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Thinks \he\e deserves. Republican strategist kim kimberly clattic and Maureen Simpson wade weigh in on this tonight. Lets weigh in first with you if we can. Its good to see you. Im doing good. I feel like its just been a couple of days since we had you in here and yet youre back. The president has said us and then the fake media have not given him the credit that he de serves, do you think thats true. I think every president takes a hit every now and then. A lot of people dont love his candor and that might be why people arent receiving him well, 33 percent Approval Rating that means over half the country doesnt approve. He does exactly what he said he was going to do all along. Like you said hes impacted as far as the tax reform which was a sweep. Corporate rates, 14 percent slashed and americans will see a bump if their paycheck for a little while at least and also if you have to think about the fact that percent and while president barack obama was in office it was anal on the 2 percent and that was in the third quarter. He said he was going to do exactly what he was going to do these dont seem victories for the left. Is there anything that the democrats think President Trump has done favorable for them. No, your temperament and your fitness to serve and this Partnership President has failed in both of those regards. 35 percent Approval Ratings for him as well as eafer overwhelming disapproval of this new tax plan , just the fact the way he has gone about things. Is tweet ing, social media him being so insensitive to of the krit nal incidents over the last year , his temperament has not proven himself to truly to hold the High Standard of the office of the president. Kimberly, any thoughts . A. It sounds to me that he doesnt like his personality. I have a lot of people who dont like me, either but hes gotten legislation wins one after another. The mandate that everyone hated with the obamacare. You say everyone hated. Thats like saying everybody has it thats not true. No, thats not true. I think in the grand scheme of things when you have a republican congress, when you have the republicans in charge of the house and a the senate shouldnt they have been able to appeal oh bam care . He said on day one he wanted to repeal obamacare. They had to do it piecemeal. That is true, but the fact they were able to get that through with a tax cut you have to say hey, thats a win. Maurice still no wifns on your de s. I think kimberly has a belter personality than the president. But the reality isis proven to be unfit to serve and that thats where a lotto oh. How has he bfn of proven to be unfit to serve . A. When we look at his erratic tweeting and some of the krit al nations, charlottesville, his response to natural disasters hes just not performed well. The hostility towards the middle east and north korea and is not what we stand for as america. Hes not shown himself to be a true diplomat. That is what president obamas strong point was. Even when he was not successful in his legislative agenda, just the way he carried it out, the way he went to the American People he was willing to reach ray cross the aisle, he was willing to have indepth conversations about and really sell his agenda to the American People and not pass the night. Kimberly, is there anything you think the right would have wanted to see the president push farther in maybe defense potentially in this first year, one thing that you didnt think he followed through in his first year, obviously cant get everything accomplished in the first 12 things . Is there anything he should have gone harder on. I dont know if there are one thing that he should have gotten harder on. There are wall prototypes. He was really medication mexico was going to pay for the wall and now its how is the us going to get recommend buffered for it. Well see you in the new year thank you. Absolutely. The not so fend friendly skies, United Airlines in trouble. A local teacher as she was booted from her flight woman. A lot of controversy arm this than would. Ronica cleary has been following this one tonight. And ronica cleary ronica, you talked to the person at the center of this . I did. I spoke with a lot of people today. The woman that i spoke with today she basically said that United Airlines they called her up. They said were sorry that this happened to you but they didnt give her the official apology, something in writing that she would like to have in light of what occurred to her that day. Now, there is controversial over what actually happened. She says that she was booted off this flight without her approval, without her con event s. You United Airlines says that they have proof that she canceled her flight that day in light of the bad weather and even though that she canceled that flight they say that they still got her on the flight that day in the economy plus. They gave her a r5 hundred dollars voucher and since all of this controversy took shape they say that they have refunded all of the light all of this back and forth ill tell you the woman at the center of all of this, the passenger, she has been very vocal on social media about wanting this apoll jivment the Congress Woman who took her seat she took to social media. She posted over a dozen tweets today. Lets look at the first one that i pulled for you to see. She says i noted that this individual came toward me and took a picture. I heard later that she might have said i know who she is since this was not any fault of mine. The way the individual continued to act appeared to be upon reflection because i was an africanamerican woman. Another tweet she posted read in part but as an africanamerican i know there are too many examples like this all over the nation. This broke earlier today. I happened to be on the phone with a passenger at the