Transcripts For WRC Late Night With Seth Meyers 20240714

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[ laughter ] President Trump joked this afternoon that officials shouldd cons naming a new nato military base in poland fort trump. Oh, i always assumed that this was fort tru [ laughter ] reporting for duty, colonel. [ cheers and applause president ial hopeful, senator Bernie Sanders gave a speech today defending democratic soalism, and called it the Unfinished Business of Franklin Delano roosevelt. Added sanders, who by theusay, i to babysit. [ laughter and applause singers katy perry and taylor swift announced on social media last night that they have ended thr years long feud by posting a picture of a plate of cookies with the words peace at last written in icing then one of them ate last cookie, and the feud started all over again [ laughter a applause acrding to new research, americans play an average of two to five smart phone games per month. Games like, will she text me back [ laughter ] lawmakers in new york have introduced legislationhat would prohibit companies from charging different prices for similar mens and womens product like shampoo, conditioner, and body wash said men, wait. Thats not all one thing [ laughter and applause then whats in my one plastic bottle . [ laughter ] a florida couple has posted a gender reveal video of themselves using an alligator to a balloon that revealed the sex of their tenth child and the craziest part of that p story to me is howched they are about a tenth child. [ laughter ] if i had if i had ten children, i think id be using the alligator to get it back down to four [ laughter andpplause he i should point out triter who wrote that is childless. And when i said only a childless person would write that, he said, i prefer the term child free. [ laughter and applause a group of mothers in texas held a so called nursein at a public pool this week to protest an incident in which the pool manager asked a woman to cover herself or leave the pool while breastfeeding her child and while management was upset,a the mothers were ry pumped [ laughter and applause a california man has posted a video that appears to show adr er asleep in his tesla while driving on the freeway asleep wonder how he fell did he talk about owning a tesla . [ laughter and applause uhhuh. Uhhuh, wow. Wow. Wow, that is really cool [ laughter ] really happy for you. And finally, a florida man was arrested yesterday after allegedly dancing around naked at a mcdonalds. Icfortunately the man was y apprehended and transported to an appropriate facility. [ laughter ] ladiesnd gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight [ cheers and applause we one of my favorite comedians in his new movie being frank is in theaters this friday. Jim gaffigan is back, everybod [ cheers and applause she stars in the new netflixre show, now sting, dead to me. Its fantastic Linda Cardellini is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause and he is an acclaimed poet whose debut novel, on earth were briefly gorgeous is available now. Ocean vuong is here. [ chee and applause its a beautiful book. Im very excited to talk to him about it before we get to all of our fantastic guests, the president lied about his poll numbers after a speech in iowa where farmers are hurting from his trade policiesit for more on this, time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth iowas an awkward place for trump to be right now because there are a lot of farmers there whove been hurth by his trade war witina. Although really, anyplace is an awkward place to be for trump just in general. [ lighlaughter ] hes the only person ive ever seen who looks out of place, every place. [ laughter and applause i mean, he never looks e comfortable no matter wh is hes always drenched in sweat. [ laughter ] his tie is always down to his junk and even when hes at the white house, surrounded by microphones, he stands with his chest puffed out likpenguin daying to scare away a pretor. [ laughter and applause i mean, if that wasnt on cnn, youd think it was Animal Planet [ laughter ] and if you take a look at this little fellow. He senses his nest is being threatened [ laughter ] and puffs out his chest all the while using his ample backside to protect his precious eggs. [ laughter ] trumps trade war [ applause ] trumps trade war comes after he spent years as a candidate and president courting farmers in the midwest. For example, during the campaign, trump couldnt te botheredactually come up with a specific plan to help farmers or midwestern states so instead he just claimed he loved iowa smuch he might just buy a farm and move there. Iowa, we love youha we you [ cheers and applause youre special we will be back many, many times. I in fact, i thinkight come here, and buy a farm i love it. Okay iowa i love iowa. Weve really hit a note with evangelicals weve hit a nopa with the tea y, and with just the people of iowa, im all over the place. I like it. I love it. [ laughter ] maybe ill jusgobuy i think im g to buy a farm and settle down over here. [ cheers and applause what