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Spell for gop nebs congress opinion. A seismic wakeup call as the Senate Majority shrinks. He tried. I want to support the person running. We need the seat. Did republicans dodge a bullet . What does this mean for Steve Bannons war on the republican establishment . Big questions for john cornyn. Chris van hollen. And our powerhouse roundtable. Well break down the pom ticks, spoke out the spin. Good morning. As we head into the holidays, it sure looks like President Trump and the gop will get what they want for christmas. The votes lined up for the largest tax cut in years. What will it mean for the economy and the middle class . Determine. Well have two of americas prominent economists ahead. Will it look like a win one year from now . This is where it all began. Reporter this time last year, donald trump was thanking alabama voters. On his victory tour. Not this week. Despite the president s late push for the gop candidate doctor. Get out and vote for roy moore. Do it. Do it. Reporter moores baggage was just too heavy. The leader of the party, i would have liked to have had the seat. Reporter and trumps clout a little light. The president won alabama by 28 points. Now his Approval Rating is below 50 in the reddest of red states. Hes caught in a cross fire of a gop civil war. With steve bannon. To Mitch Mcconnell and senator shelby, theres a special place in [ cheers and applause ] for republicans who should know better. Reporter waging an allout assault on the Republican Leaders in congress who the president needs to work with every day. For democrats, tuesday the best day of 2017. We have come so far. And the people of m bm have spoken. Reporter young people, africanamericans, women, energized by trump and the me too Movement Made doug jones the first democratic senator from alabama in 25 years. And gave democrats hope that taking back the senate just might be possible. The midterm map favors republicans. Ten from states that went to trump last year. Only eight republican seats run for elex. And the dpop is betting their new tax bill is the insurance policy they need. Jobs are going to come pouring back into this country. Which we need very much. Reporter convince t that defeat on the tax bill would doom them in mcconnell, paul ryan, and the president are pulling out all the stops. Everybody will benefit. I think the greatest benefit will be for jobs and the middle class. Reporter independent analysts show the big winners are corporations and the wealthy. Polls show less than a third of the country supports it. One of the most unpopular bills in years. It has democrats hoping that the ledge shative defeat they saw this week will reap big in the next year. If they do pass the bill, they lose with the american people. Lets bring it to gop whip john cornyn of texas. Senator cornyn, thank you. You just heard leader pelosi, lose, lose. Your response . This is good news for the person people. Well get the economy roaring back. Improve pay. Make america more competitive in the Global Economy. Tax code and giving even in every bracket a tax cut. This is good news any way you cut it. Is this a done deal . Do you have the vote ifs senator mccain is not able to vote this week . Well, i wont speculate on senator mccains health. We hope he comes back. But im confident well pass this bill. Probably on tuesday. So you think you have the votes right now. Theres a lot more scrutiny of the bill. It was just released on friday in the final hours. Including an article in the International Business times that came out yesterday showing that lastminute tax break not included in the house or senate pro vision could bring millions of dollars to President Trump and other republican who is get a lot of money from Real Estate Income through llcs. Our next guest responded to that saying slipping in a last minute provision that could give more of a windfall to President Trump and some in congress unconscionabe. We probably could have made it better. We were determined to get the job done, to cut taxes. Reform the tax code for the first time in 30 years. This will benefit hardworking american families. People in the lower income tax brackets. And everybody in every tax bracket will see a tax cut. Picking out one piece in a 1,000page bill and saying this will benefit somebody, i just think that takes the whole bill out of context. Except this provision wasnt included in the house or senate bill and was apparently added at the last minute. Why was it necessary to include that provision . We were working very hard. It was an intense process. The democrats refused to participate. And we tried to do cobble together the votes we needed to get the bill passed. At the same time, maintaining the integrity of the largest tax cuts were going to be is that how you got senator corker with this provision . The particular provision youre talking about, honestly, is just one piece of a 1,000page bill which is going to grow the American Economy. And, what we are seeing is that american corporations and businesses are not competitive in the Global Economy because we have the highest tax rate in the industrialized world. All we did is adopt ideals that people like barack obama and other democrats have proposed when it comes to the business tax rights and should try to get our businesses more competitive, to increase takehome pay and grow the number of Jobs Available to working class families. The democrats are worried this will trigger a mandatory cut in programs. Including a 25 billion cut in medicare. Leader pelosi has written a bipartisanship to dit and your effort to provide massive tax cuts to the wealthy at the expepd of the middleclass whil adding 1. 