One going airborne in front of a horrified crowd. Everyone was in disbelief that it happened. How everyone managed to make it out of this alive. And football fumble. The decision to hold games on thursdays criticized by players after a blitz of injuries. Nothing like thursday night games. Put people at harm. Their bodies are not prepared. Is the schedule too hard on the gridiron . Good morning, everybody. Paula is off. We brought in a ringer. Her name is sara haines. Good morning, my friend. How you doing . I wrote that line. A lot of people happy to see you. Thats how its going to go this morning. Lets get to the news. President trump overseas. Shortly before we came on the air, the president treated out this picture of air force one after touching down in the philippines. Before his arrival, protesters swarmed the u. S. Embassy. And were repelled with water cannons. Quite a scene there. While in the philippines, trump will meet with the controversial president , rodrigo duterte. Trump has said dutertes doing an unbelievable job on the drug problem. The upcoming meeting comes on the heels of him walking about comments about american intelligence agencies. About the question of russian russia meddling in our elections. It comes after President Trump ramped up his war of words with kim jongun of north korea. Calling him short and fat. Abcs chief White House Correspondent jon karl is traveling with the president this morning. Jon, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. And good morning, sara. After saying just yesterday that the that he thinks that Vladimir Putin truly believes it when he denies that russia interfered in the election, today, the president said he accepts the findings of u. S. Intelligence agencies. Which have concluded that russia did meddle, and that vladimir puden ordered it. At a joint press conference with the president of vietnam, President Trump was asked point blank who he believes. U. S. Intelligence agencies who say russia meddled in the 2016 election or Vladimir Putin. Who denies it happened. I believe he feels that he and russia did not meddle in the election. As to with whether i believe it or not, im with our agencies, especially as currently constituted. With the leadership. Reporter the current leadership of the u. S. Intelligence agencies have said definitively that russia did interfere and putin himself ordered it. The president says he accepts their findings. But he wants to move on and work with putin rather than punish him. What he believes is what he believes. What i believe is that we have to get to work. And i think everybody understood this that heard the answer. We have to get to work to solve syria. To solve north korea. To solve ukraine. To solve terrorism. And, you know, people dont realize, russias been very, very heavily sanctioned. Reporter just yesterday on air force one, the president said he briefly discussed election meddling with putin yesterday at a multination summit here in vietnam. Every time he sees me, he says, i didnt do that, the president said. And i really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. That didnt sit well with senator john mccain who responded, quote, there is nothing America First about taking the word of a kgb colonel over that of the american Intelligence Community. On twitter, the president defended his comments. When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a Good Relationship with russia is a good thing not a bad thing. From here in vietnam, the president also tweeted about north korea. Taunting dictator kim jongun, saying why would kim jongun insult me by calling me old when i would never call him short and fat. Oh, well. I try so hard to be his friend. Maybe some day that will happen. The president was asked if he really meant that . Could he become, quote, a friend of kim jongun . That might be a strange thing to happen. But its a possibility. If it did, it would be a good thing for, i can tell you, north korea. It would be good for lots of other places and good for the world. So, certainly, it is something that could happen. I dont know that it will. But it would be very, very nice if it did. Reporter the president had choice words for those who were the top three intelligence officials when he became president. Calling the former heads of the fbi, the dni, and the cia quote political hacks. Now these are individuals who have long careers in National Security and have served both democratic and republican administrations. Sara . Dan . Thank you, jon. Now moving on to the other Major Political story this morning. Republican Senate Candidate roy moore taking aim at the women accusing him of Sexual Misconduct. Hes stepping up his defense and refusing to drop out of the race. And abcs Stephanie Ramos is on the story from our washington bureau. Stephanie, good morning to you. Reporter dan and sara, good morning. Roy moore in front of his supporters in alabama saturday, continued to deny the accusations against him. Insinuating its a conspiracy by democrats and the republican establishment here in washington to get him out of the race. Why now . Thats the question republican Senate Candidate roy moore continues to ask and answer. To think that grown women would wait 40 years to come before, right before an election, to bring charges is absolutely unbloelievable. Reporter moore, going on the offensive saturday, at a veterans day event in alabama on the