no, i think i will a medium sized farm, cause i dont knowf i want to work that hard. Right . [ laughter ] seth all right first of all, i cant imagine trump as a farmer. Theyd have to put tractor wheels on his golf cart. [ laughter ] i mean, the closest hes ever coha is the farmers tan he under his eyes [ laughter and applause buhaalso, i do need to ask w is going on with this voice here with just the people of iowa, im all over the place i like it. I love it. [ laughter ] seth hes like sounds like Gilbert Gottfried after a inhaling helium, sitting on his own balls. [ laughter ] and seriously, how did we end up with a president who sounds like jar jar binks . I like it i love you oh mui mui, i love you. [ laughter and applause seth i mean, is not but trump trump cant even talk in a coherent way about legitimate issues that really d matter to farmerd people in rural areas. Like expanding broadband access. Trump tried to discuss it in his speech last night, and it was s hard to follow w was saying that Even Fox Business Network cut away 1. 2 billionto expand rural bro. [ applause ] which you needery badly. You need very badly. They have not treated the midwest well with broadband, with anything having to do with the word computer. I look at some of those tractors, and they dont even hook up. [ laughter ] theyre all set, but you dont have the capability here in terms of all right were gonna talk with our panel about a lot of what the president s been saying. [ laughter ] hes offering a lot of fodder for discussion seth i mean, that was the t vers rolling up your car window [ laughter ] oh, man this guy is really rambling yes, no. E. No squee thank you. No goodbye laughter and applause thank you. Goodbye. D the thing thats so weirout trump is you can tell there are bits, and pieces of real information there that he half remembers from a briefing. He wasnt really paying attention to it. Then when he tries to describe it, hes only capable of k spitting out a fewey words, like when trump said this. I look at some of those tracrs, and they dont even hook up. Set i mean, that came from Something Real [ laughter ] but he tal about it like tractors literally have a giant hole for a plug labelled internet hookup. [ laughter ] so now, trumps trade policies are hurting him in midwestern states that he won in 2016 in fact, trumps poll numbers in key states are apparently so bad, hes told his aides to straight up pretend they dont exist. The New York Times reported that after being briefed on a devastating 17state poll conducted by his campaign p pollster, trld aides to deny that his internal polling showed him trailing joe biden in many of the states he needs to win. I woy dnt be surprised if the were making up new states just to cheer him up. Good news, mr. President. Youre winning big in old jersey, east dakota, californication, and blorf. [ laughter and applause today during a meeting in the oval office, trump doubled down on his lie about polling, but it was especially gross, because he widid it during a meeting the president of poland where theres growing concern over the decline of Democratic Institutions after trump attacked polls and the media, he and the polishid prest were both asked about those concerns, and shrugged them off although, trump didnto eally seem tknow much about it they were fake polls that were either put out by the corrupt media, cause much of the media in this country fortunately is corrupt. I have to tell you that, mr. President. How concerned are you aboutoc backsliding on demcy in poland, and will that be a concern . Im not concerned i know the president very well i know the people and the leadership of poland very well im not concerned at allo but you may want ty something about that someone cheated you excuse me omeone cheated you there is no problems with the democracy in poland. Really everything is excellent. Thats what i hear. [ laughter ] seth oh. Oh, thats what you hear [ laughter ] y do mean thats what you just heard . [ laughter ] he just lets other people talk, and then chimes in when he agreesd hes the emahon of president s [ light laughter ] of course, its early. [ laughter ] well sal, i think youll agree, i was right on that one. [ laughter ] i went to the mat for that joke and i think well agree, i was right and you we wrong [ laughter ] so funny they forgot to make any noise. [ laughter ] they laughed so hard it went in backwards. [ laughter ] right you are, sir [ laughter ] of course [ cheers and applae of course its early, and we should be skeptical that trumps loyal base will suddenly dessert him. But there have at least been a few anecdotal reports of voters in the midwest who back trump having second thoughts as one ohio farmer explained in an interview with cnn. Were ia free fall out here those tariff dollarse directly from american importers, from American Companies that hire americanha workers, tpay american taxes, and then they turn around, and push that out to consumers to pay and why the Farming Community has to take one in the shorts just so that the president can have a talking point and be tough on china just is a little