5 trillion to the deficit, lit the your responsibility to yield the consequences. Shes essentially saying, you wont get help to get the vote. Can you prevent the cuts on your own . We dont touch medicare at all. Any of the entitlement programs in the bill. So for ms. Pelosi to make that assertion is it mandates a 25 billion cut in medicare unless you have the votes to waive it. You to have the votes to waive it . We will deal with that later this week. I believe well protect medicare. If ms. Pelosi and her party will join out, that will be a done deal. The democrats say they woebt join. That leads to the question about senator Susan Collins. This was for passing the bill. As well as passing the Alexander Murray bill to stabilize the Health Insurance markets. Do you have her vote . Even if the those provisions are not guaranteed . Senator collins has been construct i. Shes vastly improved the bill. By protecting tax paisers in the states. A 10,000 cap which benefits everybody. Shes been a champion of trying to stabilize the Affordable Care markets and bring premiums down. Well all join her in those efforts. We will, not trigger a cut in medicare. Well deal with that this week. And, again, i invite our democratic friends to join news protecting medicare. It looks like the democrats wont be there on the tax bill. Back in 2010, when republicans did not vote along with obamacare. You warnd the democrats against passing obamacare against a part through, as they have so far, with strictly along partisan lines, then i think november 2010 will be a very good month for us. I think well gain a lot more seats. Are you concerned that history might repeat itself in 2018 . Jt we did pick up seven seats, as i recall in 2010 following the jamming through of obamacare. This was done through the regular legislative process. Markup in the finance committee and on the floor of the United States senate. Our democratic colleagues had every chance to participate and simply refused. Its not to late for them to join news passing this massive tax cut and tax reform bill that will help awycen the Sleeping Giant of the american condominium. I hope some of them will. They are banking on the fact that they think this will help them this 2018. Looking to the results on tuesday out of alabama. Where roy moore lost. In that campaign. Do you think the gop dodged a bullet with that loss . Well, i think the explanation for alabama was we had a flawed candidate who won the republican primary and who couldnt win the general election. Thats not a new lesson. Its an old lesson remembered or demonstrated once again. So, what we need to do is, my party needs to do is make sure we nominate electable candidates. Good candidates, who can win general elections. I dont think the lesson of alabama is more complex than that. Flawed candidate. Couldnt twin general election. Does that mean steve bannon has to back off . Plmt bannon can do whatever he sees fit. Its a free country. I dont think his track record in losing alabama, one of the reddest states in the country, particularly commends him for his expertise. One of the other x factors is the russia investigation. You have been active on twitter the former attorney general. You said that mueller needs to clean house of part sans. And then you were asked in another tweet, will you accept the findings as legitimate . You say that makes sense to know wait and see what they are first. That sounds like youre saying youre going to believe that muellers conclusions are legitimate only if you like them. No, thats not true. I have a lot of admiration and respect for director mueller. I would think he would want to eliminate dhoojs the integrity of his investigation by eliminating agent who is have taken positions in text message or political activity those people have been taken off the investigation. Soy think he should want to do that. Because not only is an object i have investigation and Justice Needs to be done. The appearance of Justice Needs to be done. Think these interest jeopardize this situation. The fbi agents have been taking off the investigation. As soon as special counsel mueller found out about them. And i commend him for that. He should. But there are others who he needs to make sure he vets that team. There are plenty of fbi agents and prosecutors who have not been politically involved on behalf of democrats or overtly critical of the president that can serve in this important investigation. I have confidence in director mueller. I would think he would be concerned about the appearance of con tlikts of interests that would undermine the spegty of the investigation. It appears some of the president s allies are laying the the groundwork to fire robert mueller. What would that mean if the president fires the special counsel . I belief the president s own lawyer says that wont happen. I think it would be a miss take myself. Senator cornyn, thank you for your time. Thank you. Now to