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Ild wind and rain hitt g our region hard yesterday. This video from a parking lot in leesburg. Homeowners from around the region haveleaning up to do today. News4 justin finch joins us live from yuma street where the storm caused serious damage. What are you seeing . Reporter thats right. H first ting you notice here at 4 30 is how dark it is at yuma northwest. Hey are working restore power to several customers in this area. Take a loi beh me here. Working under way is right now on what was a l veryrge tree that came down in yesterdays storms. Crews having to frst get the tree down to work on the wires that came down with it during thest storm yeday. Take you to owdeo right from late in the afternoon. Close to 6 00 p. M. , neighbors tell us the storm was really being down on this area and eventually they heard the snap, crackle, and collapse of those big branches to that tree there. That also took down some wires. Also, too, setting off small fires, until the yard of that home where the branches fell. D. C. Firefighters arrived to the scene and able to put out that small e. D. C. Fire also warning all of us with the potential for more storms to come. There is a greater risk for falling trees and moredo ed wires. Any wires down are live, even if they dont appear to be, you dont know if they are going to reenergize. You dont know what is going to happen to them. Reporter you definitely want to make sure if you see downed wires assume they re live and call your power utility crew or as well as police to make sure that area is safe. You can see,n, agai really a lot of work to do. That was a very large tree that had to come down and be picked up. Pepco restored those lines. We are told their early target raner is to have pow here restored by perhaps 7 00 a. M. So the window is shrinking. Perhaps they will make it and perhaps go over so keep that in mind too. If u drive in this area know you willind congestion here. Thstin finch, news4. Along wihe storms, the heat is proving to be deadly as well. Extre heat blamed for four deanhs in mar the most recent happened this week in Prince Georges County and earlier tis month one person died in Baltimore City and onene in an arundel county because of te heat. If you dont have airconditioning in your home most d. C. Area have opened communities centers and Recreation Centers when temperates reach 90 degrees. You can findor inftion with cooling centers by opening your nbc washington app. A third resident at the Greenspring Retirement Community in springfield has died. Megan mcgrath is live at Greenspring Retirement Community in springfield with more. Reporter good morning. We have new information today following an update from healto official ab the situation. A third death has happened at the greenspring retirement h communityere in springfield and we have learned that 60 from nts have gotten hi this respiratory infection. Health official are still trying pinpoint the exact cause. The three residents who did die, they are elderly and Health Official say they have other complicated medical conditions so Health Official dont know yet the extent which the respiratory illness, what is connected to their deaths. Official say that they are also dealing with reports of a respiratory illness outbreak at another assisted living facility. That one in burke, virginia. 25 people are sick at that facity but no deaths have been reported. Health official say at this point, there is no connection and seen no evidence of a connection between the two outbreaks but the outbreaks are striking because they are happening in the summertime when normally its the winter where we see the spread of flu and illnesses. Y more will be coming up later in the show. See you then. Thank you. Mo this ing, only on news4, a look at some of the evidence prosecutors used to put james fields jr. Behind bars for life. Earlier this week, seavowed ite supremacist was sentenced for many ramming his car into a crowd at charlotteille in 2017. The feed broadcast on periscope with the chaos and fields barreling down the street. In that incident, he killed heather heyer. Th the state police captured a birdseye view orampage from above. Prosecutors also released prison recordings of fields talking with his mom about heyers mother and he advocacy work since that deadly attack. Fields was sentced to two life sentences, plus 419 years for that deadly attack in charlottesville. A vocal and supportive crowd chant send her back at president rumps rally in North Carolina. This is the first time e president spoke to reportersco since the gressional reprimand for racist remarks about four democratic congresswomen. The president tweeted the four should go back to their countries and all are americaze citi. Here is ilhan omars response. Qu ote. In com up in our next half hour, tracie potts will let us know about the failed effort to start impeachment proceedings against he president. 