fake news that is starting with viral videos going out there. Everything from crime scene pictures to conspir racy this res. Diana has the full story. Diana. Reporter conspir racy theories flooded the internet. Video appear to show more than one gunman involved in the attack. Police have dismissed those claims but still gaining tracking. Take this video on youtube of over 32,000 views. Showing what it says is evidence of a second shooter on the fourth floor of the mandalay bay hotel. It seems like it is coming from up there. [gunfire] oh beep . So i can see how somebody could think that that more than one shooter is here because shooting from two different locations. Reporter maria is a professor of police at John Jay College of krill criminal justice. The real challenge here is not so much to identify what is true, what is, you know, what is edited, but to have a sense of the logistics of this event. Because we are not looking at this point for another suspect. Reporter the internet is buzzing over leaked photos, one allegedly shows the shoot ear body next to rifles, ammunition and a possible suicide note. Police are now investigating who leaked that photo and if it is a cop, he or she will likely be fired. Absolutely. That is the Biggest Online enforcement to relive information, evidence, video, pictures of the crime scene that is still basically an active crime because he is dead but the investigation just started, so absolutley terrible offense. At tuesday press conference. Las vegas Police Showed bod ty cam nottage of multiple officers on the night of the shooting. The Investigation Continues no the suspects motive. I am diana black report for chasing news. All right. Thank you, diana. Lets bring in the aplus panel. Frank, a chief of staff for congressman tom mccarthy. Good to have on in this show. Thank. Allison williams are where you a child abuse attorney, family attorney. Do you think this falls in the level of theories that came out after 11 and people get their maybes wrapped around things. It is only a few hours after, the investigation is not done. Well, i think it hurts the Law Enforcement efforts when people are going to their own theories about what happened then the Law Enforcement professionals have to go chase done the bad lees and it takes time away from the work. We are depintive of the spokesperson, most people have been clear that they think one shooter and so it is not so much of an issue. Other climbs are delayed perhaps not solved because of this. Bill what about this, this is the front page of the new york post. These pictures leaked, again, within hours. It looks like it was quite possibly Law Enforcement. I he anything like that that comes out that even cast shad did he on the investigation, make sure it makes the jobs more difficult. I pray for those families and the vick telephones in hopes they can find peace in the midst of this disduster a. Bill thanks, guys. I want to bring in our meteorologist dan zarrow. Dan, it is dry. I havent seen rain in a wild. It is it a record is . It dangerous . What is going on . Meteorologist 15 days in a row without mash surable rainfall in the area. It is quit a stretch that sense pleasant weather. Overall, i am not concerned. We ran a surplus of rain for six or seven months in a row. Summer was so wet, every single weekend we had rain. Drought is a medium to long in range thing. No big concerns maybe a fire weather concern because the brush is so dry. That is about it. Do oceanaut one point does the government step in and say, look, we have to low the water consumption. We have to put some rationing in . At what point does that happen for 15 days in. Do they wait for 3045, we almost there . There is certain bench marks they are look. That this is updated and weekly basis. Can tell you now 100 of theiars not dry at this point. There is no concerns regarding reservoirs or soil moisture or the vegetation, everything is healthy in a think what were looking ats the fact we have got some potentially steady to heavy rain in the season die monday time frame and if we get tropical moisture in there, it could really pour early next week. Bill thanks, dan. Well check in on the local weather later in the show. Here is a look at the headlines were chasing for you. The deal fraternity at Penn State University has been suspend after a student was found unconscious. Police believe thence dent happened after a night of drinking. The incident happened after night of drinking. The student is recovering. Tim piazza died in february a after a night of drink at beta Phi Fraternity house which is close. Members faced hundred of chaps in the death. The American Cancer Society says death rates from Breast Cancer dropped 36 between 1989 and 2015. Africanamerican women still higher Breast Cancer death rates. The overall decline Breast Cancer death rates have been contributed to improvements in treams and early detention by a mammogram. That is a look at the headlines were chasing today. Coming up, president of the United States on the ground in puerto rico on tuesday and he made a comment about for giving the debt, 70 billion in debt and it happened. You know, you could say goodboy to that. Dan zarrow has al the weather. Hi, bill. 15 days in a rove dry weather and count. We have a warmup to talk about. I will hav bill welcome back to chasing news i am bill spadea. We have a lot here coming up four. The yankees and the big win and the local weather with dan zarrow, but first, lets talk about puerto rico. President trump visited the island to survey the devastation and talk to the survivors and the folks struggling to get back on their feet. Take a look at what has to say to fixs geraldo rivera. We are going to work something out. You know, they oh a lot