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Clintons troubles could entice a new rival into the democratic race. All right now on Fox News Sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington now just four days before the first Republican Debate. This thursday, august 6th, the huge field of gop candidates will gather in cleveland for fox News Facebook debate night. First event at 5 00 p. M. Eastern and main prime time debate with top ten candidates on 9 00 p. M. Eastern on fox news channel. Were talking today with two candidates vying to be on the stage. First, the governor of ohio, john kasich, riding a polls. News sunday. Thank you, chris. Good to be with you. In the real clear politics average of recent polls, youre in ninth place now at 3. 5 and latest of the polls youre doing better than that. As the governor of the state where the debate is going to be held, how important for you to be on the stage in prime Time Thursday night and frankly how it. First of all, theres nothing wrong with a person being embarrassed who has been in the spotlight for a long time. I rather not be embarrassed, chris, but life is short and the more we keep our feet on the ground the better it is. In terms of being on the stage in that big debate, i would like to be there but this debate comes six months before the selection of a single delegate and what ive been focusing on is out there in the grassroots and as i think you know, im now running third in New Hampshire, which is a very important part of my political future and well see what happens. I would like to be there. And we just have to wait and see how all these polls work out. As it relates to the polls, im governor of ohio. I wasnt traveling around the country trying to make a name for myself. I was just trying to take care of ohio. Not Many National reporters wanted to come out here and cover something that was going well. If we had been flow blowing things up, they would have been here. Everything is fine. Ive enjoyed being out with the folks. You seem determined not to comment on donald trump but your top political strategist sent out a tweet this week. He wrote, imagine a nascar driver mentally preparing for a race knowing one of the drivers will be drunk. Thats what prepping for this debate is like. Is that how you think of donald trump . He wont be sending anymore tweets like that, chris, okay. Thats not the way we operate and were basically sort of like along. You know, we dont appreciate stuff like that. I dont think youll see anymore of that. In terms of commenting on other people, i have enough to do to get my message out to people and if im spending my time talking about somebody else or Something Else like i am right now, im not telling you how my defense experience or the fact we turned ohio around from 8 billion in the hole to 2 billion in the black. The jobs. Thats what i need to tell people. I find when im out in the town halls and ive done a bunch in New Hampshire, people ask questions and they want answers and they want to see experience and they want to see a record and who you are. Else . I might want to talk about you and toughness of your questioning. That would probably get applause if i criticize you. You want to go after me in the debate, go ahead. Right now. You would agree thats the main thing youre running on is your record of achievement. Thats the main thing. What the heck else would you run on . You run on this is going to be a tough debate if i cant get the question out. Lets talk about your record. Turning an 8 billion shortfall into a 2 billion surplus, unemployment down from 9. 1 to 5. 2 . And the top income tax rate has been lowered from 6. 2 to 4. 9 . But the Cato Institute gave you a d on its governments report card noting the budget rose 13. 6 in 2014 and that over your time as governor, government jobs have increased 3 . A d, sir . Are. Another washington group. We have the lowest number of state employees in 30 years and in addition to that, our budget overall is growing by about 2 or 3 and our medicaid growth has gone from 9 when i came in to less than 4 and no one has been left behind. We havent had to cut benefits or throw anybody off the rolls. Its washington. Chris, heres the thing. They said he wont get in the race. Then i did. Then they said, okay, if he gets in, he wont be able to raise the money. Then i did. Then they said hes getting in too late. Now they say what a brilliant move. I pay no attention to folks in washington. I want to move power and money and influence out of that town back to where we live like normal americans. Let me pick up on another issue that cato and a lot of other conservatives dont like and that is that you push obamacares expansion of medicaid through in your state of ohio over the very strong objections of the republican controlled state legislature in complaints. They say that ohio will be on the hook longterm after federal aid begins to run out. They also say that you were one of the few republican governors to give president obama bipartisan cover on obamacare. Your answer . First of all, im opposed to obamacare and ive been clear on that. Medicare was expanded by Ronald Reagan three or four times. In addition to that, instead of locking people in prison who have mental health, we give them treatment and keep them out and that saves us money. Instead of putting the drug addicted in prison and having them be released and back in prison, we treat them and we have a 10 recidivism rate for those people drug addicted and for working poor instead of us paying uncompensated care when they go in there and they dont have insurance, they now have health care so theyre not sicker and more expensive. We not only save money by doing this, chris, but at the same time frankly morally we let people get up on their feet and have a great life or a better life and let me say to you that conservative principles mean that in the