5 07. Youll likely also be hearing about this next story today. A new york federal judg shas releasedearch warrants tied to finance campaign ties by President Trumps former lawyer michael cohen. Jummy olabanji is in the newsroom with more on this. Reporter the judge called this a matter of national importance. The fbi raided Michael Cohens office andis h hotel suite last year lookingvi for ence of bank fraud and hush money payments. Cohen is currently serving a threeyear prison sentence along with the crimes of breaking Campaign Finance laws, after hiding hush money payments to two women, Stormy Daniels and karen mcdougal. The judges order calls for redacted documents. The judge saying now that the investigation into the governments violations has concluded, it is time for every american has the opportunity to scrutinize the materials. Back to you. What is the white house saying about all of this . The president s current personal Attorney Says they are pleased the investigation is closed and maintains that President Trump never engaged in any sort of Campaign Finance violations. The documents released at 11 00 this morning for the public to read. Back to u. Jummy olabanji, thank you. School resources offices officers started an investigation that pu one man in jail on child abuse charges. Jean corelius was arrested this week. A student told a counselor about him burning them with an iron. He was is being heldithout ges. On cruelty ch a d. C. Fire Department Search dog is resting comfortably this morning after an injury on thjob. A piece of metal nicked an ar ry in kylies leg while she was conducting a search earlier this week. They airlifted her from the scene a flew her to friendship Animal Hospital here in d. C. Three sur to be okay. Is going the latest facebook raid that could put your privacy at risk. You probably have seen theseg picturesng around showing your friends looking a lot older. There is a flip side to the fun. We will explain what is really e happening to you share. Virginia beach takes the top spot on a new national list. Chuck . Time to start thinking about the weekend. It will be blistering hot around here. How about a trip to the ocean . Just know the Eastern Shore is not a whole lot cooler. Temperatures in the mid90s at the beaches this weekend. At index could be over a hundred degrees so if youre heading to the beach know youll heading to the beach know youll be sweating there not all water is created equal. Only 1 billionth of 1 is filtered naturally. And emerges crisp and refreshing enough to bcalled deer park 100 Natural Spring water. Born betterĀ® we like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. We like drip coffee, layovers what we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Welcome back. Temperatures climb this high, you know your airconditioning bill is crazy, right . I dont think mine has turned off yet. It will be doubled think this month. Folks know how to manage the bill better. Little things can add up t a lot over a stretch after coupled like this. Rather than just have your ac crank it out and churn up your energy bill all at once, there are things you can do so save some money. Number ne. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees. I know that sounds miserably warm but compared to 10 or 110 heat index outside, id be shocked how cool 78 could feel, especially if you run it that warm during the day time. When the ac is on do your best to keep the outside doors and windows closed and with that afternoon sun starts pouring through the window close your blind and curtain to ke the extra solar out a. Arn off and unplug any lighting device andliances youre not using. Even plugged in it uses electricity and things like your drier and oven or dshwasher do the best you can to run those appliances at night when its cooler. Little harder to r theen at night but dishwasher and Clothes Dryer for sure. Use the ceiling fans and make sure yr deduct and fans are furniture. D by those can add up and especially ceiling fans. Having that little breeze on you while youre trying to sleep u make a h difference. Every time you set that thermostat to 78 during the day time hours from 9 00 to 6 00 it takes about 5to a day save. We are home at that hour. Honestly your programmable thermostat will pay for itself e in no t all. Let it rise up to 78 during the day and then have it stao cong back down at 5 00 or 6 00 at night. Makes good sense. What i do at my place and it saves money. Thank you, chuck. You know traffic on 95 can be miserablhe t worse. A new study found the worst spot on the entire interstate is in virginia. Traffic jammed over the river is worse than any other spot according to the i95 Improvement Project. People spend 1. 2 million hours a year in delays on that onemile southbound stretch imagine all of that time lost in your life i95 Improvement Project plans to hold a Community Meeting this week to address this issue. Among the proposed solution is adding weekend vre trains or shoulder lanes that could open during crashes oraj m delays. It doesnt even have to be a crash. Nothing is going on youre just tting there. Turning to social media craze called faceup. This app with the image has taken social media by storm. Its fun but what are the security risks . Jummy olabanji is work with those details for you. Reporter you can see behind me a fewit of the celebrs have all been trying out this app showing it on simpocial media showing them with wrinkles and saggy skin and it is an app from russia. 