of machine no i friends on wall street. We have to think would out. They oh a lot of money. You can say good bye to that. I dont know if it is Goldman Sachs but you can wave goodbye to that. Dari want to bring in the aplus panel. The president talking about debt. This is on everybodys mind. The island is struggling under almost or little more than 90 billion in debt. I want tro reinto dues the panel to you. The district chief of staff and allison williams, you are here. Are attorney, child abuse attorney, family attorney. I will start with you. Your boss was one of two republicans to sit on the committee that was did he seened to help puerto rico after the governor, the Current Governor got in and realized the debt was too much and simply did not have the money. Yeah, a leader on this in the bipartisan fashion and worked with members of both parties to help jumpstart the economy of puerto rico which has been struggling for quite soil time. The point to note here is through the leadership much . Will see legislation hopefully moving through the house of representatives that really help grow the economy from the ground up to address the structural issues that connection long before the storm hits. Bill let me ask you. According to what i have read. Six in ten kids in puerto rico are living under the poverty line. Seems to the president s bold statement whether he has the ability to do it 100 or not. This sounds lake good set for people who are struggling. Well, i think, what is the disconnect between mr. Trurump said and what the people need to hear is that there is a long line between eliminating debt from private citizens a lot of whom are looking forward to having that money available at some point in their future. Taking that away, helping the people, perhaps, it would alleviate our economic pressure and being able to give them money now by raising. Bill why not point at this government . Well, i mean, the government has a lot of shores in puerto rico. One of the major problems you have with privatizing is making sure the area is actually getting the benefit of the private in ty. Bill your boss looked into what sounds like a disaster before the national disaster, i pane, when heard the governor of puerto rico talk to a nay major newspaper in puerto rico we raised 2 million but that is a month of governments salaries the entire city of l l. A. Runs on 5 billion a year. They are talking about 2 billion a mon in puerto rico. Something is wrong. He is the guy that rolls up his sleeves. He gets to work. He is on. It is something he is focused on. It is look on. I think a lot more. I have to ask allison. The president basically brought this to a debt conversation apretor or inappropriate at time . I dont know it was inappropriate that time. I think it was tongue and cheek. He think he spoke out of turn. Bill thank you. There is a video out that gat bus driver suspended the video shows the driver looking at the phone while driving a bus full of kids she is suspended. A lot of questions. Will there be more trouble . Will she get fired . Ashley johnson has the full story. Reporter disturbing cell phone video out of new jersey shows the School Bus Driver texting while driving a bus. The driver has been suspended, and superintendent davis posted a statement on twitter which reads in part the driver was peedly removed from oldbridge. He is disturbing toker that somebody, especially bus driver would text and drive while there is so many students and little kids on the bus. Reporter the stagecoach bus service which operates the bus says the driver has been suspend until further notice. I am Ashley Johnson reporting for chasing news have thank tk you, ashley. All right. Like to bring in the aplus panel to weigh in thorn shoe. Frank, allison, allison let me start with you. On one hand, i see this people still overreact to texting and driving, that i wonder if, does the punishment fit the crime . What do you think . Well, as family law attorney. I had cases like this before. The realities, the bus company has right to limit. Look. You did something illegal. You will lose your job for. I whether or not she gets into greater trouble, whether whether or not she is civilly sued, she was negligent whether it rises to level of recklessness, that is a question. Bill what do you think . They are going to demonize this person . Texting and driving is a hot button issue. You look at the fatalities. The truth is, it is small percentage texting and driving. It is it blown out of proportion . No. There are a lot of kids on the bus. Do your job. Fm theres kid, do it safely. Look tat the video, she is looking down, looking up. The han is moving. Got kind bus. That is a lot different once have them in the rel tom take care of from point a to point b. Bill do you think, though, the whole thing, were missing the point . People have embraced technology. Why not a heads up display that lets you see it . I have suggested this in drive ear ed, maybe we ought to teach distracted drive snug get a kid behind the wheel, poke at them, play the radio loud. See if they can read the signs and remember. Were sending the kids out to drive antre not ready for it. You are advocating we increase the number of death on the road. It is operating a phone, look in the mirror, putting on makeup. People need to be driving when they are driving. Bill allison, not only did i not say that. I think the roads will be safer if we taught people how to do more than one thing at a time. I disagree. You are never going to be able able to legislate what is going on in that car. Hands on the wheel, looking straight ahead. Bill if you had a heads up display, you would be looking straight. Dari you would be doing something else. Bill right. You got put the phone