United States of america every once in a while we give a helping hand to somebody to get out of the ditch so they can live their god given purpose. That doesnt mean we just give them a handout. We also expect personal responsibility once we help them. I dont know what all these folks are saying. Again, our medicaid growth rate some of the lowest. In regard to medicaid, two points, we bring our money back to treat people here in ohio because the federal government has no money and secondly i would take a Medicaid Program and i would block grant it empowering states to deal with those who are sick and poor in the way that they can so its not a one size fits all mentality. It all fits together. Remember, i was one of the architects of the last time we balanced the budget in washington and we had surpluses for four years and we cut taxes and the economy was growing. That . I dont know. I want to pick up you talked about the moral component of the argument and you have made an argument with me and you also made it last year at a big conservative donors conference. I want to put up on the screen what you said. A woman was questioning you about expansion of medicaid. You said i dont know about you, lady, but when i get to the pearly gates im going to have an answer for what ive done for the poor. Now, reportedly some people walked out after you said that and the criticism was that john kasich thinks that youre not a good christian unless you support massive increase in government. First of all, its not about being a christian. The jewish and christian principles of this country say basically the same thing, chris. Look, im a public official. But im also i think a leader in terms of how this country ought to move. My sense is that it is important that we do not ignore the poor, the widowed, the disabled. I just think thats the way america is. And i think theres a moral aspect to it. In my state theres not only a moral aspect where some peoples lives have been saved because of what weve done, but also saves us money in the long run and i never said that to that woman. House. By the way, the Legislature Just reaffirmed the expansion of medicaid in this last budget in overwhelming numbers. So we could never have gotten this done if leaders hadnt supported it its bringing our money back to solve our problems. Bring our money back to solve our problems. Same thing we should do in education, we should do in job training, in highway funding. This is the way we need to be moving. Let me pick up on another issue that some conservatives have with you. Back in 1994 you voted for the assault weapons ban that bill clinton was proposing, which earned you an n from nra and they were so upset that when you first ran for governor in 2010, they actually endorsed your democratic opponent against you. Now, your nra rating now is straight a but what would you say thats called improvement. The comeback kid. What would you say particularly in a place like New Hampshire where hunting is a big deal to gun rights advocates who are going to say, look, im not sure i like a guy who at one time had an f from the nra. That was an assault weapon ban. What i learned from that experience is you write a law and it doesnt have any meaning. Im a Second Amendment advocate. I dont believe the government should take guns from people. I think people have a right to be armed and, look, thats what weve done in ohio and i think theyve been very pleased with what ive been able to do. Its not about pleasing them. Its keeping the Second Amendment and allowing legitimate gun owners to be able to do what they want, which is exercise their Constitutional Rights so people need to worry about that. Do you regret your vote for the assault weapons ban in 94 . Going back and regretting, i look at it now and we were adding a law that had no impact. Thats never smart to do. Finally, in your announcement a couple weeks ago at your allah matter alma mater, ohio state university, you were running to restore the american dream. Realistically how much can a president do . I think a president can do a couple things just like i have as governor. That is to create Economic Growth first and foremost by getting government to work in terms of respecting job creators and job creation. But secondly, i think its also a communication both in policy and the way in which you conduct yourself that everyone no matter who you are if youre poor, minority community, if you have been disabled, if you have had real problems, that you also have a right to share in the american dream. If youre working and youre poor, you lost your job i saw a guy in New Hampshire, 55 years old, engineer, lost his job, working in a sandwich shop. Hope. Before. We will fix this. The president can lead but fundamentally America Works from the bottom up. The folks to the top not from the top down. My dad was a mailman. I always believed that. Governor kasich, thank you. Thanks for talking with us and stage thursday in cleveland. Look forward to it. Up next, another candidate hoping to be part of the prime time debate. Former Texas Governor rick perry. Will he get a chance this week to make up for some shaky moments in the last campaign . Daughter do you and mom still dad yeah, 20 something years now. Thinking about what you want to do with your money . Daughter looking at options. What do you guys pay in fees . Dad i dont know exactly. Daughter if youre not happy do they have to pay you back . Dad it doesnt really work that way. Daughter you sure . Enough questions wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. A look outside the beltway the site of this weeks first republican president ial debate. One of the candidates hoping for a prime time spot on that debate stage is former Texas Governor rick perry. Governor, welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Good to be with you, chris. We were just talking about this with john kasich, in the real clear politics average of the most recent polls, hes in ninth place. Youre in 11th place with 2. 