100 million downloads already. You take a picture of yourselft and upload ito the app to see what youll look like in the future. Security experts are cautioning while this might seem like innocent fun it could pose a serious privacy risk. What were doing is posting our photos to apps like this is creating a Surveillance Technology industry that is gonsg to be worth billiof dollars and will always know what you look like. They say they only uplo the photo you select for the cloud and does not upload any other o cameras fryour camera roll is what they are saying. They say your photo is deleted om their Service Within 48 hours. Open your app, go to report above and put in the word privacy in the subject line but why dol that have . I was going to say. We have tips how to him how the app would ben your phone so search face app in our nbc washington app. Its bad enough facebook recognizes our ces. I dont want to see myself looking old. Thank you. This morning a popular vacation spot is Getting National attention from our v. Region. Virginia beach is the best big city to live in according to a wallet hub study for more than 300,000 people. Virginia beach has the lowest number of peoplvliving in poty and the lowest crime rate. Its time to check in with storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. News. Od only 93 degrees today that is the coolest of the next couple of days. Friday, saturday, sunday, promise to be pr ably some of the hottest weather we have had around here in quite sometime. May end up hopefully it will end up being the hottest period of the year. Maybe get a little break and not worry about this heat into the month of august. Wi we see. For now your thursday morning, plenty of cloud around early. Temperatures have stayed mild overnight because of all the clouds and the humidity that is in place. There are a couple raindrops oue thei81 this morning. 79 degrees in washington. Wind out of the south and out of ll day th and southwest and continue to bring up more heat and humidity and that will cook us in the next few days. Most of us are in the mid to per 70s here early this morning. Your planner for today high temperatures in the low 90s today but a 60 chance of thunderstorms today. There is an excessive heat watch for friday and saturday. Likely to be extended into sunday. Overnight lows struggling to get under 80. Afternoon highs near 100 heat index near 1010 friday and saturday and probably sunday as well. Future weather fast. This is the forecast heat index for 6 00 friday afternoon. So tomorrow afternoon just as youre getting out of work, start the weekend. Heat indexes between 103 and 108 all across the region. Dangerously hot. There is a list of all the cooling center here and ways toh beat e heat available at nbc washington app. Search heat wave. Find out where you can go to cool off. His and miss raindrops near i81. No thunder or lightning out j therest yet but an opportunity for thunderstorms later on in the day today and we will keep you ahead of that. Lets go to Melissa Mollet to see how traffic is coming along. 270 southbound before father hurd,y boulevar we have construction still hanging around in that right lane that is blocked. You can see those delays headin. Southboun hopefully, that gets out of the way pretty soon and things clear up before the real morning commute kic in in those lanes. W. Ay right no as we zoom out a little bit, just to show you the situation northbound 95 through fredericksburg still slow but clearing out of the way. Finding growth in an unexpected place. We will see you how seed and a lot of waterare helping change the outlook of young people. If youre home this afternoon, dont miss ellen. Pink will be on the show. Stick around for the news at 4 00 after th. At so, lets talk about conference calls. Theres always a certain amount of fumbling. A lot of times it doesnt work. We have problems. Comcast business goes beyond fast. By letting you make and receive calls from any device using your business line. En and confer calls you can join without any dialins or pins. There are currently 3 members in this conference. I like that. I like that too. N i would use that iheartbeat. Comcast business has the solutions you need get started for just 39. 95 per month. Call 18005016000 today. Welcome back. Imagine growing up in food desertc without easy acess to fresh fruits and vegetables. That is the reality for far too many d. C. Kids east of the anacostia river. Maya is helping to change that by training students in urban farm. O how does that look tyou . Perfect. Its growing. At first thereas no roots. Now see the roots growing. Reporter darian summers is earning his ged at this Adult Learning center and two weeks into his internship at the School Greenhouse growing butterhead lettuce and fresh collard greens. It ive done my grandmother before. A new way to garden so i wanted to learn. Reporter its a little more than simple gardening. The farming operation here is all recycled water. Crushed down into a gutter and back there and cleaned and bumped back up through here so we use 90 less water than traditional farming but we use no dirt at all. He reporter tater is chuck full of nutrients and they are able to grow produce yearround. 