down. Put the phone done. Put the phone down. Weres about sy and able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Think we need better training. Thanks. Thank you. Great see you guys. All right. Lets bring in meteorologist dan zarrow with your weather. Meteorologist it is weather time. I am meteorologist dan zarrow them stink sink air that has been sitting on top of us for money days, finally unhinged itself. We have three changes to the forecast to talk about. Number one, the warmup. We are in the 70s wednesday. We have summerlike 80s on thursday and probably through part of the weekend as well. That will tie into change number two which is increased in atmospheric moisture or humidity leading to warmer overnights then a few raindrops to talk about in the next couple of days and early next week we could period of steady rain by the end of the upcoming weekend lets put details on the forecast four. Tonight, throm toes, only falls to around 60 degrees and again, not as chilly. We call skies partly cloudy. Otherwise, the weather does look quiet. Thursday, mix of sun and clouds. Most lay nice day. Temperatures in the lower 80s. There is a front that is going to try move through the area. I think it will fair pis bler. I in case, i will say rain drop or two will be possible on thursday. I put a chance of rain in there on friday as well. Not a guarantee. Just one model suggestion it. Highs come down a little bit. Lower to mid 70s to above formal. The weekend, saturday, well push temperatures back to the 80s. Maybe a little bit windy then a chance of steady rain for sunday and monday. We get tropical moisture in here. Then, poor over the next week. I am meteorologist dan zarrow. Here is a look at the headlines were chasing today. A mother who refused to have her nineyearold son vaccinated is going to jail. Rebecca of michigan received sentence wednesday. Her exhusband wanted the son vaccinated. I would rather sit behind bars for standing up for what i believe in than giving up to something that i strongly dont believe in. The restaurant was searched and announced it is closing the doors at the tend of the year. The midtown restaurant has suffered with bankruptcy filings and sinking reviews. It will close up shop after dinner on new years eve. The owners cite high rent for the reason. That is a look at headlines we are chasing today. Bill coming up the yankees a big comefrombehind win on tuesday night. They are advancing in the playoffs. The full story, coming up. Bill welcome back to chasing news. Ing about news from the bronx. Yankees win. Am taking a little credit because of a couple of tweets i was talking to my friend last night on twitter. I jinxed the twins. Lets bring in the Sports Reporter to break down. George . Reporter well, you know, you never tweet at the top of the first ing. You put the whammy on minnesota. Yes the yankees are winners in the first playoff game in two years. Terrible start, though. He got knocked around. The bats kim alive and more importantly the yankee bullpen, eight and two third ins innings. Only one runaway. Champagne celebration again they are look farring couple more. Game one tomorrow night. Trevor bauer gets the game one start. U lo, i am a red sox fan. I am married to a red sox fan. You used to work for the red sox. Am hoping for the matchup in the next series. Do you think . It is always fun. Red sox former manager won two world series. The Houston Astros play out west. Watch those astros. They have got some really, really good pitching and patch matchups against the red sox t. That is serious. Jew dont mean to bring it up. But 2004, 30 in the series. The red sox came back to win four four games to three. What do you think . Every game couns in this . Well, if it happens any time you get a lead and you have, it step on them. Get it over with. Yankees didnt do. The only time it ever happened. Bill thank you. I just want to briefly talk to you about the events in las vegas. Horrific has kerr so many people want to politicize. So many people want to make up informed decision off a cocouple of pieces of ved yes or pictures lout. Listen, Everybody Needs to dial it back. What we ought to be focused on are the real heros. How about shawn, who knows how many dozens of people he saved by getting them over this barrier when the shooting started or how about this guy, who saved his pregnant girlfriend . That, what about security guards who got up there within minutes of the shooting and took a bullet through the door of the carol hotel room. That and the marine who took a truck and ferried people out of harms way to the hospital. Listen, there were stories of heroism from regular people to Law Enforcement, they got there in record time. So many lives were saved because of the heroic actions on the ground of villains and the men and win blue. I want to them them for everything they did and did and i know well continue to do. All right. Thans for watching tonight. Live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11 00. Happening right now the search for two men accused of abducting and raping a woman at a bucks county park. Good evening, thanks for joining us at 11 00 im lucy noland. As plea track those rapists families are very much concerned about safety. Fox 29s Dave Schratwieser is at Lake Nockamixon state park with the details. Its horrifying. Its not the same now. It feels damaged. Reporter Lake Nockamixon state park fear replaced peace and tranquility wednesday night after a Woman Told Police she was abducted by two men here monday evening and rape. Pretty scary. My wife walls here alone sometimes. Not any more. Reporter state police say it was just after fie 5 00 at this fishing pier in the par

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