2 support, which means that you are right on the bubble for making the top ten and the prime time fox debate thursday night. Honestly, sir, how damaging to your candidacy if youre not on the stage 9 00 p. M. That night . Well, i full well expect to be on the stage. As a lot of people recognize, this is not one shot pony here. Weve got a full campaign in front of us. Lots of things going on. Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, we spent a lot of time in those states. How you do in iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina can going to have more to do with who is going to be the nominee than whether somebody makes a debate presentation on the 6th of august of 2015. Lets talk about debates. I think you will agree that you did not do well in debates last time, which raises the question whether its this debate or some of the others, arent they more important to you than they are perhaps to any other candidate so that you can show that you are not rick perry of 2012, but a new and improved rick perry. Youre kind in that observation. Yeah, i think a lot of people are waiting for that 6th of august debate. They know our record. They know that this is a governor that is overseeing the 12th largest economy in the world for the last 14 years and from 07 to 2014, created 1. 5 million jobs while the rest of the country lost 400,000 jobs. They know that were socially conservative. All of those things have penetrated through. They want to see a debate passable. I will suggest to you thats exactly what theyll get. So what are you doing how are you preparing and is it in the back of your mind i cant afford another oops moment . Well, i have not made it any secret that my preparation has been substantially more than what it was four years ago. We got in this process late. We had major back surgery. We were not prepared physically or mentally and it reflected that. The preparation is going to be very reflective of what weve done. I think people will see a very, very focused, disciplined candidate and you add that to the record and i feel very comfortable about where we are at this particular moment in time. We pointed out in the last segment that governor kasich has just steadfastly refused to engage on the question of donald trump but quite frankly you and donald trump have really gone at each other. Hes suggested that you should take an iq test. We went down to the border and said you did a terrible job managing that border when you were governor of texas and he said this. Take a look. I see rick perry the other day. Hes doing very poorly in the polls. He put glasses on so people will think hes smart. It just doesnt work. Why do you think trump is picking on you, sir . You know, its really interesting. Youre wearing glasses now, too, from time to time, and i think youre still a pretty smart guy. I responded to that with the appropriate i said, lets go have a pullup contest and get this over with. I think that was about the same level of which hes focused on. Heres the more important issue. Donald trump wants to be commander in chief of the United States and he does not know that it is the federal governments responsibility to secure the border. Its not the state of texas or any other states responsibility. Now, what the state of texas did after i looked the president in the eye and told him last summer if you dont secure the border, mr. President , texas will. And we sent our texas ranger recon teams and park and wildlife wardens and put them there and our National Guard to be force multipliers and saw a 74 decrease in the number of apprehensions. I dont know what donald trump is paying attention to. Let me tell you, that is the success that americans are president of the United States, the will to secure that border will reside in the oval Office Every Day and the border with mexico and the United States will be secure. You have done more than just fire back on trump on the issue of immigration. You devoted a major speech to donald trump in which you said you accused him of a toxic mix of mean spiritedness and nonsense. You didnt stop there. Here you are. Let no one be mistaken. Donald trumps candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded. How do you explain 20 of Republican Voters saying they would support donald trump for president. How do you explain that and what would you say to those voters . I would say those issues that hes talked about, weve been talking about for a long time. This is an individual who has extraordinary celebrity. Im not going to be quiet, chris, when donald trump shoots a bullet through john mccain and hits veterans particularly those that have been captured. Ill challenge donald trump. You go tell marcus who was captured by the taliban that he doesnt like being around people that have been captured. That is one of the low moments perspective. I wont be quiet about that. Im going to clearly push back and ill push back hard because ill tell you one thing having worn the uniform of this country, i know what men and women have gone through. I wrote a letter a week from 03 through 2010 to a parent or loved one of a young texan who lost their life on the war on terror. I no he know what the course of this war is i wont let anyone belittle those individuals. Im going to stand up and pushback and ill pushback hard. Its more than these remarks that he makes. Thats a bigger critique. When you think about hes for single payer. How can anyone who is a conservative stand up and say i care. Thats an individual who wants to have the banner of the Republican Party, the banner of conservatism when you look back at the positions that hes held, it is not in concert with conservatism. I think regardless of whether hes a celebrity and there are a lot of people that are following him today, im going to stand