senator chris van hollen. Senator cornyn says he still has confidence in director mueller. He says director should take further steps to clean house. I think republicans should end their concerted effort to undermine the credibility of the mueller investigation. You have somebody who by all accounts is an independent person. Somebody with lots of integrity. You see a concerted effort out of the white house to undermine the investigation. I really hope our republican colleagues will not join in subverting that process and trying to end this investigation. The question is, what are they afraid of . What is the white house afraid of . Lets let them finish the job and get the facts. Why isnt it a problem, if several members of muellers team have given contributions solely to democrat ifs they information in their past which suggests that there may be a political bias there . Well, because mueller has already taken actions with respect to those individuals. Beyond that, you will find that there are many contributions made by folks like fbi director. To President Trump or republicans. And the reality is that people in these jobs have integrity. Theyre under the leadership of mueller, who is known for being a straight shooter. Hell do a job. Hell get to the facts. And i strongly believe people will have confidence in his judgment. Do you take the president s team at their word where they say firing special counsel is not on the table . I hope that is not the case. Lets move on. You heard senator inviteth vinvit inviting democrats to the table. Your response . This is a total betrayal. Its a huge giveaway to big corporations. Millions of middle class tax paisers will see taxes go up. Though republicans promise that would not happen. Millionaires will get an average annual tax break of 35,000 a year. And the big winners are those corporations. I think many people havent focused on the fact that 35 of the Share Holders of those corporations are actually foreign stock holders, who in the year 2019, are going to get a 31 billion tax break. So millions of american taxpayers handing over money to foreign stock holders. It doesnt sound like America First to me. It doesnt sound like the middle class first. You heard the senators response. The provision that caught your eye earlier. A special estate llcs. It could mean tens of millions of dollars to President Trump and other republicans. Do you have any idea how that got in . Any chance it could be taken out . I dont know. Theyre behind closed doors. A whole army of lobbyists surround them. The longer theyre in there, the more you see special interest provisions. It would be a windfall to donald trump based on everything we know. He hasnt released his tax returns. It remind mes of the fact that during the campaign, the one issue donald trump used as exhibit a for why this tax code was broken was the carried interest loophole for Hedge Fund Managers. He said during the campaign that Hedge Fund Managers are getting away with murder. You heard senator cornyn. They have a 1,000page bill. Nowhere in it do they get rid of the one tax giveaway special break that donald trump focused on most during the campaign. That is why this betrayal of that economic populist message. People are catching on. You heard senator cornyns response to the possibility that medicare cuts would be triggered by the bill. He expects m ds to come on board. Will democrats allow 25 billion in medicare cuts to take effect . You wont vote for the raiwaive . No, democrats are not going the allow those cuts to go in place. When republicans voted for the tax bill that increases the debt by 1. 5 trillion in doing so they automatically triggered this provision that would cut medicare by 25 billion. Now we hope theyll join us in turning it off. If you look forward next year, you have a lot of republicans who used to care about the debt. I used to be the senior democrat on the the budget committee. Paul ryan talked always about the dangers of debt. Issue. Now they have blown a big hole in the debt. If you look air that budget, their plan for dealing with that is to cut medicare by 500 billion and medicaid by over 1 trillion. This is step two of their plan. Because they just increased our debt by over 1 trillion. House leader pelosi in the letter i showed suggested democrats will not go along with the waiver. Youre taking a different position . When it comes to protecting medicare, democrats have always been front and center. Doug jones talked about that. Are this are many other provisions republicans may try to get into the bills. The democrats will not support. We need to make sure that were investing in our kids education and infrastructure. As well as investing in our military strength. And so there are a whole lot of issues with budget issues coming down to the wire. Grot the unexpected win in alabama. Is that really a model for the year ahead . Or is roy moore just such a flawed candidate it doesnt tell you much about what will happen in 2018some. No, i think it tells you quite a bit, if you take what happened in alabama combined with what happened last month in is a have a and other races. You find a couple of things. One, a hugely energized grass roots democratic base. Plus, and very importantly, independent voters voting for the candidate. And moderate republicans crossing over in