Sexual Misconduct allegations made against him. To be attacked for allegations of Sexual Misconduct contradicts my entire career in law. I have not been guilty of Sexual Misconduct with anyone. Reporter moore, who is running to fill the alabama seat left open by attorney general jeff sessions, faces allegations, first reported in the Washington Post, that he engaged in Sexual Activity with a 14yearold girl when he was 32. The article says he also pursued other girls, including gloria deason, when they were in the ages between 16 and 18. Moore finds the timing of the report suspicious. Deasons attorney tweeted as young teenage girls in a the late 1970 sz in a small, rural, southern town, they had no way of knowing their rights. Especially against him, considering he was a District Attorney at the time. Moore says the article is a desperate attempt to stop his campaign. This article is a prime example of fake news. Reporter a number of republican senators are distancing themselves from moore. At least 42 out of the 52 gop senators have weighed in on moores situation. Most saying, if the allegations are true, then he should drop out of the race. Moores democratic opponent, doug jones says moore needs to answer to the people of alabama. And calls the allegations very serious. Adding he needs to do more than simply deny them. Dan . Sara . A tight race. Stephanie, thank you. Lets bring in Martha Raddatz who will be hosing this week. Later this morning. Right from d. C. Good morning, martha. Good morning, dan and sara. So you have been out on the road. You spoke with the governor of ohio, john kasich, as well as voters in both ohio and pennsylvania. Are they following this moore story . What do they have to say about it . They seem to be definitely following the moore story. They frankly tepid tend to follow what roy moore says. In some cases. The trump voters will say, look, if he did this, it is bad. But we dont know whether he did this. There were some who were more definitive about it, saying he should go. I think, generally, you hear, you know, we dont know. And it was 40 years ago. Sort of the things that roy moore was saying. That if, if he did that. And i dont know really how you take this further. Youve got four women on the record who the Washington Post sought out. They didnt come to the Washington Post. And 30 others who they talked to. I dont really know what those voters are waiting for. President trump says he believes putins sincerity and the Intelligence Community on russian interference. Can he have it both ways . Kind of a contradiction there, isnt it . Can he have it both ways . He said one thing yesterday. And he said another thing overnight. He basically said he trusted his Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community, as jon karl pointed out, said putin was behind the interference. I dont know how President Trump says i believe he means it. And then on the other hand, say i believe the Intelligence Community. But clearly, he was trying to correct that in some way it seems. Saying he is siding with the Intelligence Community. This came after mike pompeo, his cia director, issued an unusual statement, saying i back my intelligence communities, no matter what the president is saying. Tricky issue for the president. No question. Thank you, martha. I want to remind everybody. Martha has a big show. Coming up on this week. Shell have more on the political fallout in alabama with the senate race there. And shell speak with counsellor to the president , Kellyanne Conway and Ohio Governor john kasich. Who has call Frd Roy Moore to step aside. Thats coming up on this week. Thank you. We move on to a breaking story. Overnight, nearly two dozen children are recovering this morning after being injured in a gym accident. Authorities say the kids went tumbling when a structure collapsed. Marci gonzalez is reporting from our los angeles bureau. Reporter none of the injuries are lifethreatening. At least 21 children and two adults were hurt in the collapse. Right now, investigators are trying to figure out what caused what witnesses describe as a terrifying freak accident. Overnight, chaos at a childrens trampoline and obstacle gym in san diego. Stairwell collapsed on some juveniles. Reporter kids rushed out on stretchers and into ambulances. Inside, First Responders treating some 23 people injured. When a platform collapsed. It was really scary. Everybody was crying and bleeding. Reporter it happened around 7 40 p. M. 30 to 40 kids rushing up the stairs for pizza, according to some reports, caused the wooden platform to buckle. I kind of just heard like a crack. And all of a sudden, it crashed down. I heard people screaming. The platform that these kids were going up on was real sketchy. You could tell it wasnt going to hold all that weight. Reporter the injuries range from mild to moderate. Including a spine and head injury. 