up for conservatism. Nobody has a more socially conservative position. Nobody has a better job creation record. Nobody has a better record of running the 12th largest economy in the world and thats what americans are looking for. They want somebody who has the experience and the result of being a major ceo of something that really matters out there and i would suggest to you the state of texas about the size of canada or australia is what theyre looking for. Lead this country. Governor, you made a major speech this past week about reforming wall street. You called for more regulations, a big financial institutions, you praised the Federal Reserve for requiring big banks to hold more capital and some folks said that you sounded in terms of all this for more regulations that you sounded like bernie sanders. I talked about smart regulations. Theres a difference between more regulation is what doddfrank did and doddfrank drove Community Banks out of business. We have lost huge numbers of Community Banks. I used to be on a small bank board back in texas and i know what these regulations are doing. I think it makes sense for us to have these big banks. You realize that the sixth largest banks in the country have 61 of the mortgages now. Its a stunning number. Were seeing freddie and fannie mae back in the business of having small down payments to get a loan. Its a stunning direction were going in this country again and its because of washington and washingtons policies that are causing this. Let me address this Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve didnt miss my spleen either in that remark. I said that they had done things that were absolutely hurtful when it came to our economy. The Federal Reserve, washington, d. C. And wall street for that matter i laid out a clear way for us to get this country back on track. Those banks need to have more cushion so that there can never be one of these too big to fail issues again. The American People that lost their savings, theyre the ones that somebody needs to be standing up for and im going to do that for them. Governor, we have about a minute left. Fox news and facebook are of course partnering in this debate and were asking folks to send in questions that well be asking you and other candidates. You can go to the Fox News Sunday page on facebook and click on the link to submit either written or video questions. Governor perry, heres a question that was sent. If elected president , what would be the first thing youll do . Well, tear up that agreement with iran. Thats the biggest challenge i think that we have in this country and obviously securing that border with mexico is incredibly important as well and those two things can happen on the first day. Governor perry, thank you. Thanks for sharing your sunday with us. Well see you later this week in cleveland. Good to be with you, sir. Thank you. See you in cleveland. Up next our sunday group offers its advice and analysis for what to look for in the fox News Facebook debates. A camry . Yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. Hes the best dad ever. Best timing ever. Its our clearance event. Here dad, its for the car. Whos the coolest kid ever . The truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine. At our annual clearance event, get 0 apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. Offer ends september 8th. For great deals on other toyotas, visit toyota. Com. Youve invested wisely. Thanks. Toyota. Lets go places. I am paying for this microphone. Governor bush, a philosopher thinking and why . Christ. Because he changed my heart. I think the vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country. A look back at some memorable Republican Debate moments over the years and its time for our sunday group. Geo strategist karl rove, susan page, michael nedham and juan williams. This is what everyone has been asking this week. What will donald trump do in the debate and what should donald trump do in the debate . Whats your answer . The answer to the first question is who knows. Hes been artful downplaying expectations that hell do lousy in the debate. Does he show up and throw insults at everybody or try to project the seriousness that people look for in a president ial candidate. Interesting to see how he responds. My sense is hell try to come across as more serious and more substantive than he has in his recent interviews but thats one of the interesting things about this election. A lot is unpredictable. Well all be watching in order to find out what happens. If you were his brain the way you were with george w. Bush, what would you advise him . Would you say to do that and dont you run the risk that suddenly a different donald trump shows up on the stage from the one that people obviously have been attracted to. Show the energy and emotion and show the all that weve seen from donald in previous weeks but aimed at the issue and aimed at things he disagrees rather than aiming at that and his fellow competitors on the stage. It will be problematic for him if he does things like hes done to rick perry mocking him for his glasses because fox has made clear that you use somebodys name or go after somebody, theyre going to give that somebody a chance to respond. Politics is more powerful than punch. Donald trump doesnt want to be in a position of throwing a punch and having counterpunches thrown at him through the night. There is a lot of free advice to donald trump which is what people are paying for it. Some say youre at 20 in the polls, youre leading, show that youre not a reality show clown, show that you are up seriously to being president and others say this got you to 20 , keep doing that. Hes in the catbird seat. A new poll came out that shows him at 19 clearly in first place in this field. One thing we know about this debate that headline the next morning is going to have trump in it. Its either going to