alabama and other places. This is only going to further inflame the moderate republicans and bring more people over to you have the civil war in these republican primaries. They flock forward donald trump in the primaries. Are you worried al frankens resignation put the minnesota seat at risk . Mgt no, we have a terrific candidate. The Lieutenant Governor will be appointed and run if the seat. Shell be terrific. Chris van hollen, thank you for your time. Thank you. When we come back, two of americas biggest economists redate the tax cuts. And later, all the weeks politics on our roundtable. That cough doesnt sound so good. Well i think you sound great. Move over. Easy booger man. Take mucinex dm. Itll take care of your cough. Fine ill text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. One pill lasts 12 hours, so. Looks like im good all night. Ah david, please, listen. Still not coughing. Waffles are my favorite ah why take 4hour cough medicine . Just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. 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Not bad, right . Look at the markets. How they have grown. This tests the the trusts up vesters show in the xhern ecom President Trump is doing in this particular field. An endorsement of President Trumps economy from president Vladimir Putin of russia. Well talk about the economy right now. With two of americas prominent economists. Paul krugman. And glenn hubbard. Dean of the columbia business school. Chair of the council of economic advisers under george bush. Donald trumps tweet, tax cuts will increase investment in the American Economy and in u. S. Workers. Your response . Lots of people. Basically all serious studies say, oh, not so much. Maybe a little boost. Not so much. We had the university of chicago surveyed 42 economists. Only one thought it would have a significant effect. I have been looking what do the markets think . We have a chart here. Never mind the stock market. If youre going to cut taxes on corporations, you would expect the stocks to go up. Better jum, look at the dollar. If this bill does what it says it will do, scads of money pour in. All of that should lead to a surge in the dollar. The dollar has none nothing. The dollar rose when trump was elected. People thought the infrastructure plan was going to happen. Then it wasnt. It lowered. This is a big nothing burger. It doesnt look like much of anything. How much difference can a tax cut make when the economy seems to be burning on all cylinders . In the short run, lit provide boost to demand. I think the fed would look forward to that. In the longer run, the the issue son to supply side. The tax raise gdp by about 3 in the long run. Thats not the beginning of a new era. It is certainly very, very positive for the economy. Economists have long campaigned on tax reform adds the biggest single policy rep. Is this tax reform . I think it is. Youre cutting business tax rates. The core of any tax reform. Youre broadening the base. Its not really. The base broadening is its raising taxes on the individual. It raises taxes on individuals in the long run through backhanded things. After 2025 . Yes, some sweeteners. Loss leaders go away. Then, what t vow is, individuals are going the Lose Health Care expenditures are supposed to be cut. Thats a big part, too. The number, thats a thats a complete outlier. Very few people who have studied this stuff think thats right. And even that account, i was interested to see van hollen bring this up, how much in gdp goes to foreigners. Because a lot of the the money is expected to come from overseas. Theyre not going the bring it for free. Theyll take retained earnings abroad. Even liberals think, i dont know. Its not worth very much. Sit worth 1. 5 trillion of debt . Actually h, it is. I think the number is well within the middle of what economists have been saying for years. The real question is, do we want a progrowth tax bill . The deficit effect of this is more than offset by the impact in growth. There will be impact on health care. One of the things up chuded with us the repeal of the mandate. We talked to the senators about other provisions. They dont look like theyll necessarily be passed. The Congressional Budget Office says 13 Million People lose Health Insurance. Republicans want you to believe that is not going to happen. But if it doesnt happen, their numbers dont add up. Their bill counts on the savings that t come from 5 Million People losing medicaid and another 5 million dropping off the obamacaresubsidized exchanges. This is tax cuts for corporations by taking away health care from people raising taxes on individuals. Is this something that should the a priority . Is this smpg that makes sense . And we Vice President gone through the passthrough business thing. . On the health care piece, i think we need a more serious discussion of health care reform. What do we do to help people get Health Insurance . How do we finance that . Its bagger discussion that happen to happen. I agree thats very, very important. There the past here with senator cornyn and senator van hollen. This seems to be similar to something that happened in the state of kansas. Get people to come off salaried work to get tax cuts. I dont think you can call this a tax cut for corporations. Corporations are shareholders. Workers