123yearold jordan alvarez knows how fortunate he was. I fell. Luckily, i landed on a cushion, like a pad. Luckily, i didnt get hurt. Reporter the gyms owner released a statement saying we are truly heartbroken. Were working with authorities and will continue to do so to resolve this. Dan . Sara . Thank you, marci. Now to ron with the rest of the days headlines. Sara, good morning to you. Dan, adrienne . What happened to you . What have we here . We have some sports ahead of us. Its highdef, ron. The general in puerto rico says their job is done. Nearly two months after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. The military says its mission of clearing roads, aiding with medical emergencies and helping with communications is now complete. The National Guard and fema will continue recovery effort there is. This comes as a new head of puerto ricos Emergency Management agency takes office after the former manager, now former manager, resigned on friday. More than 50 of the island is still without power. In china espn is reporting that the three ucla mens basketball players accused of shoplifting did not return home to los angeles with their team. Theyll remain another week. Possibly two weeks. In china, where they still face charges. Freshman liangelo ball, cody riley, and jalen hill have been accused of stealing sun glasses at a Louis Vuitton store. The bruins were in china to play their Season Opener against georgia tech. The three players missed that game. Back in the u. S. , police in florida arrested defensive tackle roy miller in jacksonville, florida, on a domestic battery charge. This happened early saturday morning. The 30yearold was released after appearing before a judge. Hes due back in court later this month. The chiefs spokesman said the team is aware of the incident but has no further comment at this time. A day of prayer in texas as the First Baptist church in Sutherland Springs will hold service for the First Time Since the mass shooting that left 26 dead a week ago. The service moved to a local baseball park. To accommodate the hundreds expected to attend. The church also holding a memorial this afternoon to let people pay their respects. Also in texas, in beaumont, a huge fire racing through an apartment complex. A mother seen running out of the building. See her there holding her two children. The Fire Department said there were a few minor injuries. More than 50 homes were damaged. And finally, a family in monrovia, california, finding visitors making themselves comfortable in their home. The visitors, a bear cub managed to squeeze through the sliding door to get to the cat food. Whoa. Thats the cub . Yes. Not the first time they visited. The trio also caught on camera bathing in their swimming pool. Like a reverse goldilocks. Not sure how you get them out when theyre in your pool. I love it. Cubs, you never go near them. Give them the cat food. Let them swim. Throw it out the window. Lock the window. Bear safety. Thank you, guys. Appreciate it. Well explain why tony is here. This is nfl sunday. There are calls this sunday morning from some of the players to put an end to thursday night football. Eight players got hurt just this past thursday, including Seattle Seahawks star Richard Sherman. He wrote an article called why i hate thursday night football, calling the league hypocritical for preaching safety but then asking for players to play games on only three days rest. Other players echoing that sentiment this week. Injuries are a part of the game, but thursday night i feel like thursday night games put people at harm when their body is not prepared. To lose a player of his magnitude, his caliber, is just tragic. Lets bring in tony. Do you think thursday night football is going away . The current contract for thursday night football expires at the end of the season. That contract was for 900 million for two years. Thats one reason you imagine that its not going away. The ratings are relatively still good enough. The quality of play, you can question whether its good. The teams are making money. The players are making money. And theres a current state in the nfl now with player suspensions, we talked about it with ron. Player protests. And the commissioner, roger goodell, in his own contract negotiation. Thats tense right now. If the players think its unsafe and theyre at risk, and theyre all getting injured, doesnt the nfl have to do something . That is the dilemma. Its a great question, sara. Three days rest. How does your body recover after three days rest . How does your body recover after seven days rest . Its my opinion that if you took all the players injured in the nfl right now, put them on one team, that team would win the super bowl by 40 points. Aaron rodgers, j. J. Watt. The best players in the league. One other thing from the game thursday night. Seahawks quarterback russell wilson. This is another issue for the league. Were just compounding issues here. He took a hit to the chin and was told by the referee, as is league protocol, to go to the concussion tent and take a test. Video showed him in that tent for fewer than five seconds with nobody else in the tent. He decided not to get a test. And went back out on the field. That will be reviewed by the league as well. The league has a lot to look at here. I would expect a fine coming the seahawks way. What is the league saying about thursday night . The league is saying that its still quality play for them. The ratings are where they kind of want them to be. The teams are happy to play in if games. Do injuries affect ratings . If the great player the best players are out when the biggest star is out, thats what the league is concerned about. As far as ratings. Player protests, an argument either way. Player suspensions, either way. But injuries, to the biggest stars. Aaron rodgers. These are the guys in commercials. Odell beckham. And Richard Sherman as well. Tony reali, appreciate it. College football. A