36 days fromakes seedtoharvest and half the time of traditional farming. We also teach them working skills. How to be on time to work and how to dress for a job and what you need to do to keep a job once you get here. Reporter that is only part of the maya Schools Mission says robert simmons. Our young people are intellectuals and critical scholars in this world who have been pushed out of other schools and marginalized by society. Our goal is not to question why they are here. Our role and our goal as a organization is to support them right where they are at. Reporter the alternative school educates, but also provides clinical counseling and other Developmental Service to hto care for the whole child. They discovered for themselves that this school und their commy is a food desert and they are like, oh, my god. What do i e o . Becauscan learn, like, how to grow plants and give food back to the community and anything. A lot of work and progress going on there. Abe building ha sold to a popular spot. Coming up what will happen today to give us a better idea what will happen to it. A culturalmain sdstay for the d. Region. We have our tenth baby girl die in a hotgirl earlier this week. Never leave any person or animal en an unattended car afternoon teratures near 95 and means after 30 minutes its almost 130 degrees inside that car. Justitdont do a check of the forecast. Stifling and unbearable is two word to descrie heat wave in the d. C. Region is dealing with right now. Its 5 30. Good morning, everybody. Im aaron gilchrist. Im eun yang. Another word you can use is weather and we are in alert mode this morning and Melissa Mollet is standing by with your first 4 traffic. Lets start with storm team 4 chuck bell and a look at the forecast. More heat and humidity today. An opportunity to cool off by n in r nature this aftern the storm of afternoon storms. Just like yesterday,th some of se storms could pose a risk in the way of severe wind weather with gusty wind. Yesterday the temperaturepp dro 15 degrees in just five minutes when those storms rolled into my house in northwest washington. This morning little early caller out there now. 79 degrees right now in the Washington Area. Weather alecontinues. Highs in the 90s. Today will be day eight in a row. Heat intersects coul be over a hundred today and there is an opportunity for Severe Weather afternoon. N the stay weather alert with us here at news4 and have our app and download it and ready to go. High today 93 and the coolest day the next couple. Thunderstorms are a possibility so your car washing forecast today . Even if its going to rain just spending time outside with the own and spraying yourself will help beat the heat a little bit. Ke more about the heat coming up. Lets go to melissa molle a with a look the traffic. Southbound 270 before father hurley is looking better and that work zone a has cleared out of way. Kking a loo at 66 in and out of town, no problems. 95t northbound ou fredericksburg and wood bridge. Local area is cleaning up after strong storms hit urs hard yesterday. Justin finch is on yuma street in northwest washington where the wind caused some serious damage. What are you seeing . Right now meticulous job to break down thes large branche attached to that tree there. The wires that led to a power outage are under a lot of big branch. You can see its a very tricky job with those wires overhead. Those branches weighing them down. This damage caused byohat st we saw move through here yesterday afternoon. The neighbors in the area tell us that it was close to 6 00 p. M. Yesterday when that storm was really bearing down here. Lots of heavy wind and rain coming through here. Wind and rain so strong it snapped somety pret large branches to this tree. The branches falling down and taking with it wires that connected to their electricity and sparked a fire in someones yard. The fire was put out but its quite a square for neighbors. We spoke to one neighbor who said justify in time to see that damage. It was scary because it was still pretty stormy. There were pretty big flames in my one neighbors yard and, at that time, it was still dark and u couldnt tell how much damage was there. R reportequite a square there and a reminder that these wires when they are down could be a big hazard and to avoid them. Petco crews and the tree cutting crew have been working here for hour to restore power here to several dozen customers. They are hoping to have it complete by 7 00 a. M. But the window could shift a bit n dependion their progress right now. We are live, justin finch, news4. Developimo this ning, a local man is behind bars charged with Sexual Assault and abduction. Police say 62yearold Steven Edwards committed those crimes in reston. He was arrested yesterday. Tinvestigators releasede sketch you see there on the left after an attack last month near reston parkway and Barron Cameron avenue. One woman said she was shopping at a nearby store when she struck up a convemaation with a when she left the store, she h said that man her from behind and raped her on a walking path. This morning, a reward is being issued in hopes of finding the men who killed a Morgan State University student from ge prince