supplier. Theyre all people. And also share hoerlds. Share holders are people, too. More than half of americans who work in business work in noncorporate business. You want some leveling of the laying field. Its complicated. Its not tax reform or simplification is it . Its not its tax reform. The rules are designed the police behavior. I expect paul and i are policed out of it. This is unleveling the the playing field. Right now, anybody that wants to turn themselves into a C Corporation and pay taxes can do that. This is tremendously privileging people who own businesses of a certain kind. Two are really basically just workers. But happen to have the right kind of business that earns enough money. Its a crazy thing. Its creating a nightmare of loopholes. Possible exploitable things. A certain provision says architects and engineers get a tax break other Service Providers dont get. Not even arkt tickets of the the economy. Bottom line, is this sustain snbl will we be back a year or the bill . It is sustainable. Well be back with another tax bill in a few years. Theres much more the american tax code. And frankly, the budget needs to do. I think this will be a wave of outrageous tax avoidance. There will be mass demapds people do something. H is night mare bill. Thank you both. Roundtable standing by. Well be right back. Is like something out of a strange dream. Except that the next morning. It all makes sense. Fedex powers Global Commerce with vast, farreaching networks. 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Will she be the first of many more to come . Well be looking for her book, i guess sh as well. We bring in matthew dowd. Our senior congressional correspondent, mary bruce. Julie pace, the Washington Bureau chief for the associated press. Sara fagen, now a cnbc contributor. And patrick gaspar. The open society foundation. Matt. A chart. Polling amples for major leg slags over the last generation. You look back. Keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling down. You get to the gop tax bill. 3 right new. Bottomed out only by the Gop Health Care bill. That would suggest democratic hope. President trumps Approval Rating ticking up to republicans coming home excited. By the idea of tax cuts. A year from now, plus or minus for the gop . Minus. Big minus. You look at the polling of this. I think whats happened is the American Public has figured out this tax bill is not tax simplification. Its not fund mentally tax reform. Its not fund mentally helping the middle class or working class of the country. When quhyou look at this as a dynamic, politically, you have a very unpopular president. At the lowest any president has been at this point in his term, pushing a very unpopular bill through a very unpopular congress. That is not a recipe for success. I dont agree. Some of the numbers about the gop tax bill. There is a problem in the party. The party is not popular. When you test the individual provisions that are about to pass, they are quite popular. It will bgrow the economy. The question is, is it enough . Will it happen quickly muff . And, where matt and i do agree is, i think everyone with the tax bill, republicans are in from a very tough 2018. That is the question. A tough environment, patrick, already the Economic Impact wont be felt right away. Thats true. Rond reagan could point to a steep recession when he passed his tax cuts and george bush could point a budget surplice that indicated there would not be a strain on deficits. Right now, if you are a rb that voted for donald trump and you see the provision put into the bill, you recognize this is going to hurt schools, h students. Its not clear how this benefits you. Republicans decided they had to fall in line and get this passed. Not only did senator Susan Collins come on board. Senator corker, who said there was no way he would vote for a bill that included a deficit, hes on board. Never, ever, every would he sign on the the bill that does what this does. He said two weeks ago hes a deficit dinosaur. Hes one of the holdouts in the party. Hes come around. He says because when he looks at the big picture, he realizes americans are better off with this bill than without it. To get at this, the broader conversation who ultimately wins here. Republicans are making the argument of trust us. They insist americans will see the results here. That it will pay off for them ultimately. But it is a big gamble begin how unpopular the bill spp and how what it claims lit do for the middle class. Comes just in time for President Trump. It dud. Hes at the end of the year looking at not having a major ledge collation. The first year of office is when youre supposed to have the most political pull. Republicans have gone out on the limb of what they promise people will see. Trump talk about the bill in grand, historic terms. He talks about middle class families seeing a ton of money back in their pockets. Well see a little bit next year of the impact of this. This will be a longterm trend that could be a problem for republicans. Matt, i have to say, this son verge of passing. The president will sign it slew law. Based on egg we know about the president s tax you returns this is almost as if it was written to give the president a benefit we still havent seen the tax political impact at all. Besides the sub stant i problems with this, it doesnt simplify. Lit primarily benefit the wealthy. I think there ought to be a provision. That if you either have to voluntarily say how youre going benefit from a bill like this, if youre voting on it or going to sint, or there should be a provision that says, if youre going to benefit, you dont get the benefit on something you have voted on. To me, the republicans have abdicated fiscal conservativism. After they pass a bill that raises the debt by 1. 