be something trump says or something someone says to trump. What a complication this is for the other candidates to not know which donald trump will show up, the more serious substantive one or the one that throws barbs because their attitude has to be different depending on who it is. I suspect that the donald trump that shows up that theres not subject of a lot of calculation on his part. I think thats what we like about donald trump. He responds to the moment. Hes very spontaneous. As you say, who knows. What could be better . Who knows. Lets take a step back. Lets not just focus on trump. There will be nine other people on that stage. How important is this first debate but one of nine or ten or 11 and what your wing of the party, Tea Party Wing of the party, what will they focus on . Turn them off . They want people that represent them. For americans they feel disconnected from washington, d. C. And feel unheard and theyre right to feel unheard. I think the candidate that goes up and says the path that republican establishment has been on for so long, count on people sthoe up and give energy and enthusiasm during the election but as soon as it becomes time to govern, well ignore them and do what congress wants. Theres going to be a account candidate into a party that stands for something and that candidate is somebody that unites traditional republicans, tea partiers and independents and former democrats. Youve been on the show before. You havent liked donald trump and thats his main message. Theyre a bunch of losers and dopes. Ill make America Great again. Donald trump is a symptom of a party that decided it will govern based on special interests and not what they ran for. Nobody ran in 2014 and said if you give us house and senate well reauthorize no child left behind. Nobody ran in 2014 and said if you give us house and senate, well increase entitlement spending. The problem for the Republican Party is that most Republican Voters hate their party. That needs to be addressed. Is there something that more moderate candidates its all relative. The more moderate candidates on that stage like bush and kasich and christie. Are there things they could do to win over that disinfected wing of the party . Most will say the right things. Chris christie said great things on entitlement reform. This isnt going to be the same drill that weve seen all over again. People who are running based on promises yet once they get in there they take phone calls from chamber of commerce saying what do we do . They take phone calls from typical washington establishment who made our party soulless and going down that path. They have to stand up and do what they said theyre going to do. Thats the challenge. Part of it is being willing to take punches at the right people. The reason donald trump is getting enthusiasm is hes taking off all of the right people. Its former bush advisers who are running to the New York Times to talk about all of the problems with donald trump. Its the people who all through the last couple of decades made our party intellectually bankrupt. If you can pick strategic fights like Export Import Bank and say well identify something thats the crux of cronyism in washington, d. C. , you can take it down and build up trust. Facebook has been sharing fascinating data with us. Of course were partnering with them for the debate. Look at this. These are the top five most talked about political issues on facebook over the last two months. You can see mexico and immigration seem to have a link. Racial issues number one. And lgbt issues number four. Its kind of surprising. Juan, what do you make of that and what do you see as the opportunities and challenges for all of the candidates on the stage thursday night . Its interesting. I think it ties into what youve heard from my other fellow panelists here this morning. If you look at the issue of race, for example, or you look at Something Like mexico, donald trump is all over that. Donald trump speaks to those issues on immigration and specifics and trump has become a media sensation and internet social media sensation i think because he speaks to the issues that people want to hear about. I thought michael laid this out. I dont happen to agree with perspective but thats right. The sense of alienation and infighting that weve seen in the last week inside the Republican Party taking on Speaker Boehner and taking on Mitch Mcconnell as Senate Majority leader. Thats a fractured party. This is all about the trump show at the moment and trump as evidence of a party that lacks leadership in that sense and is looking for somebody who can galvanize them. Karl, do you agree with that . Is that your perception of where the party is at this moment . First of all, lets put things in perspective. 20 is the front runner. Nobody is the front runner. Hes the best we got in terms of a front runner if you want to pick someone at the front of the pack but this is not what races normally look like. Normally the front runner has 35 or 40 . This is a field thats closely packed. The second thing is that donald trump has a high floor relative to everybody else. Hes got 20 . Hes also got a low ceiling. He has the worst favorable and unfavorables of the top five republicans in that poll. If you look at his positives, his positives are the lowest in all of the contest in quinnipiac except to carly fiorina. He loses by a huge margin to Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton does but nonetheless shes likely to be the nominee. 