sent of this scandal about 20 minutes after Sheila Jackson lee posted these reason why the passenger was upset or escalated it to this level was over race. So i got direct reaction from her on the phone. Take a listen to what she said to me. She said im not going to address that because it could have been mickey mouse or santa claus in my seat and i would have felt the same way. This is not about race for me. This is about united. I dont want an apology from jackson lee, i want an apology from you united. I did reach out to united today. They noted that they were able to provide the customer on the seat , as i said. I asked them, do you plan to issue this official formal apology that the passenger is looking for. They have not responded to that request for comment. Well keep you posted on social media throughout the night. Back to you. Its been a year of first fallouts and failures, so what does 2018 hold . It states im reading ahead predictions for 2018 speaker of the house paul ryan seemed like rumor has it that he may step down not run for election. We heard from someone saying thats just a rumor. Theres no way hes stepping t down. What do you think. I thil that 2018 is going to be a whirlwind tour. If 2017 is anything what its going to look like Going Forward this is an opportunity to get the gor shich off. They arent going to be able to rely on tax reform. So the dis\tax\tacks of leader np, yes, thats anen trig story but they need to put Something Else on the board. When you look at the democrats and going into 2018 so much talk about the midterms but they also have to come up with some faces this theyre going to run in 2020. There still isnt that breakout i think everybody knew obama was going to end up in run ning for president after he gave the speech in 2004. Nobody has come forward. Theyre looking for an all star and were going to seat testing ground happen im certain in 2018 as soon as january 19 but republicans they need to fund the government and this time around they are going to pass the must pass legislation with 630 votes. Democrats think elizabeth warren, that mala harris, they why aringing to try and push for daca \effect\affect s or some other democratic achievement here moder to proof to the rest of party that theyre the one that can take them to the Promised Land come 20206789 will they get the double whammy . Are they going to have the majority in the house and the senate come midterms. I think republicans they need to capitalize. They cant compromise and go to the able to move foshed. If theyre able to who he that base and not be able to get a big ticket item but theyre also able to tax something on top of that i think they have a better chance. I think the house is definitely in danger. Im not certain about the senate so far. Even with the slim majority, 5549. Think about the up hill battle that the republicans have. Come march theyre going to have a special election for tim murphy theyre going to have a special election for tim franks seat in arizona. One thing that i think that people have for goant is that this sexual harassment, this me two scandals that we have seen all throughout 2017, those arent going to go away and i would not be surprised as we returned to Congress Next year to see more of those stor ies come forward out of congress. That will be interesting do see how that good to see you tonight and happy new year. Eighth states including maryland suing the Environmental Protection agency due to air pollution concerns. The action against President Donald Trump states that are up wind control the pollution that blows into new york and other down wind states. The Mt Department of environment states that 70 percent of the ozone pollution that often makes the walt more and washingtons air unhealthy blows in from outside the state. Its been more than three months since Hurricane Maria hit puerto rico and tens of thousands of residents still without power. It was a different kind of christmas for millions of puerto rico residents this year with more than a third of the island still in the dark following the direct hit from Hurricane Maria. Basicallyic supplies like food, water and medicine still scarce in some areas forcing many families to improvise holiday celebrations. Since our Christmas Tree was damaged from the hurricane my daughter drew one and said she would postit on the wall so santa clause would come and drof her gifts. The overall amount of electricity, most power lines are still down, not getting to peoples homes. There is no lighting and its possible that while we are passing by a crime could be happening inside a building and we dont notice it the corpse has about 800 soldiers and 2500 contractors working on the power grid. Residents say theyre greatful for the help, but spirits are low in areas. Many are frustrating about celebrating the holidays in the dark while others are doing their best to remember the spirit of the season. Weve always seen christmas more of a service than a fess tift. We always celebrate live. The corpse of corps of should be restored by march. At the pentagon, lucas tomlinson, fox news. Q. Weve been talking so much about the weather so lets go to the source. Caitlyn standing by with what we have coming down the pipeline, spoiler alert urks cole. Very different type of water but still extreme temperatures and dangerous wind childs as we go into the holiday weekend. A pocket of light snow may move through and briefly coat the roadways. Its cold out there so it may stick. We could start our wednesday with some flurries. Behind that the artic winds start to pick up bringing in colder air and like i said bitter wind chills by thursday morning in the sij l l digits. Theres a couple cheans for snow. The models havent come into total agreement but as we take a look at seven day forecast forecast youll see we have some opportunity