bit beyond me. Seth wow, you know trumphe would hate to that. Although, i bet his staff goes through his dvr and dubs over any negative News Coverage of m. I like it i love it. [ laughter and applause seth also, it should be noted that farmer laid out a clearer and more articulate t explanation of hiffs work and why theyre hurting farmers than the president of the United States ever has in his life in fact, compare that answer to what trump said about his china tariffs during a meandering c phone interview with cnb monday well even add subtitles, so can you try to follow what hes saying china very much wants to make a deal they want to make a deal much more than i do but well see what happens and just remember, theyre charging us tariffs. You know, some of the folks that i really like, but some of the senators theyll come to me, well sir, its not really good, because its not free market. Like you take india where theyre charging 100 . And by the way, 100 is nothing compared to what some companies charge you know, france charges us a lot for the wine [ light laughter ] and yet we charge them very little for french wine so, the wineries come to me, and they say, sir, the calornia guys they come sir, were paying a lot of money to put our product into france and youre letting meaning this country is allowing this french wine which are great wines, but we have great wines o. Allowing it to come in for nothing. Seth what you are talking about . [ laughter ] how did u go from china to senators, to india, to french wine did you drink some french wine [ laughter ] r yourebling like a tourist in napa who didnt realize that after you taste the wine, youre supposed to spit it out. [ laughter ]hy i mean is thatoure standing like youre about to fall flat on your face [ laughter and applause trump [ cheers and applause trump is clearly nervous aboutim the ct his tariffs are having because hes backed away from a threat this week to impose tariffs on mexico and to justify that choice, trump has been ciming that theres a secret component to the mexico deal that he cant talk about a sterday he waved around piece of paper he claimed contained a secret deal he couldnt show reporters. [ light laughter ] anlaon monday he made a simi claim during his phone interview with cnbc. Can you go into exactly what else was part of that deal that you t . Vent really outlined ye well, im gonna tell you that most people understand that the people having to do with borders and illegal immigration, and immigration of any kind, they e understactly what that is. But we purposely said we wouldnt mention it for a little while. Its going to be brought up because it has to be brought by by their legislative body. Its got to be taken to a vote so we didnt bring it up, but kn most people that answer, joe. Seth the nicest thing you can say about trump is that he always makes it obvious when hes lying [ light laughter ] inact, if youre ever wondering how insane a trumpswe response on final jeopardy. The clue was, its the capital of vermont james, you answered, montpellier. And donald, you answered, well, im going to tell you that most people understand that the people having too with vermont, they understand exactly what that is [ ughter ] but we purposely said we wouldnt mention it for a little while. So we didnt bring it up but most people know that answer, alex. [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause and how much did you wager . 1 gazillion . Trump is lying about his poll numbers in places like iowa andu michigan bec his trade policies are hurting them there. Its early, but when it comes to trumps tariffs, voters definitely arent saying , i liklove it. Seth this has been a closer look. A [ chee applause well be right back with jim gaffigan, everybody. [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. [sfx bottle opening] [sfx tires screeching] ahhhh [sfx bottle openi] {sfx neighing] [sfx splash] ahhhh [sfx bottle opening] ahhhh delivered to your car door so you can do more. Et. More refill. More recharge. More relax. Target run and done. Put that away. Lets have some fun. Your world elite mastercard now has more benefits, ughh including lyft. Start reconnecting. Ar stt something priceless. Explore the new benefist of the world elite maercard. Co. Come on. On. Come on. buzzer sounds to keep your sandwich freaky fresh®, jimmy johns only delivers within 5 minutes of the store. No and not farther. Noits nothing personal. Its because sandwich. Milk, fresh cream and only its made with fre cream,la. Sh sugar and milk. Breyers the good vanilla. We proudly partner with American Farmers for grade a milk and cream. Mmm do you battery sound. Want a charge . Yeah battery charging. Thank you so much. Battery charging. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band rht over there [ cheers and applause also, so very happy to have fred armisen with us tonightt give i for fred. And [ cheers and applause fred, as many of you know, a renaissance man, a comedian, aan musicia writer but one thing we found out this week, people did not know about fred, is that youre also an art connoisseur. Fred yeah. Yeah [ laughter ] seth and i even id youre an art fan, and you corrected me and said, no, no. You said, connoisseur. Fred connoisseur seth that was very important that it was that way [ light laughter ]ay and you were sg backstage you have an art historians knowledge of every painting ever painted. Fred every painting. [ laughter ] seth i said to you, dont lie about this, because im ng going to brit up on the show. So, if its a lie, tell me right now. No hard feelings fred nop its all true [ laughter ] seth lets put it to the test one more time in our brand ngm set fred armisen, art aficionado. [ cheers and applause seth all right exciting fred, this is Georges Seurats 1884 masterpiece a sunday on la grande jatte. Tell us about this classic painting everything you know, fred. Dont leave anything out fred this is a fascinating one. Seth uhhuh. [ light laughter ] fred so this is one of the first, sort of, mistake paintings. So this all happened, it was, um you know, he was painting, and he had his pets with him and every stroke that you see is a mistake. [ light laughter ] like, his son knocked over some of the paint, and it turned into, like, some of the figures there. [ laughter ] the place where he lived is very seth all right, yeah [ light laughter ] fred so people were sort of coming through, knocking paint over, and stuff like that. Seth so, like, this beautiful dog, thats just a mistake . , fred its just wellits also how we see it [ laughter ] its more that its the human eyeort of turns paint into things. And i think weve all sort of agreed that hey, thats a dog. Really, that was just a blot that ended up that way [ light laughter ] and seth so you think this painting is a lot worse than were giving it credit for fred yeah, i would say, in a way. [ laughter ] and when he was done, its when people suggested to him, hey, thats beautiful it looks like a park. And he was like, ri a park. And look at those trees. Hes like, right. Those trees. Thats how we know it now. Seth so it was like a secret he took to the grave with him that this was just a mistake painting that was belove fred he might still be alive. Seth okay, i dont think so. [ laughter ]us [ cheers and appla our first guest tonight is a Grammy Nominated comedian and talented actor who stars in the new film being frank which is in theaters june 14th. Lettake a look. Were just having a little mantoman talk. Yo talking like guysknow sports, drinking, strippers. What . L ess is more. Actually, philip and lewis had a small disagreement about what . Girls ah. A girl. Yeah. Ladies of e evening. No. A girl [ laughter ] seth please welcome back to the show, our friend jim gaffigan, everybody. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Thank you its good to be back seth its great to have you here i think i love you as a comedian, and its been so fantastic to see y. You in films recentl youre such a great actor. And this is a film about you basically have a family, and you have a secret familyes y im a dad with two families. And in the two families they dont know about each other. So im a good guy [ laughter ] who has two secret families, two wives, and but i have like two kids in each of the families. Fe but in real i have more children seth yeah. With just one family, you have five kids. Yes seth how do your five kids feel when they see you in a movie where youre like pulling off with like very little difficulty having two families yes, well, you know, this southwest. Ered at south by and they sent a link to my wife to watch and she watcd it with my two older kids and my 13yearold just at one point walked out and goes, not watching this. It mig be true. [ laughter ] so its just i dont know what that says about my relationship with my family seth yeah. Well, i will say, touring standup comedian is a good job for somione with multiple es right well, you know, i just i cant pull off being a decent husband to one woman [ laughter ] seth yeah, i know. How would someone do it with two . It just seems too hard seth but with this film, and with showing this film at this is more common thoud out think. Yes yes. There at every screening weve had theres been someone in the audience that says, we ig had a or, or someone in our town that at the funeral it was revealed that there was two families seth wow and i heard there was one guy who had 6 families and 30 children. Seth wow nohich is i mean, like one caught on. Like, how would you even organize that . Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] like all the childrenust have the same name like all the boys were bob seth right so youd never screw it up i dont know how you could do that seth i got to say, if you can make it to the funeral, yout funeral tilly find out, you tip your cap right seth like you know, you really are like, wow well, you made it the whole way. Its impresh ve seteah. You are always on the road, and you talked about this beforehand yes seth and youve since done ityo actually did stand up at a rodeo. I did seth yeah. I performed at the san antonio rodeo. [ cheers and applause it was my first rodeo. [ laughter ] by the way, me wearing that hat is not ctural appropriation. [ light laughter ] but i so yeah, iwas insane its insane. Its a huge event. Seth yeah. These rodeos. You know, the San Antonio Spurs have to go on the road during the time of the rodeo. Its a big deal. Its in the arena. They bring in mud and everything and theres a rodeo that occurs. Usually its a country musician, or you know, like some mexican musian thats famous in the area and so they had comedy and it was just surreal, because youre in the round. And they kind of theres some people seated in the area, and there was just this guy yelling hes just going, woo woo the entire time. And as comedians, you know like oh, maybe this guy is drunk. But, like, you also ha instinctively know ts just him. Seth yeah. Thats what he does but it was strange to go after these fantastic i mean theyre amazing athletes seth right t y literally have to ride a bull or a horse for like four seconds. Anryoure watch it, and you like i dont think i can do that [ laughter ] seth yeah. Like i just the cor strength seth yeah. That would be required. But like sometimes they get thrown off immediately and thats their whole day of work seth yeah. [ laughter ] its insane its insanehat training seth theres very little sports where you just get, like, you might be one second. Right seth yeah. And then if it reaches four seconds then someone with a horse comes by and grabs you off. Im like, thats a good gig. Seth yeah. Thats a good gig seth then you did a show so you survived the rodeo. Yes, i survived it. Seth and then youre here in new york, your yometown. Seth doing standup just at like a local club that you perform at all the time. Yes, standup new york, which is a great club. Theres many great cbs in the city seth and you fell down i fell. I fell [ laughter ] yoknow you and fred, you know this, because as a performer, you go on stage, and you want to, you know, communicate a certain authority. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and falling on your face is not on seth this was our way up and by the way, it was like one step [ laughter ] and like i asked afterwards, im like, has anyone else fallen . Theyre like, no. [ laughter ] no one has ever fallen seth and wait, jim youre also telling me you dont think youd be good at rodeo [ laughter ] its like this was my own personal rodeo, i guess. But it was people were very nice because there is nothing that communicates, this guy doesnt know what hes doing when he cant walk on stage. [ light laughter ] i didnt even reach the microphone and i was ju like, i dont know how im going to respond to this. But i think i had worked out that day i work out, like, once every four months. Ht [ la ] and so, like, my leg just wasnt responding to me lifting [ laughter ] it was very emrrassing, but luckily, were showing it on national television. Seth i want finish by asking about your wife, jeannie. Yesve seth wealked about her a lot over the last couple of visits, because she had a brain tumor. Yes seth and she has recovered yes yesh thank goodness. Seth yeah. [ cheers and applause and you have youve spoken il about it in a very hious way, in a very moving way on stage. And now she has written a book yeah. I mean, its amazing iyou know, this woman whothe mother of five children with a husband thats just gone half the time and recovering from a brain tumor, and she starts these two and then she goes, im going to write a book about it. Im like, do you really want to do that . I mean, like, i dont want to do anything she wrote this incredible book, cause when she was going through the experience, she would google trying toind people that had gone through a similar experience so that was the motivation behind it that she wanted tois write thook, and its an amazing book you know, shes been my writing partner for 20 years so shes very funny. Its an amazing book seth i cant wait to read it, and its always such a pleasure to have you here, jim [ cheers and applause thank you seth thank you so much appreciate it seth jim gaffigan everybody. Being fjunk is in theaters 14th. Well be right back with Linda Cardellini [ cheers and applause and i boarded the plane touched down in the land of the delta blues in the middle of the pouring rain m touched down in the then im walkinphis s etalking with my feet teff of beale lk then im waing in memphis walking in memphis but, do i really feel the way i feel . 