huge shakeup yesterday. Two of the top three teams in the nation go down yesterday. Alabama, number two, in one poll. Number one in the other, barely held on. Well see a big shakeup. Miami is back. We saw this game on abc last night. They beat notre dame by 33. Number one georgia lost by 23. They got crushed by auburn. Yes. Alabama, miami, oklahoma, will be the top three in some order. Sorry to cut you off. What i did want to say was, we always love having you on. Thank you very much. That part is true, still. Even ron backs me up. Lets bring in robert, lets cue the scorpions. The hurricanes are back down in miami. Congratulations to them. Theyll rocket up the ratings. Lets turn to cold weather. Record cold yesterday and the day before. These all these cities saw two days in a row of records and some records are a hundred years old, teens and 20s yesterday. That arctic air still in place. We may see more records fall across the northeast. 30 degrees in boston but still below freezing in newark and nor or below freezing across the great lakes. Maybe a mix of precip there and it doesnt take much this time of year to really slick up the roads and cause chaos this morning. If youre heading out to sunday Morning Services be aware of that. No major accumulations. Its time now to have a look at your local forecast. All right, good morning, everyone. Im meteorologist chris sowers. We see mostly cloudy skies out there this morning but nothing showing up on the radar and as we get you outside we show that you thick dense cloud deck thats sitting over top of the city of philadelphia this morning. Those clouds will eventually thin out as the day wears on. So we have cloudy skies this morning. Some sun expected by afternoon. Heres the exclusive accuweather 7day forecast, a little bit concerned about tomorrow morning. Patchy drizzle for the city but there could be a little freezing drizzle well north and west. S the scorpions song. Speaking of hurricanes i know my german metal. Yes, you do. It was an incredible hurricane season, guys. Tomorrow on good morning america, a special, the road to recovery. Talk about the areas devastated by the hurricanes. Over the past few months. Robin roberts in puerto rico. Michael strahan in houston. Ill be traveling to the keys after this show to see just how everybody is recovering. As you would imagine, its been very slow. Incredibly important. Thats great, rob. We turn to a big change at britains Remembrance Day ceremonies. Queen elizabeth standing with her husband. Prince philip looking on. As Prince Charles lays the weather this morning. Molly hunter has more from london. Reporter this morning, on remembrance sunday in the united kingdom, a bit like our veterans day, royals and citizens alike honor those who have given their lives for peace and democracy. Prince charles is front and center today. Laying the first wreath on the war memorial. For the past 65 years, that was Queen Elizabeths job. This year, the 91yearold monarch standing on the balcony with her husband, 96yearold. Prince fill lip. Princes william and harry taking part in the ceremony while duchess kate looks on from above. But this moment, a glimpse of the royal future. Another sign, however small, that the younger royals are stepping up. And, of course, that the family continues to grow. Prince william and kate expecting a baby in the spring. We also saw prince harry, perhaps a new addition to the family soon. Rumors swirl about a possible engagement. As we approach the holidays . Dan . Sara . Molly, thank you very much. Heres whats coming up on gma, harrowing speedboat crash caught on camera. How everyone managed to escape this thing. Hollywood kicking off the oscar season over looming accusations across the industry of Sexual Misconduct. Big night in hollywood. And getting a jump on holiday shopping. The gifts you should not wait to buy. Well be right back with much more gma. Keep it here. Theres nothing quite as magical as staying at a Disney Resort hotel. So imagine. Complimentary rides to and from the park. Even extra time with your family in the park. And now, create a 6night 7day package, including a select Walt Disney World resort hotel room and Theme Park Tickets for as little as 96 per person per day for a family of four. The mountain like i used to. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But whatever trail i take, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. 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This is a different breed of natural nutrition. Purina one, true instinct. Introducing clorox with cloromax. Cleans and help protects. Easier cleanup is the beginning. What comes next is everything. Good morning, its 8 27 on this sunday, november 12th. Im nydia han. Sky6 hd taking a live look at Center City Philadelphia its a chilly start to the day but we are not going to get a repeat of yesterdays cold winds. Lets go to meteorologist chris sowers with more details in the accuweather forecast. Good morning, nydia. Yes, weve lost that gusty breeze of two days ago and even the breeze we had yesterday. So were not dealing with harsh wind chills. Northern nonetheless still a little chill. Normal high 58 degrees. Today were 10 cooler, 48. Maybe patchy drizzle tomorrow morning, on and off type stuff. Could be freezing drizzle for the Lehigh Valley and the poconos. 