17 candidates that we have now in that kind of a fractiona fractionated field, you can do well. There was a good piece in the New York Times this morning that said donald trump is holding back the Republican Party haters inside the republican contest. Hes helping the traditional republicans that are benefiting by trump taking that anger that mike talked about and channeling it toward him rather than channeling it toward a ted cruz, for example. I think i run into few people that think donald trump is likely to be the nominee of the Republican Party. Hes likely to be a presence for a period of time, longer rather than shorter, but at the end of the day who is he holding back and not who is he advancing . You have to go back to the 1976 democratic president ial contest to find a poll that had a front runner at the low levels that we see today. All right. Panel, we have to take a break here. When we come back, as Hillary Clinton struggles continue to draw joe biden into the democratic race . It is not appropriate nor fair for me to prejudge in a public arena what secretary kerry and president obama eventually have to decide. I will not express an opinion until they have made a decision. If its undecided when i become president , ill answer your question. Hillary clinton repeatedly refusing to answer questions about where she stands on the proposed keystone excel pipeline. First you have that dodge on keystone which was not a profile in political courage and then you have the continuing saga about classified information on clintons private email server and then you had this story in the wall street journal this week that after clinton intervened as secretary of state to help swiss bank ubs, that firm donated more than half a Million Dollar to the Clinton Foundation and paid bill clinton for 1. 5 million for a series of appearances. This is how clinton responded to that. I would say any implication that is tempting to be made along those lines is categorically false. Karl, how much is all of this, just the drop, drop, drop hurting clinton . Hugely. 37 believe that she is honest in quinnipiac poll. Honest and trustworthy, 57 do not. Well have continuing monthly revelations about her emails and well find out more of these kind of perceptions that she was trading on her position as secretary of state to help people who were contributing to her foundation. I think this brings up a broader question. Weve seen a lot of evidence that the Foundation Creates perceptions of Insider Trading and insider dealing in a lot of ways. You wonder why they didnt think about this in advance or why they didnt care about it. It also shows we were told that all of his speeches were going to be reviewed by appropriate officials at the state department to avoid problems. Hes getting the largest single corporate source of income for him since he left office is coming from an entity thats under review by the secretarys office. So, yes, there are problems and we have seen the tip of the iceberg in my opinion and well the campaign. You take this honest and trustworthy problem that shes got and put it with the problem shes got of does she care about people like me, which is also enormous, and you have a toxic combination that we have not seen. Mitt romney had a huge issue with cares about people like me but people saw him as honest and trustworthy. She has a problem with both. Clinton is not backing off. She and jeb bush spoke on friday before the National Urban league and she really went after bush as a hypocrite and mocked his campaign slogan. Take a look. I dont think you can credibly say that everyone has a right to rise and then say youre for phasing out medicare or for repealing obamacare. The bush camp was surprised and angry. They should be. I guess the only thing they miscalculated is not anticipating that clintons would do something classless and going to that event and watching her attack the way she did was classless. If Hillary Clinton wants to have a debate about whether right to rise that has given us war on poverty and destination of the American Family and then created Democratic Party afraid to stand up for School Choice because of teachers unions, we would love to have that debate. Hillary clinton encapsulated this notion of enriching your friends. Same week shes saying this shes meeting with a group lobbying for increase in minimum wage in San Francisco except for unionized workers and thats how clinton economy works. Thats how crony economy works. Its where they get to choose who is in the club and who is not, if youre part of the well connected class, you get to have lower wages. Not in the club, you dont get to have a right to have a job because of minimum wage increase and cost of labor. Susan, with all of clintons troubles, i would be curious to hear what you think about how much trouble shes in, theres a lot of buzz in the papers and especially today about joe biden actively exploring is the operative phrase running against clinton for the democratic nomination. How likely do you think it is that he will jump in and if so, what would his chances be against clinton . I think joe bidens heart always wanted to run. I interviewed his wife in 2012 and she left the door open to the idea he would run in 2016. His head has told him there really isnt an opening for him. Hes run for president twice. Neither time has he managed to be a significant factor in the race and hes now 72 years old. Hillary clinton for all her problems is well liked by most democrats and is excited with enthusiasm of a considerable amount to be the prospect of being the first woman president. I think there must be this battle going on for joe biden between his desire to run one more time and for people who may be counseling him saying not now. The opening isnt big enough. Youll hurt some of the credibility youve gained as Vice President and especially since this speaks to the whole issue. One of his big calculations, how wounded do you think Hillary Clinton is now . I think shes still by far the likely nominee. The thing that strikes you about all of the controversies that you mentioned, they are all selfinflict selfinflicted. These are not things other people are doing to her. These are problems she brought onto herself from failure to answer a straightforward question about Keystone