5 trillion and doesnt benefit the middle class. It fails to give any credit for broet in the economy and higher tax rev mus off a broader base and people making more money. I think thats just there is no evidence at the that will happen. In history. None. Thats not true. Yeah there was no growth after the reagan 196 tax bill. In h there was no growth. More people went to work. More people had higher wajs. On the point of simplification, lit simplify it. You double the standard deduction to almost 24,000 for married couples, that means 95 of the population is not going to itemize. That is simplification. There are some temporary gains here for workers. Temporary. Longterm permanent games for corporations. I dont want to lose the point of georges question. About how this directly benefits donald trump. I have to the blessing to serve overseas representing our country inspect is the kind of thing that we kritized autocrats for in other countries. No transparency here. The president is pushing a bill that he personally benefits from. We dont see his taxes. And we have this provision that seems to be a carveout for him, his soninlaw. And others who, happen to be that is not an incig knife captain thing here in the politics. Sit not a perfect bill. There are provisions that probably shouldnt be in there. However, when everybody gets tax cut, that includes the president and members of congress. I suppose. But not even has real estate llcs. Thats how he gets moat of hi income. Not everybody has an estate over 10 million. Is there these are fair points. People who make more money pay more taxes. When theres a tax cut, they themselves tepid to get more relief. That wont be the case in states like california and new york. There are many people frustrated by that. The average person understands the wealthier you are in america, the lower percentage your tax payments are. Its not a perfect bill. It will help everyone. One of the the big ricks for the president. You look at that bill in a political context. This president made real promises to real economically for years. And i was always struck when i would go out on the campaign trail last year, how much people believed in what he was saying. I dont think you can discount the idea that if he, and other wealthy americans and corporations are seen as the big win nrs this and average americans are getting 1500 or 2,000 in tax breaks, that is going to have a political impact. People in the country have looked the to donald trump to solve a lot of their problems. I dont think that will be the case. It needed to happen now because of tuesday. Republicans lose another seat. Doug jones probably coming in january 2nd. 5149, it is so close. Its why everyone is scrambling to digest a 1,000page bill. Whats interesting is, i republicans, though it puts them at such a disaadvantage, celebrating a loss like that. John cornyn didnt look that upset. They knew roy moore would be a headache for them on the hill and the campaign trail. They would rather deal with the democrat in that seat than that. Day cant be excited about the turnout numbers among africanamerican, young people, women in alabama. If you look at what happened in alabama from the exit polling and election results. The number one indicator of how people voted. We they turned out wasnt anything to do with roy moore and nothing to do with the sex allegations. It had everything to do with donald trump. That was the number one i had cater of how somebody would vote and if they were enthusiastic. You move into a midterm electionier, after watching what happened in alabama and taking what happened in new jersey and virginia. What happens in this is the wave now that is come, i about 7 or 8 feet sh its 11 or 12 feet. You have democrats win the house of receiptives. You now open the territory for people that did not think they could win. Is this its tough for the house because of the way that the districts are so protected by jerry manders. The 11point wave is the latest wall street journalnbc poll. That will be catastrophic for house majorities and probably the senate. If its truly is 11 points at the end of the day. Since 1942, president s under 50 in their job Approval Rating typically laz 3seats in the house. Thats the majority. Theres no way the to the will be above 50 by next year . No. I dont think the paradigm shift is enough. Those amp american numbers were impressive. In 2016, africanamerican turnout was down 4. 