rges county county. Manny luis was shot and killed during a robbery off campus last week in baltimore. He was on his way to his parents house in hooitsville hyattsville, when it happened. He recently graduated from Parkdale High School in river dale, maryland. Appene he recently graduated from Parkdale High School in river dale, maryland. Breaking news out of paja Jummy Olabanji is here the latest. Reporter we checked in with the latest numbers. Japanese fire official say 23 people are now confirmed or weesumed dead in this massive fire. Want to show you some video of the scene. You see that building. We are also lening at this hour at least three dozen people are injured. Th some of em are critical hurt. This builditg is in the cy of kyoto. That building houses a very popular japanese studio. Suspected y a man of starting this fire today. They are ying he walkednto the building, poured what appeared to be gasoline around the Animation Studio and then set it on fire. That man is in custody and in the hospital, we are told. Several outlets are reporting this morning tha among the studios famous work is a violent evergarden which ned lix pick netflix picked up last year. We will continue to keep you updated on this story. Thank you. Here is a look at other top stories we allowing for you this morning. I evdence prosecutors used to put james fields behind bars for lifee earlier th, the selfavowed white supremacist was sentenced for ramming his ow car into a crin charlottesville in 2017. Prosecutors showed a judge this video that counterprotesters record. In that rampage he killed 32yearold heather heyer. Today, a judge will rule on Jeffrey Epsteins bail proposal. His attorneys asked he be releaseon bond up to 1 million. Prosecutors say he is a flight risk and a danger to children. Epstein was pleaded not guilty to sex charges including sex trafficking to minorsto prosecu in massachusetts have dropped an indecent assault and Battery Charge against actor kevin spacey. Spacey was accused of groping an 18yearold in 201 a prosecutors orney california are also investigating Sexual Misconduct allegations against spacey. So far, no charges have been filed in that case. Spacelhas repeatedly denied al of the accusations against him. A new york judge sentced El Chapo Guzman to life in plus 30 years in prison. Prosecutors say he controlled much of the illegal drrade in the western hemisphere for almost 30 years. Gus guzman spoke before his sentencing and saidnihe was d a fairzman spoke before his sentencing and said he was denied a fair trial. Take a look at this building that Johns Hopkins purchased in january and wanted to transform it into a graduate program center. That stone tablet is blaming the First Amendment on the mutual and it will be removed. The university wants to replace it with glass for more light. I hope they can preserve that someho somehow. National philharmonic is closing after running out of money after four years. Operating costs have gone up. The president ceo. Philharmonic said they could not overcome the challenges it faced. I think its montgomery county. That is too bad. Still ahead, restoring glory. We are king inside the Notre Dame Cathedral months after it caug fire to show you the work under way to repair it. Days have passed since President Trump lashed out on democrats on twitter suggesting some of them go back to the countries they cameom, but that feud has not died down. Now the president kept it going during a rally last night. Stay with us. Od gohursday morning. Today on news4 today at 4 00. We all know Summer Vacation for young ones can mean sleeping in and filling up on junk food. If someone says try this, it is good for you, the First Response is going to be yuck all present. Accounted for, sir. For the firstime in more than 100 years, girls are being given the chance to spend their ers at boy scout camp. At camp saffrin in maryland, camp is under way and the boys anmpgirls have different ca sites but they come together for daily programs. The camp plans to raise money to update facilities for future programs. Its been nearly three months since the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral went up in flames in france. This morning, we are getting a look at the time repair work that under way. Cameras were allowed inside during a tour of thrdsite yesteay. French Officials Say the ceiling of the cathedral still torn apart. Officials are concerned more of the cathedral may collapse. Lets turn tchuck bell. Polar here is ailable for adoption from humane rescue alliance. Org and other dogs and cats available. Just gto their website. T whos dog is this . Its my special friend, antonio. His luxurious fur calms my nerves when im worried about moving into our new apartment. Why dont we just ask geico for help with renters insurance . I didnt know geico helps with renters insurance. Yeah, and we could save a bunch too. Antonio fetch computer antonio . Ill get it. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. That was of the moments from President Trumps rally in North Carolina last night after slamming democratic congresswoman ilhan omar, the crowd began to chant send her ba back. The crowdt ate but back here in d. C. The president s es feud continu to divide congress and tracie potts is joining us from capitol hill. What effect is this having on lawmakers. Reporter President Trump thinks he is winning this political fight with democrats. They had been divided over the president s rds. But decided not to impeach him. That effort failed. Texas congressman al green said that the president s words could incite violence even against members of congressnc but na pelosi sticking with her attempt to take a different approach and slower approach impeachment. She says there are som cttees that are working to get together the facts to come up with a case, if possible, for impeachment but they will moedt move on quickly bason what the president said. Tracie pot live for us on capitol hill this moing, thank you. Morning, the white louse is slamming the democratcontrol house after it voted to hold attorney general william barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross of congress. It comes after the two refused to imply withsubpoenas. The vote is symbolic and the white house called it ridiculous w. We are staying on top of a story in Fairfax County. Another person was died in a Retirement Community and the officials are not able to track down the source of the ill license. Megan mcgrath joins us outside of Greenspring Retirement Community in springfield with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We oave new information thare with you this morning following an update from Fairfax County Health Official. We have learned that therebe ha n a third death here at the greenspring retirement facility or communityd that a total of 60 residents have gotten ill from a respiratory infection. The three residents who died were elderly and we are told they had other compli medical conditions so Health Officials say they dont yet know the extent to which the respiraty illness contributed to their deaths. Health officials are also saying that they are dealing with reports of a second outbreak at another assisted living facility in virginia. 25 people have come down with il thatess in that location but no reports of deaths. Health Officials Say they have no evidence of any connectionwe betn the two outbreaks but it is striking. Striking aks are because they are happening in the summertime when normally its the winter where we see the spread of thing like the flu and these respiratory in fact,tions so a little bit unusual here. The testing continues still trying to figure out the exact cause of why people are getting sick. Back to you. A new warning from the Carbon Dioxide carbon dioxicdc. Illnesses from ticks are on the rise. Jummy olabanji is joining us with morte repor good morning. When we think about tickborne illnesses think of lyme disease and probably the most known disease but one of many humans can get from ticks. The most common is the Doreen Gentzler tick th is the dog t. Check our skin regularly if youve been outdoors but suggested if you plan to go hiking and especially now in the summer, stay in the middlt of trails and stay away from trees and grass. Some of the signs of a tickborne illness include aches and pains and fever and fatigue and muscle weakness and a signs that if you have those, you should head to your docto he is proposing all landlords be required to provide ioand maintain airconditng for their tenants. While news4 was out shooting , our cameras caught video of one woman who passed out because of the heat, even though she was inside at the time. She fainted. She got too hot. And no water to drink. On days like today, this is really a life or death issue. Its not a comfort issue. Without a bill like this, aaw tgke this, the Housing Department in monery county cant compel a landlord to fix airconditioning because its not a requirement. Hucker says providing ac should not be optional. Eight days in a row so far. Today will be nine in a row here in the month of july. So far the 90degree count is up to 1 and for all of 2019 when we put on besterdays n that is 26 90degree days so far in 2011. I am optimistic we will break this heat wave on monday and xt week, starting on tuesday, temperatures will be far more comfortable. For nourw, the weather alert continues. Heat index up to 100 degrees today and chance of stronger storms later this afternoon and much like we had yesterday. We are in the mid to upper 7lr ady here at 5 51 in the morning. Your commute for today, dangerously hot. Heat index up close to 100 degrees as early as lunch time today. Have yourp. Nbc washington ap we have a list of ways to beat the heat and search heat wave in the app. On on live radar you can see raindrops up here across the higher terrain north and west of the city. Moves are drying east of the blue ridge but a couple of drops here and now from frederick, maryland. Along the potomac. These are a couple of sprinkles here early this morning. Sprinkle chance off and on the next couple of hours and mainly dry for the late Morning Hours to noon time and in the afternoon a chance for isolated stronger stor from frederick, maryland, to the pennsylvania line and a chance that line of storms could build down clor o the Washington Area later on into the afternoon. 