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Welcome whats next [ cheersnd applause seth our next guest is an emmy nominated actress you know from shows such as freaks ands, geekmad men, and blood line. The first season of her show, dead to me, is currently streaming on netflix lets take a look. I could not have done that myself well i dont know why i cant say no to him. Because youre an addict. You have to put down the pipe. By the pipe, you mean his penis . Yes, i mean his penis obviously, i mean his penis. Its so hard for me to put that down. Is it a big penis its like oh, [ bleep ] really its a good version of big. Good looking, and with a big [ bleep ]. What do youo . How do you find that again i know. [ light laughter ] seth please welcome back to the show, Linda Cardellini, everyone [ cheers and applause seth hi, how are you im good, how are you seth im wonderful congratulations on the show. I feel as though you guys have pulled off a very hard thing which is youve made a very ri funny show about g that is also very honest about grief well, thank you seth and y just got picked up for a second season, which is thats excellent we did [ cheers and applause we did a seth you your costar christina applegate, you guys are fantastic together and youre both going through sort of, different kinds of grief. An youre both pretty much, ive only watched the first couple episodes, youre pretty much in every single scene yes seth is that accurate . Yes when i read it, i thought, oh s two female leads. Thats so exciting and ill also get some time off. But no, it was all of us, you know, both of us on set all the time seth and we were talking backstage, im so familiar with both of your works, because you have such a large body of it, together before. Nev no. Seth did you know each other at all no, we did not know each other at all seth its fantastic. Your chemistry i yfantastic. Thank seth and it is a lot of fun to watch it is very funny, like i said, but theres also a lot of crying yes seth very good cry acting on this sho thank you, thank you. Seth i was taking note of it, because im like, wow. They are both crying a lot, and in very different ways, and im ry impressed by it [ light laughter ] yeah, yeah. Its like all different versions of crying. Seth yeah. Yeah, a lot of times seth ive also heard you were a cryer in real life, you cry at animated films oh yeah seth yeah. Yeah, i cry a lot anyways seth yeah. I feel like because, maybe, of what we do i am more seth yeah. Im taken out of the reality when i watch acting. Seth yes but somehow when im watching animatio it breaks my heart. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and then i i was watching ive done it twice ive cried so hard during finding nemo. Seth uhhuh, yeah. That was the first time that it happened. That somebody, and then during up, that somebody nexto me said, asked me if i needed to leave. [ light laughter ] and was like, no, no. I love this movie. [ light laughter ] but yeah seth one of my first dates with my wife was, toyastory 3. It w a 3d. And i was wearing she still has a picture of me toy story 3 killed me seth yea w and im cryingh like, big dumb 3d glasses. Yeah, yeah. Seth and she took it from the side and im just like this weirdo c with like a tearing out of the side of my face. [ laughter ]tt its a pbad scene. Toy story 3, somebody told me that at the end, woody died seth uhhuh. Ed so the whole time i wat it, i was expecting that that really happened. [ light laughter ]ca so i was hystefrom the very beginning of toy story 3. Seth why would somebody tell no he doesnt die seth yeah, but why would somebody i mean, thats a spoiler. Sorry. Seth why would somebody tell you that awful thingt i donnow. I dont know seth was it the person you ruined finding nemo for . [ light laughter ] yeah, no kidding. Theyre like seth hey, when you see toy story 3, woody dies crazy lady. [ light laughter ] yeah seth yeah. And you last time you were here, we were you were in the avengers, but you were not alwed to tell anyone no. Seth and you kept the secret pretty well, yeah . Yes, yes. Seth thats very impressive. Thank you seth and was it true that y one ofr friends just found fully found out watching the movie yeah, one of my childhood friends was because i didnt tell my parents. I didnt tell anybody. Seth yeah. And one of my childhood friends stood up in the middle of the theater, and yelled and pointed, thats linda [ light laughter ] and then, he was with his kids, and his kids were so embarrassed. [ laughter ] i do. Ave a 7yearold seth and you have you introduced her to any of your work yet you know, not too much. Not too much sh yeah. But she you know, at one point, kids were talking about scoobydoo, and i said, oh do you want to see that . And she said, mommy, thats weird. [ light laughter ] so, no seth what did she find weird about it just i dont know. Seth that a dog was a detective . I didnt go into it i was like, oh phew, she doesnt want to see it but then, you know, but she did once see a commercial for green book, because there was a lot of commercials running and i have an accent she was like, mommy, your voice. [ laughter ] so sometimes when i read her a story, i have to do like, dolores voice for her seth oh, thats really great. I like that, that she just was very impressed with your skills as an actor. Yeah. Seth your ability transform. Thats all that matters, is to get her approval. I make her watch everything, give me notes. Seth and was it i guess shes seven, and when you did mad men, that was another sort of top secret thawas crazy top secret, yes. Seth but being top secret for mad men was maybe even a little bit harder than the avengers, because you had to have, just playing the role, yoo had e like an age appropriate an era appropriate yes i had to have these incredibly