51 degrees by afternoon. Tuesday 52. Thursday not too bad. All of a sudden were closing in on 60 and then maybe some rain by next weekend. Nydia. Not bad chris. Thank you. Thats it for action news right now. Well be back in about a half hour. Lets return you to good morning america. Hope you have a great day. Were experts in Medicare Part d. And 5 million people, just like you, trust us every day. With no deductible and lower monthly premiums, we could help you save money and get better coverage on thousands of prescriptions. So take a closer look at silverscript. We think youll like what you see. Welcome back to gma on a sunday morning. Happening right now, final stop. President trump wrapping up his asia trip, touching down in the philippines, where hell meet with the controversial president rodrigo duterte. This comes on the heels of trump walking back some comments in which he seemed to side with Vladimir Putin over americas intelligence rage sis over the question of russian meddling in our election. It also comes after President Trump ramped up again the war of words with kim jongun. Calling him short and fat. Also right now, water woes in santa barbara, california. A stream of water shooting up in the air after a car crashed into a fire hydrant in the downtown area. The water flooding the streets and causing a roof to partially collapse. And Emirates Airline unveiling the new private suites. The 40squarefoot first class accommodations come with a video call feature connecting you to the crew. L. E. D. Mood lighting. The seats located in the middle aisle, virtual windows. Showing the view from a fiberoptic camera on the plane. No word how much the suites will set you back. But im sure its a lot. Theyre priceless. Those are bigger than my apartment. That is incredible. Thats not hard for a new york city apartment. Sure. Fair enough. Coming up, the kickoff to oscar season. Overnight, with the governors awards. Were on the red carpet with the stars. And their comment about the recent Sexual Harassment stories that have taken over hollywood. But first, a devastating speedboat collision, all caught on camera. Yeah this is incredible. The boats were taking part in a race in the florida keys when one, as you can see here, skimmed the other, going airborne and flipping over. Eva, good morning to you. Reporter good morning. This video is crazy. These boats were going fast. When the two collided. Oh, oh, oh oh. Reporter a scary moment for fans at the annual key west superboat world championships. Watch as the number 18 boat flies by, running over number 3. Oh, oh, oh [ gap gasps ] oh reporter number 18, going airborne. We do have a boat over on the course. Reporter flipping over, crashing into the water and making a huge splash. Everyone was in disbelief that it even happened. We will have medical on site. Reporter finally, you see a head pop out from under the boat. There is one. Theres two. There is the second person. So both oh, thats a relief. It was pretty crazy to see. Reporter both boats were severely damaged. Unable to compete in the final day of racing. Miraculously, the drivers were able to walk away with no major injuries. Never seen anything like that before. Both appear to be okay after a horrendous accident. Reporter really fortunate no one was hurt in that crash. Another power boat flipped earlier this week and that person did die. A reminder of how dangerous this can be. Back to rob for another look at the forecast. Hey, man. Hey, guys. Speedboat racing is not happening in the northwest. Later in the week which will create in the troughyness. Looter blast of cold air. Whether you have this its a potential for seeing a storm develop along the east coast as we get towards really the beginning of travel season for thanksgiving week. Thats a quick check of whats happening nationally wise. Im chris sowers. Radar is clear. Heres your exclusive accuweather 7day forecast. As that storm that rob was talking about travels east, its going to bump those temperatures up as our winds shift out of the southwest. All of a sudden we get out of the 40s and back up into the 50s. 52 tuesday, 57 thursday. Say, w you think of my brown suit . I want to salute your bravery. Last weekend, he wore this brown suit. Ron gave him ribbing on the air. Some would say justified. I wouldnt ron. He defied me by wearing it again. He wore it again this weekend. Hes going to wear it every weekend. Why . Im not done. Its november. Brown is is okay. Rob. I want to do an extreme makeover marciano edition. Can we take you shopping . I love you. The last person who should get picked on. If its for brown ties. He sets trends. You can never pick his style. Hes always spot on. You tell em, sara. Youre welcome here every weekend. I miss you so much. Thank you. Hes a sweetheart. Hes handsome. We just want to see a different color. Im not a sartorial expert. I dont think that brown is taking off. Brown is the new brown. Coming up here on gma, its the kickoff to hollywoods awards season. The governors awards. There was glitter. Glamour, and frank talk. And the new phone gadget if youre ready to pop the question. Theres an app for theres really not an app for that. Up ahead in pop news. N app for that. Up ahead in pop news. S it bet. She also builds her own fighting robots. Destroy. But when it comes to mortgages, shes less confident. Fortunately for sarah, theres Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. Its simple, so she can understand the details and be sure shes getting