4 00 or 5 00 much like yesterday, there will be an opportunity for popup thunderstorms and yesterday winds gusted between 50 and 60 Miles Per Hour it all three of our major airports. Bwi marshall, dulles and dnational airport ha powerful wind gusts yesterday afternoon and that storm chance got away from here at 9 00. Then high heat. Almost no chance for lt a cool rainda shower on for saturday. Overnight lows near 80 and afternoon highs near 100 and heat indexes iday and saturday both and probably sunday as well up near 110 degrees. No rain chances friday or saturday. Storm chances come back sunday afternoon after a high of 99. Monday unsettled but on tuesday next week, high temperatures right back down to average just the way we like it. Melissa mollet, what we like is a smooth commute. What with you do to help that . Well, sometimes not much, right . Outer loop ramp chopper 4 looki this problem. 450. A closure there as far as we know and westbound 450 and eastbound there on to the outer liop, the ramp is shut down because of an ear crash. Listen to wtop 103. 5 fm when you hop in your car today. Im kate gers. Ep an eye on nemt fltflix. He stock is slammed after they reported first quarterly decline in decade. Underwhelming performance and number of rivals including disney and Nbc Universal set to launch their own service the coming months. Netflix contributing to lower growth partly to the lineup change. The new season of Stranger Things didnt premiere until later thismth. That is your cnbc morning iate rogers. Report. It is the middle of the summer. Before you know it, schools bells will ring again. We are working for you. Lour molette green isive at backpack kids collection in Prince Georges County this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We are here at the Whole Foods Market in the Riverdale Park community and we are ready. I know it seems too early. Summer is here to t lk about backtoschool but its just weeks before the kids go back. Ook at my friend here partnering with the folks at whole food market. We have got backpacks going into the bin. We need to fill up a whole lot of these to be able to share with all of the area kids across the region. Especially kids in this particular community. Il we w get these backpacks. If you can drop off your backpack today, we will be here in the 2 00 this afternoon. Please come by and do that. If you dont have one we will take your cash donation and give you a free coffee today, right . Absolutely. We will talk more in the 6 00 hour. We are live in the community. Backpack for kids lets do it i didnt thank you. One woman is in serious financial trouble. Her Insurance Company is e refusing to her with a freak incident she could ner ve seen coming. 11fo alligator broke into her homeri in flo and smashed through the windows and broke glass furniture and leftoles n the wall too. She filed an Insurance Claim but was denied and she quickly learned that some Homeowners Insurance covers wild animals. But hers does not. Thing, at sort of depending on where you live. Looks like a lot of damage too. Next on news4 today, howu an farming is helping young people in d. C. Grow fresh fruit and food and develop new life skills. We are helping you save money and how to cut costs on your energy bill even when the summer heats up. Stay with us. We will be right back. I swited from dodge. We switched from ford. I switched fm ram. I switched to chevy. We switched to chevy. We switched to chevy. For dependability. For technology. For the muscle. And just look at it. Adios, lexus. Bye, bye, ford. We switched to chevy. And i couldnte e happier. Sefor yourself why people are switching at the chevy allstar open house. Or add another chevy to your driveway. Rrent gm owners can get over 5,100 below msrp on this equinox. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. [ uptempo music plays ] we dont just play music in d. C. M weake songs that celebrate life. And love and living. Theyre born in our souls and hearts. And the beat travels up through our bodies until theres nowhere else for it to go but out. Ths the way it is here. Thats the way we like it. We are fast approaching 6 00 a. M. Ood morning, everybody. Im aaron gilchrist. Im eun yang. We are working for you on a thursday morng to help you start another very hot and busy day. Our Melissa Mollet is standing by with your first 4 traffic. Lets start with storm team 4 meteorologist cck bell. Another weather alert day. Tpecting another day in heat. High heat and high humidity and relative high Storm Chances but a pretty start this morning. There e purple haze out for you this morning. Didnt mean to cause you any problems or pain but nonetheless im also not that is the best can i do, all right . Four things to know about the next four days. Ay thursthunder. A deep fried friday. A sweltering saturday and another stormy sunday afternoon coming up. We a in the 70s here this morning. High today 93 with a 60 chance of thunderstms this afternoon. Coming uplf later in the ha hour ill show you future weather to storm the heat wave. Good chopper 4 our state highway and outer loop ramp reopened this morning that is 450 to the outer loop also oen right now. That was an earlier crash that overturned semi

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