long, acrylic nails. I mean, they werent supposed to be acrylic then. They were supposed to be natural nails. Seth yeah. But they were long nails were very feminine at thtime i had a four or five months year old not, year old. Seth yeah. Five months old whatever it is [ laughter ] she was younmo i was tired im a and i would change her diapers with these ridiculous nails. T and id be sittingre with other moms, and other people just looking at me like [ laughter ] and i couldnt tell anybody the reasonhy i had them. [ laughter ] seth you were like, im not mentally ill its for a part. Yeah, yeah. Seth congrats again on the show im so happy its coming back for another season its always so great to see you. Its always awesome to see you. Seth thanks for being here thank you [ cheers and applause first season of dead to me is now streaming on netflix well be right back with ocean voung. [ cheers and applause somebody living with hiv . Keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv ertain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv with three different medicines to help you get to undetectable. That means the amount of virus is so low it cant be measured in lab tests. Ous side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of prctic acid and liver oblems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all e medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. 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And emerges crisp and refreshing enough to be called deer par born better® [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is an Award Winning poet whose debut novel, on earth were briefly gorgeous is on sale now please welcome to the show ocean vuong, everybody [ cheers and applause seth cean, welcome to the show thank you so much for having me seth you are known as a poet this is your first novel, and just debuted at number six on listNew York Times fiction thank you very much [ cheers and applause seth very exciting thats what they say. Seth that all sounds very glamorous now. D yet, the book was not written in the most glamorous circumstances. You had roommates at the time you wrote this book. Tell everybody where you wrote i had noisy roommates they had kids, and i struggled, you knows an adjunct at nyu. And i would go home, working on this book. And i looked at e corner of my room, and i said where can i the furthest place i can go from these fos . [ light laughter ] they were kind folks, but they were so noisy. And it was the closet. Seth oh wow. The closet was the furthest place away and i know, for a gay writer, the irony is not lost me. [ laughter and applause [ cheers and applause the irony is not lost on me. Seth yeah. But i thought, im going to go in there. Im gonna reclaim that place [ laughter and applause [ cheers ] and you know, you know, it was beautiful. You go in there, and what was once a prison for me, i turned into a portal to write this book s h thats fantastic. And i went in there with a little lamp and my laptop, and it was perfect seth and certainly the outcome is perfect this is such a beautiful book. It is fiction, but the main character, born in vietnam like you, grew up in hartford how much of it was taken from your own life . And as youre writing it, wh do you choose to make a fictional choice versus something thats more autobiographical yeah, that was a puoseful choice i wanted to start with truth, and end with art that was always my goal. Ul i have put these folks in i could have put them in ancient vietnam or Medieval Europe but i wanted to situate them in hartford, connecticut as asianamerican characters as a way of saying these bodies are inspiring to me. Rt theyre wo of literature with a capital l something that these bodies rarely got a chance to be. Ch and heres my ce to do it and contribute to american letters in this way. I wanted to do it right. Seth its really [ cheers and applause its really well executed. The main character is named, referred to as little dog. And you talk about how why it is that his mother calls him that which i thought found fascinating. And there is truth to that as , wellyes . Yes in our village in vietnam, the tradition is to name the child, the weakest, smallest child after the most despicable things and sometimes we call them little dog, pig face, snout, asi a way to deter espirits who come hunting for children. An you know, they hear thats a little dog i dont want anything to do with that so a name becomes a cloak. It becomes a shield. And particularly with these women who have ptsd, who survived war, theyre so powerless in america they have very Little Agency and their only one thing they can do with their mouth, is to rename the child little dog to protect them and its their power seth and then your mother named you ocean. That was not what she originally had in mind. What was she originally thinking to name you . Oh lord okay so my mother had me when she was 19 this is 88. And at that time, there is ae person named jackian [ laughter ] who was asias, you know, proudest export in the world seth sure. And he was everywhere and she liked it was eitherch mil