for the snow. Beginning the day with a few flurries breezy and cold, high of just 32. Thursday, 28 is it. Thats 15 degrees blow normal. Some flurries are possible on friday wong model says we could still see some snow flurries and a different model on thursday. New years eve looks dry, but incredibly cold. The Single Digits close to diseer on. Wind chill values in the city by new years day which could bring a chance of some snow there on monday, new years day before we return to the bitter cold on tuesday so thats seven Straight Days of incredibly cold weather blow normal temperatures and its been a few years since weve had a week like this in d. C. With such extreme cold. Ill l have another update coming up tonight. Quiet in washington and congress is on christmas vacation, but theres a lot of work ahead in the new year, a closer look next at 5 6 30. Welcome back. There is a very good rep aprils leflt Congress Passing the tax reform. There are some equally dicey political gambles on the radar. Reporter the current furnishing measure gives congress until january 19 to reach an agreement or pace the prospect of a possible government shutdown. The latest plug was passed just hours before lawmakers skipped town forth december recess. Its the third time since the new fiscal year began that congress has re sorted to a shortterm solution. Republicans acknowledge the possibility of the wind being taken out of their tax reform sales. If you dont get a very long around here to enjoy something when you get an accomplishment like this weve got to shift our focus to the other challenges that we have in front of us. Congress also needs to keep the pentagon going and decide what to do about Illegal Immigrants that have come to the us as children we need to deal with them i constructive bipartisan way and if we dont dont look to for help. Congress is also expected to revisits an 81 billiondollar Disaster Relief package. It includes money for hurricane and wild Fire Recovery and was pass ed through the house thursday, but stalled in the senate. Democrats are hoping the full agenda will help them extract concessions from republicanses especially after the alabama election gives them one more seat in the upper chamber. In washington, grif general jenkins, fox news. President trump hit the golf course at trump interest flat golf club today going golfing with senator david per due and two pga golfers. Tomorrow is back to work. This is the president s 85th visit to one of his golf courses. His trips to mar a lag oh have cost the secret service 6. 6 million in 2017. The biggest political back with more on fox at 6 30. And we know President Trump couldnt stand nfl players kneeling in protest during the star spangled banner despite a year marred with sex scandals russian doapg, the president s freud with the nfl protest is now the runaway winner for the top sports stories of 2017. Its been a topic of discussion since former San Francisco Colin Kaepernick initiated the protest in 2016. The goal was to bring attention to racial nea quality and police before you kalt talt it seemed to have gone away for a while. And then when the president was at the rally in alabama used the sob line and that really fired up the base again. Now you dont the anthem at envelope games. I know some necessity works have done away with that all altogether. Singer lord has canceled her show over politics whether israel or palestine. Last week two of lourdes fans published an open letter asking her to cancel her show for june in party received an overwhelming number of messages and messages to cancel the show i hope one day we can all dance whats interesting about this and its getting a lot of shes getting a flak on the internet is that shes going to russia now and canceled her dates in israel. If people were saying if you didnt want to take any sort of stance youre taking a stance now. Edward snowed den launching a new app that turns androids into, a personal Security System that allows people toon devices when youre away from them. You install the app on a second phone. If you have a burner around the house. Who doesnt . It detects movement around your phone. The apple then alerts you if someone tries to tamper with your dewrists. Seems like someone is a little paranoid. Edward snowden . Cant be. Yes, the first lady taking a selfie as she celebrates christmas at the winter white house down in florida. The santa hat selfie which has thousand of retweets showing the first couple getting in the why is mass spirit. The white house release a photo of the president and the first lady making phone calls across the us. I wonder d what snap chat she . She used snap chat. Its a snap chat fill templet late sunday night the president also took some credit for bringing back the phrase merry christmas. Which never went away in the first place. But the got poa politicized. Everything does. Happy holidays is also poa lit iced. The videos that have gone out in the past. Its been a touchy subject for some people but you never really saw it go away. Ive never felt at all that i was ostracized for saying merry christmas. But you never know when you can erk someone over saying fler. All of you you merry ambulated christmas. The news continues on digital on fox5dc. Com. Join us tonight at eight on then. Whatever you were about to do just became whatever youre about to do after you get coffee. Nothing comes before coffee. Thats why were introducing a new line of cafequality espresso drinks from mccafe. Get a small peppermint mocha for just two dollars. Announcer today on tmz yeah so we got to put the reindeer away. Wah were going to catch the reindeer. She is going to throw these rings at you. If you can catch them in your antlers, we are going to give you a clue. Here you go. And go really hard. Oh

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