Pipeline to continuing stories we see about questions about the appearance of a conflict of interest. Great contrast between the two parties. On one hand you have one party with 16 candidates, different races, different genders with a different story to hell tell about providing an opportunity for all americans but you have a like Hillary Clinton and the only place they can find a different candidate is Barack Obamas 72yearold Vice President. Parties right now. I think youre off on that one. Democrats like Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton holds a substantial lead in the Democratic Party race and beats every republican out there right now nationally. So just lets show down a second. I think on joe biden front, joe biden is so popular and especially now theres a great deal of sympathy after the death of his son and the reports coming that his son was encouraging his dad to run. Joe biden doesnt want to be ralph nader. He doesnt want to have a legacy that he separated the party and served this great republican excitement about the idea that Hillary Clinton actually may not be the titan that we thought. He would run for the nomination and potentially maybe like trump say maybe theres something for me. I dont see Hillary Clinton crumbling. I think susan is right. Theres been a lot of selfinflicted damage. This week rather than classless, i think she did something very clear. She said theres a clear distinction between the Democratic Party and jeb bush or marco rubio in florida. She said bush wants to lower Capital Gains taxes. She said i paid a high tax rate. This man wants to lower it. Hes not looking out for middle class. Thats making a clear distinction everybody can understand. She said marco rubio wants to lower taxes on people that make more than 3 million a year. She says i want to do more for the middle class. The same week that bushes and clintons are on the front cover of Time Magazine and we can Work Together to go in the right direction. We appreciate you for writing an essay on School Choice. Instead of coming together as a sports fan, i always noticed when a team isnt doing particularly well, the most popular person in town is the Second String quarterback because he hasnt messed up yet. All your hopes for things will get better, how seriously do you take beside take biden . Do you think hell get in the race . Hillary will be the nominee. Race. If shes going to have continuing problems and if they are life threatening, were going to see it play out in the next three or four or five months and better for him to wait and see her lose in iowa and then think about jumping in. The internet is changing how money can be raised and organizations be established. Interesting. Thank you, panel. See you next week. Up next, our power player of the week. Washingtons golden girl. The worlds best swimmers dive into the pool today at the World Championships in russia and all eyes will be on a local d. C. Teenager we first introduced you to last heres our power player of the week. Wake up at 4 15. Practice from 5 00 to 6 30. Go to school. Katie is discussing her daily schedule. A regimen thats made her world. She has no thoughts of slowing down. Is it ever too much . No. Ive gotten used to it. I think swimming has helped my school work, the school work and school day helps my swimming. It goes both ways i guess. It certainly seems to be working. What World Records do you now hold . The 400 free, the 800 free and 1,500 free. Thats all . I broke them a few times. Last september the then 17 year old just started her senior year at a private school outside washington. How tough is it to be a normal teenager . Not tough at all. Its been fun the last couple years swimming and going to school. Any time for boys . No. I dont have a boyfriend and never have. Katie started swimming competitively at six. Her enthusiasm stronger than her form. But by the time she was eight, she was starting to win. You can improve that time and thats a result of what you do every day in practice. I think you can really see the correlation. Numbers dont lie. Exactly. Numbers dont lie and they show what you do in practice and i like that aspect of it. In 2012 at age 15, she made the olympic team but she was no favorite. I would have been happy to get first or last. I was grateful to be at the olympics and i didnt have many expectations for myself. And what happened . I won. It was a surreal night. 2012 olympic gold in 800. May i . Its gorgeous. Yeah. Its a nice keepsake. Now katie is back in training focusing on the 2016 olympics. I think its more of time goals rather than i have to make this meet or get these medals. If you met your time goal and finished third, would you be happy or disappointed . I would be happy. You cant control what other people are going to do. I try to set my time goals so that it will put me up there in contention for a medal. Katie gets back in the pool this week as a big favorite competing at five events in the World Championships and get ready for another gold rush. Before we go, this program note. Ill see you thursday night for the fox News Facebook president ial debate featuring the top ten candidates in the national polls. It all starts at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on fox news channel. Thats it for today. Have a great week and well see you next Fox News Sunday. Oh my gosh, its the guy from last night. What . can i jump on your wifi . Yeah, you can try it. Hey i had a really good time last night. Yeah, me too. The only thing is that. The only thing is what . Whats the only thing . Oh my gosh hes married. Hes a kleptomaniac. Hes a pyromaniac. Hes a total maniac. Hey hey go back to your wife you sociopath leave slow internet behind. Now get equally fast 100 meg downloads and uploads, only with fios. Tea . Get out of the past. Get fios. Call now, or go online. 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