jackson or jackie chan and she thought she really wanted to go with jackie knowluckily, she stayed off, you and she came to ocean. Seth yeah. But that was her impulse, was to go for jackie chan. [ light laughter ] seth yeah. My school bullies would havea a field day, so im so seth yeah, and i think it would be very hard to sell a book by Michael Jackson vuong right now. [ laughter and applause so, i think we dodged a bullet there as well. [ cheers and applause you make a really interesting observation about how in the english language, words of destruction are used to define success. Particularly from the male perspective. Can you speak about that for a minute in this culture, we celebrate boys through the lexicon of violence youre killing it. Youre making a killing. Smash thembl them up you went into that game guns blazing. And i think its worth it to ask the question, at happens to our men and boys when the only way they can valuate themselves is through the lexicon of death and destruction . And i think whenhey see themselves only worthwhile, when theyre capable of destroying things, its inevitable that we arrive at a masculinity that is toxic. [ cheers and applause seth your this bo is written from t perspective of a writer who is writing to his mother, knowing that she will not be able to read it becaused she cannot reaglish. Your mother, that is true of your mother as well . Yeah. Seth but yet s has come out. She has come to your reading she must be very proud of you. Very proud. Seth whats it like when she comes to your readings h my lord. The first me she went, you know, i read, and it was lovely. Folks, you know, as they do, they stand up and they clap. And i walked back to check on her, and shes crying. You know, shesobbing. I thought, i said, mom, whats wrong . You didnt hear anything, you know i didnt do anything wrongdid i . You know, you being the son, you make sure, did i do anything bad . She said, no, no, no. I never thought i would li to see all these old white people clapping for my son. [ cheers and applae im very happy for youy. Yeah, i never saw it that way, you know. But she taught me how to rethink what success was for her is see the effect as a writer, im always interested in the language, and im obsessed with language atbut she helped me think t matters what you do in the world, how your work affects the world, what it does. She was looking at that. She really taught me how to loog at where my ge ends up seth well, she sounds like a very impressive woman. Do you think shell be watching this yes [ light laughter ] seth okay. Do you to want to say anything to her that shed understand can i seth yeah, please. Can i seth yeah, yeah. [ speaking Foreign Language [ cheers and applause seth well, what a delight having you congratulations on the book. Thank you seth just an honor thats ocean vuong, everybody. On earth were briefly gorgeous is available whereverr books sold well be right back. [ cheers and applause woman 1 this is my body of proof. Man 1 proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. Man 2 proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. N 2 . With humira. Woman 3 hira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage and clear skin in many adus. Humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriaarthritis. To fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal g tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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What are you holding . Miller lite. Hold true. Announcer for more late night, go to latenightseth. Com. Ta follow us on iam and twitter latenightseth and be sure to check ufaout on youtube and cebook head over to itunes to subscribe to the late night with seth meyers podcast. Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone. Honey, this gigspeed internet is ridiculously fast. We are seriously keeping up with the joneses. Keeping up with thfords. Keeping up with the garcias. The romeros. Patels. The wahhthewahh. Wolanskes. Right. No one is going to have internet like this. Xfinity makes keeping up with the joneses. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Want gigspeed internet . Weve got you covered. Or check out our other amazing Speed Options at new low prices. Get started now for as low as 29. 99 a month. Call, click or visit a store today. [ uptempo music plays ] man we dont just play mic in d. C. Elwe make songs that cebrate life. And love and living. Theyre born in our souls and hearts. And the beat travels up through our bodies till theres nowhere else for it to go but out. Celebrate your d. C. Wi t new scratchers fr d. C. Lottery. Theres over 1. 6 million in cash prizes to n. [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to jim gaffigan, Linda Cardellini, ocean vuong everyby, fred armisen, 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause carson good even im carson daly. Welcome to the 2000th, and yes, final episode of last call. Thats right some of you cant believe the show is finally coming to an end whilmany of probably thought

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