the right mortgage. Apply simply. Understand fully. Mortgage confidently. Ii need my blood osugar to stay iin control. I need to cut my a1c. Weekends are my time. I need an insulin that fits my schedule. Tresiba® ready announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your Health Care Provider if youre tresiba® ready. Covered by most insurance and medicare plans. Tresiba® ready were back with more gma. Oscar season kicked off overnight with the governors awards. And gma was right there on the red carpet where the stars were not only talking about fashion and film but also the recent headlines about Sexual Assault and harassment. Chris connelly has more. Reporter at saturday nights 2017 governors awards. Pioneers of cinema receiving honorary oscars for longtime excellence. And there to pay their respects, many with movies eligible for upcoming awards, too. On the red carpet, forthright talk about the recent Sexual Harassment revelations that have compelled kroes scrutiny of the world of hollywood and dominated the conversation here. I commend the brave men and women who have come out with their stories. I really hope that this is a huge paradigm shift and it can be a course toward systemic change. I hope the Sexual Harassment conversation that is happening in hollywood extends outward into other industries. Its long past overdue that people understand that you cant behave that way. I think its a great catalyst for change. Reporter change represented well by the evenings honorees. Director charles burnett, whose drama, killer of sheep, brought neo realism and visual poetry to the veets of French Connection dp. Owen roizman. Birdman director alejandro inarritu, a special award for a Virtual Reality museum piece on immigration. Donald sutherland, his more than 50year career spanning the dirty dozen and the hunger games. These things happen in war. Reporter and 89yearold director and documentarian, agnes varda. A towering figure of daring. I love los angeles. Reporter no one was having more fun than 7yearold actress brooklynn prince. I mean, i love good morning america. Its like the best show ever. Reporter being much talked about for her phenomenal performance in the florida project. Oh, come on. Reporter will you go to sleep at midnight like cinderella . No curfew im going to stay up late. Yes. Good morning, america. Reporter for good morning america, chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. Oh, my goodness. I want one. Can i have one . No curfew. Whoo. Thats not how we feel before you anchor gma. A little girl. That movie is getting incredibly good reviews. You were saying that. Its supposed to be really, really good. I want to see it. Much more coming up on gma. On this sunday morning. Why you may not want to wait until black friday to score the best deals. After the break. Then after that, adrienne with pop news. After the break. Then after that, adrienne with pop news. We are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. We also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Cigna. Together, all the way. Ah, here we go. 60 second rotini it could save your life. Hi, honey hey mom are you eating well . Umm. Yeah im actually making something right now. New barilla ready pasta. Deliciously al dente in just 60 seconds. Simply add your favorite ingredients. That looks amazing . And enjoy. Hey, there you go. I can almost smell it. New barilla ready pasta. 60 seconds to wonderful. Um, elbow oh, sorry mom this morning in our weekend download is there really such a thing as black friday anymore . Abcs becky worley is here with the best ways to save on holiday shopping. You say this oneday sale event became a season . Yeah, thanks a lot, retailers. Take something simple and make it supercomplicated spanning weeks. And yes, in some cases, the entire month of november. Bottom line, sara. There are some discounts out there. Shop now if you want to get a jump on things. But the best single day of deals will again be, drum roll please, thanksgiving day. Oy. Now we have to spend thanksgiving day shopping. Now, i understand that some things will be scarce this year. So your advice was dont wait for a deal. On a few items. Our friends at dealnews. Com have a list of items they think may be hard to find. First some of the gaming consoles. X box one x. Nes classic. And nintendo switch. If you see a deal now, grab it. If its a musthave item, grab it. Deal or no deal. Same for hot toys. Hatchimals, fingerlings. And this electronic porg. I dont know if you have seen this dude. He makes funky noises. Thats a star wars character owned by our parent company, disney. Ooh, ooh, ooh, supercute. What if you buy something and it goes on sale later . Is there anything we can do about that . Buyers remorse. It stings. Many retailers have a price guarantee. Theyll refund you the difference if something you buy gets a price cut. And better news, there are apps you can use to price check after the sale. Paribus and earny are my favorites. We have links to those services on our website, sara. So yeah, get your shopping on, girl. Thank you, becky. As always for all the shopping tips. Well be back right after this with some pop news. With some pop news. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Therethat only uses 100 american oranges. And nows your chance at completely clear skin. Simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. Only floridas natural grows all of our oranges in florida. Great taste. Naturally. fish t bubbling save on all fisherprice little people, imaginext and power wheels. Toysrus. Today we play™ unlike ordinary toothpaste colgate total. Fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for a healthier mouth. So youre totally ready. Colgate total. Be totally ready for life. Thanks for the ridealong, captain ive never been in one of these before, even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . I lomy mom. Om. I love my kids. My kids. My job. Taking care of everybody. Everyday. My mom. My kids. My job. Yes. When im at work. When im at home. I could just really use some help sometimes. Hey we hear you. Thats why aarp helps family caregivers. With connections to experts and resources like our prepare to care guide. Because we get it. If you dont think this is right for me when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Get your free guide at aarp. Org possibilities. I love that music. I do, too. Dont you love it . It never gets old. Never gets old. As we like to say, it all builds up to this. Time for pop news. Yes. Adrienne bankert. Whats poppin . Sara very familiar with pop news. A pop news potpourri. First, simon cowell. And now, its Carrie Underwood on the mend this morning. She took a bad fall in front of her home. In nashville the other night. According to a tennessee newspaper, she broke her wrist. The fall just days after she cohosted the cma awards with brad paisley, right here on abc. Carries husband, nhl star, mike fisher returned home overnight to care for her. Her appearance at the country rising benefit tonight has been canceled. We hope she feels much, much better. Popping the question, gentlemen, were going to help you out. If the big moment in your life needs to be recorded, some entrepreneurs have come up with a way to do this. The rock shock is a smartphone holder for an engagement ring. So you can pop the question with your phone. Did you see this . Ensure that the picture is captured from the proper camera angle. If youre confident on a ringing endorsement, be sure to buy oh, i like that. Look at the size. You can spend less on the whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Theres a big compartment in there i saw. Does everything need to be recorded . No. I just want someone to put their phone down for a little bit. The best things are not recorded, actually. They sure arent, adrienne. What . I can assure you she wont be back again. Just sealing the deal, people. Just sealing the deal. Okay. Easy. Okay. Lets change the subject to the holidays. You probably noticed. Are you dreaming of a White Christmas . Who doesnt . Christmas tree and the Christmas Party hop are you rocking around the Christmas Tree . Feliz navidad. Some radio stations across the country have already started to play christmas music. Psychologists say theyre tarnishing the tinsel. Theyre saying listening to holiday music too early could trigger the stress by reminding you of your todo list. We have the solution. Put your ear buds in and listen to your iphone. You have your own sound track. Listen to the new taylor swift album and forget lets be jolly decking the halls with boughs of holly i know the words. I can live with that. Well, lets talk about the universal food. If youre wondering what today is its National Pizza with everything day except for anchovies. That is actually a holiday . They eat and they tune out. Because theyre hungry. But, yeah, some people dont like anchovies. Theyre a bit polarizing. And we want to encourage you to go out and get some pizza. It is new york city. Home of the best pizza in the world. Which one did you get . Is that eggplant parmesan pizza . Its got a lot of stuff. Its got everything but anchovies. Broccoli. Meat. Olives. Who made the pizza . Who made the pizza, guys . Big nicks. We appreciate it. Were going to just eat. So, i like cold pizza. This is cold. So youre in luck. They did that just for me. Thank you. Tomorrow is National Cold pizza day. Stay tuned for that. Adrienne, thank you very much. Sara, thank you for filling in. You were great. We appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Good morning, im nydia han along with alicia vitarelli. Coming up, Philadelphia Police investigating a triple shooting that lester one dead two others hurt. Nearly a week after being shot in the line of duty, people will gather in a vigil outside the hospital where a Pennsylvania State trooper is recovering. Chris. Alicia, its another cold morning out here with temperatures in the 20s around the delaware and Lehigh Valleys but milder changes are ahead. Details coming up in the accuweather 7day forecast. Now how your coffee is. Its. squeaking of balloon, laughing i had a second balloon goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, it happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Mmm. Good, right . Yeah. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. And now, try our real sour cream. Its delicious. Did any bag of dog or buy sour cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. Petsmart for the love of pets. And now Come Celebrate our grand opening in your neighbourhood. Because with citrusy peel shine, i might as well be spraying orange juice on. Grape juice. Get serious, get a cleaner with bleach in it. Thats right. Ill get it. Clorox means clean

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