3 in the country. Over 5 in key battleground states. A africanamerican women have proven to be the bull wark. Africanamerican women have responded. Theyre watching this me too movement. Seven members of congress and the senate resign or say theyre not running again over the last two weeks. And this wave is lookly still at the beginning. Sources i have talked with, they know there are more to come. You had three members quit in one week. Theyre braced for that. They realize what were seeing may be the tip of the iceberg. You have Congress Working very quickly to put in place legislative solutions. Accountability in reporting. You have members of congress, justik find more information here. Given the way the system is set up, theyre trying to figure out who received settlements. How much money was paid off. Secret settlements paid for by taxpayers. This could lead to a purnl. Youre going to see the kind of turnover we havent seen in generations. This is affecting both sides of the aisle. This is not a republican or democratic problem. What is so stunning is the lack of transparency involving elected representatives using taxpayer dollars to make settlements. It has put the white house in an uncomfortable position. Because of, in part, the allegation dpeps President Trump. They have doubled down on the the idea they dont believe the women. They came forward and were not telling the truth. Youll see those women being more prom intercept heading into an election year. Were seeing a greater number of women running for house and senate seats and were seeing significant believe from republicans in the sub you ares. This is the season for the star wars release, the suburbs are striking back. Its affected washington, d. C. The republicans may not have a roy moore problem. They have a donald trump prom in this regard. It puts republican flaersd a tricky position. Theyre taking seriously any allegations against members of congress, it forces them to have to answer the question about comparisons to the president. And when that question is asked, the story is well, thats a didnt story. Is there we dont have jurisdiction. I thought the president s support for roy moore was calculated. Roy moore, you know, he denied all his allegations. Donald trump denies all his allegations. By definition, donald trufr had to support roy moore. Because if you deny your al dpagss, they must not be true. Does that peen they go away . And they wont. They may not cause him any more of a headache than they have this terms of p. R. Until and in which the house of representatives turns. In which case, not only does he have investigations intense on russia. Hell have very aggressive investigations on were hearing democrats talk about impeachment. Resignati resignation. In 1998, republicans pushed the impeachment card as far as they could. In a year when the democrats gained seats. Could they go too far here . Its politics. Its washington, d. C. Theres an instinct towards overreaching. It lets talk about where we are here. Its hard to go too far against somebody who releases a tweet against a standing u. S. Senator and basically tries to pardon my language, gillibrand from new york state. Donald trump has stretched all the boundaries of what might be too far in politics. There the base of the Democrat Party is not going to let them not impeach donald trump. 81 of 82 of democratic lasers at the last poll i saw said donald trump should be impeached. There is no way the democrats are not going to have to Start Holding impeachment hearings where the way the base feels. I think theres a lot of smoke swirling around. Not a smoking gun at this point. There are finger prints. There are fingerprints. The information during the flynn plea deal. There was contact with wrush ya. It with was more than mike flynn. Every piece of reporting we and others have done points to a lot of focus on what happened with the comey firing. I think obstruction is where a lot of this is going to go to. Its not 70 of people feel there is a worth chooil investigation to be done. Narrator the voters have spoken. But Mitch Mcconnell is trying to overrule the voters by jamming through the republican tax plan before alabamas new senator can vote. Its not right, and mitch knows it. Last time this happened, when a republican won a special election, mcconnell stopped all votes until that senator was seated. Mitch mcconnell the winner, whoever it is, should be sworn in promptly. Lets honor the wishes of the people. Tell him he should honor the wishes of the people now, too. Thats this week. That is all for us today. Check out world news tonight. Ill see you tomorrow on gma. It hospitals especially rural hospitals. Colleges. Senior centers. Local communities. All of them and more would be hurt by the house version of the new tax bill. The house bill would badly hurt the ability of nonprofits to finance bonds for urgently needed facilities. The Senate Tax Legislation rejected this damaging provision. And a long list of governors, mayors, and nonprofits all agree Congress Must fix the tax bill, and preserve access to taxexempt bonds. Sharyl calls this week for congress to investigate President Trumps ethics, but congress has a hard enough time investigating itself. Is it accurate to say that all of the ethics bodies that oversee congress in some way are created by or beholden to congress . Theres a builtin conflict of interest. Sharyl serious dysnfuction dates back to the late 1980s, when the ethics committees figured into an allout partisan war. Speaker wright all of us, in both political parties, must resolve to bring this period of mindless cannibalism to an end. There has been enough of it. Scott in whatever form it

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